Try to do everything that you reasonably can in order to offer your mother a sympathetic ear. My kids were disappointed that they didnt see him that much. I lost my Mom in July of 2003 to a form of lymphoma cancer. I lost my dad who had a great relationship with me for 50+ years.. My kids had a great grandpa for 15+ years. He was kind of a hermit. I gave them space and just pleasent with her thats it. For me, its not about replacing his wife or her presence in the family. I didnt even know if my dad was going to live and my mom had just past some months before and here I had to deal with her. Not only did he lose his mother but his stepdad was living it up laughing and smiling as if hed won the lottery. Truly let go of anger, regret, fear and sadness anything holding you down. It seems strained to me. I choose instead to honour my moms memory because she was a loving and gentle woman who he adored and loved. Ive tried telling him this, but he just insists that if she isnt part of something, he wont be either. I am in 12 grade and this thing has stuck in my mind which is degrading my performance in studies. She was diagnosised with pancreatic cancer and only lived for 20 monthsthose 20 months were so hard on her. Dear Therapist: I Cant Turn to My Mom for Support After My And how can I have respect for the other woman who can so easily insert herself into a deceased womans home? My daughter is a teenager, just learning about boys and relationships and THIS is the example she gets? Let me preface that by stating Im an only child and he is really the only family I have, outside of my husabnd and kids. So it could give you all a place to work out your many feelings. So after telling myself You wouldnt want him to be alone when hes old guess what? We have spent the past 21 months gradually allowing everyone to adjust to this new life. When I asked him about it, he says, Hes sure that Ellen will most likely give it back to me and my brother when she dies. Im highly doubtful about that. Rusty, I think that most of us want our fathers to be happy and we dont mind so much that they are seeing a new person. I am not that kind of person. Does that sound like someone else making a choice over which I had no control? The love of our lives died right in front of us, helpless, all our dreams to grow old together and spend the golden years taking care of each other, see our grandchildren grow up, be with our best friend forever just vanished in front of us. Two days later she arrived with baked goods for my dad. Now, less than a year after my mom died, here was my dad taking a woman out for Valentines Day? She was so quiet and boring, nothing like my mom at all. My mother died in Aug. 2006 and my Dad just started dating a women a month ago. I'm an American with T-Mobile. I think that the parent should be concerned with how their children (even if theyre adults) feel about them dating again. Better yet, cook a meal with her. But then again, it is Till death do us part. Its been a long nearly 10 years since my Mom passed away and while I hate to bring religion or the afterlife into the conversation, I do believe I will see my Mom again one day. I was very honest with him about my feelings as well, talking about how upset it makes me that neither of my parents will be around to see me get married, or have children, things like that. My friend arrived to hear her say Well cant she just call a garage instead of bothering us. Never mind that she had been doing my father the favour by giving me the lift in the first place. You are behaving with more emotional maturity than he is showing. She has tried to talk to me on the phone, but I have nothing to say to her because I do not like what she has done. I know how you feel. As women, we certainly know that men and women think & act totally different from one another. At this point, I am already now considering not attending Thanksgiving if she will be in attendance because the pain is still too great, especially for the first holiday without my Mom. I wish you well and hope that your pain is healing and that your children are coping with their loss. I'm so, so sorry for your loss- You sound like an incredible and caring family, and losing a member of that family must be really difficult for all of you. John Pete is online at It was profoundly lonely and its not just the loss of intimicy, its more then that. We were home a week then they left again on a trip to Hawaii. Know that there is someone in England who is thinking of you and hoping you find your way. I am actually planning a wall dedicated to our late spouses and children. Missing dad will never go away but finally that's no longer the dominant thing running through her head. Ellen started telling me she loved me. At the time she barely knew me as I had just been an acquaintance in the past! I am afraid he is going to make a mistake that will cause a rift in our already hurting family. Hopefully you all got the gist of my situation. Im so pleased I found this site as I thought I was alone in what Im feeling! Its been five months since she passed but I knew for nearly a year that she was going to die, it was a matter of time and that was that. She would repeat herself, tell weird stories, slur her speach. I was polite to her and to my dad. Been just have to be there for her. I cant pretend to like someone. My father died unexpectedly the day after Christmas 2008. It was both a good thing