The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work More A Stitch in Time by Will 0the Wisp, Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by the user sanva is a novel length work of fanfiction posted onto Archive of Our Own on October 31, 2016, Valar Botis is an ongoing work that explores what would happen if Jon Snow was stuck in a Groundhog Day style loop. The eldest of Craster's daughter-wives was named Morag in the show, but her name is changed to Daella here. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. After the scarred man saved you. When he settled himself again, the warmth returned. What's a God to a Non-believer? One team, a murder of crows, was allowed to take flight again after years since their devastating loss during the Spring tournament. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Fix-it scenes between Christopher/Thomas, Christopher/James, Christopher/Jesse, Grace/Jesse, Grace/Cordelia and James, Grace/Matthew will hopefully be satisfying. Not to me.. Daenerys' inner thoughts blame Varys, Tyrion, and Sansa (in that order) for manipulating Jon into killing her and doesn't give a whit of thought to the thousands she burned in King's Landing. Littlefinger, outside of his need to sow chaos. But that was not who she was now. Had he not also felt like hed drank a winesink dry the night before, he might have enjoyed the sensation more. Instead, he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. And a girl who definitely isn't what she appears setting an impossible task. Slack and colourless, the blood long drained through the gaping wounds in his upper body. Words: 145,469. DISCONTINUED In Chapter 27, Stannis declares he is setting off for Dragonstone to marshal the Royal Fleet. Melisandre shook her head slowly, as if this were a negative thing. For my new readers I hope you enjoy the story, thank you for reading! Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 49,373 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work centers around Jon Snow being sent back in time due to Melisandres rituals and spells. And fate takes a new path. Too bright. Leo's been alive for 40 long, long years, so he would've hoped by now he'd've learned something. I adored watching her find out everything she could aboutDaenerys and then use that information to her advantage. Winter is always coming, and even family, duty and honour are at odds sometimes. For this chance, they had given everything. Where are they now? Jon Arryn survives after 298 AC after Littlefinger is arrested in 293 AC; Littlefinger manages to escape but is in no position to orchestrate his death. I couldnt allow the North to go through yet another war, Sansa, especially not one against dragons.. Scan this QR code to download the app now. So, They all (The Seven, the Old Gods and the Lord of Light) decided to work together to send key players back to before the Game was solidified. He was tall and rugged looking and, to his near giddy relief, they both had the sigil of House Stark embroidered into their outer garments. "You have taken something that you could not even attempt to wrap your head around. Lyra is She was taught to play the Game of Thrones. As for the twins that were given to Lord Eddard Stark, warden of the North, are Zyta Baratheon is the only child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. His eyes widened in shock at the state of it. Progress was slow and slowed further as the sun began to set and he cut his feet again. Time Travel Fix-It - Works | Archive of Our Own Even though he was undoubtedly many leagues from Oldtown, just having somewhere to aim for renewed his sense of direction and gave him something to focus on. This genuinely might be my favorite Jonsa fic ever. Minimal Theme designed by Artur Kim. Required fields are marked *. Ned writes that he's rejecting Robert's suit for Sansa's hand. Then she woke up a week before her half-brother's second name day, decidedly alive. She snipped at his wet hair, speaking her incantations to Rhllor, before dropping the cuttings into the brazier at Jon Snows head. Oh my, youre not Ned at all, are you? Then her eyes raked over his battered and wounded chest, horror returning to her features in a heartbeat. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? For one cold moment, Ser Davos feared the beast had curled up died as a show of solidarity to his slain master. I am Brandon of House Stark and this here is my sister, Lady Lyanna.. But at least, after all these years, the pack is finally back together. I adore literally everything about this fic. Five years pass between Chapters 21 and 22. He doesnt answer her question. As some final, empty show of respect, he placed Longclaw back at Jons side, closing his cold stiff hand over the hilt and headed for the door himself. His indeterminate black out and the thin mountain air conspired to make his head spin as he took his first tentative steps. Renly marries Margaery Tyrell; this time it's Robert's idea so he can get Renly and the Tyrells off his back about marrying Margaery after the Lannincest is revealed. Jon Snow Timetravel fics. Grace invents time travel in order to go back and save Christopher. As with everything this author writes, this fic is so satisfying in the best possible way! Jon is such an angry version of himself, but it works so well in this fic where he has been forced to rule a country he never even wanted to reside in. Post s8 (partially) epistolary fic in which Sansa and Jon begin exchanging letters to find comfort, solace and, eventually, forgiveness. Everyone wants her, especially Prince Joffrey. Post season 7 fic. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. We