for separation from the all-consuming disease and bad, because I selfishly didnt have to share the burden my Dad did. Its very hard to accept that which you have no control over. Three months after my mothers passing, it really starts to hit me. He had changed his will so Stepmother #2 can live in his house as long as she chooses to do so. I do know that I took my Dads death much harder than my mother did. WowI really feel your pain. My mother seemed to have a feeling that my dad would move on quickly. I never got to really have my father to myself growing up and even more now. By March he had sold everything except the rest of here jewelry and which my sister an I were supposed to go thru but my sister has been sick and has not been able to get here. She claims there is nothing wrong. Maybe help her out around the house. You will be able to move on. I never expected my Dad to be alone after my Mom passed, but I sure didnt expect him to suddenly turn into Mr. My dad just expects me to accept her and she might even be moving in to my house in the next few months which I rather live on the street than live with her. That is what mom wanted and he has failed miserably in the 6 months since her death. My husband and father-in-law were working together in a family print shop and had been for seven years. See a pattern, most of the blogs are about dads who took up women for happiness or coping. The day she got rushed to the hospital was the first time I had ever seen my dad cry. I hope in time you will be able to move on with the full support and blessing of those around you. It was a shock!! 2. I asked where is this all coming from he says he has the need for speed. father Shes actually a neighbor, and lives in her sisters house, 1 court down from my dad. I should also mention that he is well aware that some of the children, who were especially close to Mom, are struggling a great deal with this. Now a word to those of you that think your dad or your mom or whoever is moving on too soon, and cite for evidence it has only been 2 years, or 5 months, or 1 year, or whatever. Nice. They had never been really close other than the usual run ins at family BBQs. Some of you are just beginning the grieving process with very painful sentiments of loss and you need time to heal. Some people says thats long enough but i dont feel that way. He just doesnt mention this womans name to us anymore. Your counsellors attitude is beyond comprehension! I will leave you with a beautiful bible passage He is planning on having some woman, who he has only met less than 2 months ago on a chat messenger program, stay in the house and attend our Thanksgiving family function (the first one since my Mom passed away, which is almost too hard to bear right now). I have 2 older sisters. WebA legal document directed the family home gets sold after the father died. My dad knows Im not for him being with anyone else in more than a platonic way. She is very social and loved the friendships she made there and the daily opportunity to connect with others and the group activities offered. We all want that. This lola lady died last summer. So 10 months we met her and now he wants this woman in our lives. Seeing my father sneaking across the landing at night was excruciating. Wow Andrea. I completely was disgusted , It was too soon! It is very sad, but after 2 and half years I havent been able to talk to them more than 2 times, they are reluctant to meet me, and I respect their feelings but I dont understand them. I feel that it might be easier to accept the situation if she also took our feelings into consideration and explained to us what she is feeling/needing and how the situation changed so drastically within just a few weeks time. old and can do what he wants without anyone approval, yet Im the one who he called when something needed done or needed help with my mom. Live ends and the rest of people around the one who died have to keep on living. I did not handle it well at all. I believe that a photo of a late husband or wife has a place in a new home. I was so furious and from the moment Ive met her I have completely resented her and my dad. Just email me at: I lost my mother almost a year ago (Feb. 2008) and my father started spending time with an old friend from his past, 8 months later. As I said, I had not had time to even grieve my Mother and I felt like some people were trying to push me into being this womans daughter! His depression has been lessening considerably because of it. I wanted to punch her in the face because she followed up that statement with she loved my father and next thanks giving would be better. You dont state his age but he may face old age alone. He thinks we should just be fine it! He marries another old family friend. Unlike some women who date men so soon; no one could accuse her of trying too hard to fit, in or indeed trying at all! I am very sensitive to the ACs loss and feelings about the loss of their mother. Good luck and goodbye Mother Dear! I am in the same ship as most of you. 7 Ways to Help a Parent Who Has Lost a Spouse About 8 months or so ago, he informed me that he was going out-of-town to meet a woman he had meet on an online dating site who lived in a nearby town. He left immediatly after we ate. I dont really care hows she feels and I feel like I have every right to talk about my mother whenever I feel like it, in front of her or not. They have always fought and split all through the years vowing never to speak again. He did not try to do anything and a day or so later said he didnt know who started it. Its a destination wedding and he has told her that he wont be able to make it because of work. My mom is having a really hard time. Too much change and no way to navigate through it or interpret it. Boy was she right. Which was the first time I had done so in front of my in-law(s). Your father has his grandchildren because he has you. Not so much anymore. My mom was vivacious and full of laughter and life. I feel exactly as you have written. We have not even gone thru my moms stuff yet. Lets just say from the rehab center she was supposed to come home Friday, and then on Thurs. Until I realized that I still had my dad and I dont want to lose my dad if I still have a chance to have my father in my life. My mother passed away from cancer in 2007. That would not be my idea of telling those who are angry, devastated, confused and yes feeling it is wrong, disrespectful and hurting the very person you say you want to make happy in the end, DOES CLASS AND DECENCY RIGHT A BELL IN YOUR INCONSIDERATE AND SELFISH MIND? I had a conversation with him already telling him that he should not bring his gf to our home but after a year of my moms death he seemed to forget about everything we talked about and has started allowing her to sleep in our house! And you children may not understand what we go thru. NTA. When I left my first wife and moved in with my (then) girlfriend to whom Im now married, my eldest son who was about 23 at the time, called me up Then she calls him back saying she just needs to hear his voice. I could never come into a situation with the full support of the grown kids. She shouldn't make any big decisions (my mom kept talking about selling the house and moving, for example, even though she loves it there) until she is settled down and has adjusted to the new normal. I feel this women is just looking to have someone take care of her and support her, and that she is hoping to move into my parents house. I did not do anything wrong other than fall in love with their awesome dad. I knew he was dating but he had never told me, id even met his girlfriend and he told me she was a friend. Los angeles resident abbe andersen took care of immediate kin spouse, we planned a dear carolyn: my dad dated several. 1) remarrying within 8 months of your spouses death and wanting to insert the new wife into everyones life regardless of their feelings; And I will make sure that we maintain a relationship with my Father-in-law. I have been loving. Is she my cup of tea? Whether at the giving end of things or the receiving endwe want to hear from you. Im and always had been very very close to my parents, especially my mom. Moving on with life as he says. WebWhile it's reasonable to ask him to find his own place because money isn't an issue, you can't expect him to leave on the spot. Minister here. They are accepting of his new relationship whereas I am not. I WAS SO RELIEVED!! Who do they call when something tears up? Things that I feel need to stay in the family. That was almost 3 years ago. It may not have been a perfect life or relationship, but it was better than this. done. I will love him forever and no one will take his place. His girlfriend had the nerve to come without him, then pull me aside when she was there just to tell me that she wasnt trying to replace my mom and we should honor her at all occasions. I sometimes try to step back and look at both sides. When my dad passed away he made it clear he wanted my aunt (who had been his caregiver) to have his house. We had no problems with this arrangement I love the attention self care is getting in social media. In the end my father refused help. What do I do? And kicked the dog out of his bedroom. My Mum died almost 2 years ago in Sept 2011. It is almost like two deaths in one. Im sad, scared, confused and irritated with myself for petty immature thoughts. over grown bushes, stuff left out every where, the house has an HOA and he is on the board and house looks like crap. After having lost perhaps one of the most important people in our lives, our mothers, we have now lost our fathers, as their behaviors have become inappropriate and they sincerely do not care how we feel. We do not live together. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres. Life is short. Free moment they are on mom's. Get out of the house if it is depressing her. How do I make peace with no longer having a relationship with my father and his lack of relationship with my daughters? He said just for companionship and a friend. Your mom sounds like someone who tries very hard to be self-sufficient - which means you may not know the extent to which she relied on your dad. The problem is, even if the relationship is short-lived the pain it has already caused will not heal. Me & my sister who actually own the house these deadbeats are living in. He lives alone just waiting for her to phone or say she will visit him. All those years of trying to cope because I didnt want him to be alone were wasted. Without going into to much detail, I explained to my children that I will always love Daddy and that he will always have a special place in my heart but Im still here and I want to live life. Then in the late to early 2016 my Mom started loosing weight, Then she went to a gastric doctor who did test after test and said he saw nothing. My dad began dating a woman about 5 or 6 months later. Basically, if I didnt offer to help, this is the route it would have gone. But if you don't have advance notice (or that type of relationship), be gentle with yourself. He still is helping me with money and will send me checks to help me pay for things since Im completely on my own now but the dad that I had growing up is pretty much gone. What my husband and I did years ago is none of her business anyway. Its not like I want to be angry or that I want my dad to spend the rest of his life in mourning. I cannot stress how thoroughly unpleasant she is and my Dad has increasingly become. He had actually showed some sort of care for her. I have said from the beginning, my father us a grown man and he can do whatever he wants, but it doesnt mean I have to like it. I believe that you could give the other person a chance to get to know them, isolation doesnt help in any way. My mom passed on in Jan/2009. So she is moving in here where i live, into my mothers space. Can you find a friend who will just listen and not judge? This happened twice before he moved back home for good. Not going through joyous good years of their partner is one widower. Needless to say, my father, sister and I were devastated. Totally inappropriate! You don't have to take over for him forever, but it may be a good idea to do as much in this respect as you can until she gets more used to being alone, and then you can slowly cut back and she can get used to doing all of these things for herself. Thanks for an opportunity to vent although in a sense it is 35 years too late! Two years is not nearly as long as many people might think when it relates to the loss of a loved one. My Mom died December 5th, 2012. Also, new caveat she is now on our family plan because its cheaper, for her, and bc she dropped her phone in a toilet on accident.. I dont blame him. I, too, was very close to my mom. I feel like I am alone in this, and it is very hard for me to be a grown up about it. My dad passed in 2004 and my stepmother inherited nearly all of my mothers nestegg intended for her children. I question my Dad, he says it is temporary until she finds a condo to buy. Being with my father when he died taught me more about life than death. I have tried to explain to him how I feel and I think he just gets upset and really doesnt understand. I can never reach him on the phone in the evenings (we live in two different towns). Within 4 months of her diagnosis, she was gone! Unfortunately, due to the selfishness of the woman concerned, my sister and I are the ones looking after my father. We never built a very close relationship while my mother was alive, but now that she's gone we find ourselves calling each other constantly. I would follow them several paces behind when they went to the cemetery perhaps seeking absolution. I asked my father-in-law about this and he said he never would do such a thing. Ive sought counsel elsewhere, in real life and on the internet, and it always amounts to a guilt trip: How dare I try to deprive my father of happiness? Im sure by the end of the year there will be an announcement of a wedding. He leaves work and goes straight to her house and is there until bedtime. We are very compatible and truly love spending time together. It seems petty and immature and dramatic for me to kick up a fuss about his new relationship. I held her hand while she took her last few breaths. But guess what? He absolutely is seeking your approval for his happiness he simply isnt going about it in the right way. a Family Member That's what people do when they start their own families. These are the only options I see and it is a tragedy that they all mean the most pain is experienced, as always, by the innocent party. I felt guilty when I said I dont want to meet him, but since reading everyones comments I know im not an evil person for feeling that way. e treats us is certainly not making me happy. I want to meet his daughters, I dont want to replace his late wife. Perhaps the longer the marriage, the greater their need to have another companion someone to soothe their hurt. Tell your father he can see you and the children when this relationship is repaired. Now he has found a lady friend, a very nice woman his age and of the catholic faith like him. We were married for 22 years and have many happy memories to keep. He sold them took the money. My dad has also been lazy too since it. Im sure people have different views on this. If that is not what he wants, the answers are no. The house that he and my mom picked out before she got sick. I'm 24 and the youngest of two daughters; we both live away from home but within a 10 minute drive. Practice remembering hard, so that you still can when you're older. I can not understand their position. I have done my parents bills since 1977 but when I was extremely sick in 2014-2015 he told me he would take care of them. She lives about 20 minutes away. We are in the same scenarios, so I wont get into it. 2. Mom put to death at her own request after murdering her 5 kids This story has been shared 97,343 times. For me this is not a game but it seems to be for him. Your mom sounds very lazy and manipulative. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He kept complaining that the food wanst ready soon enough, that it was taking too long, and kept telling everyone else that he had somewhere else to be.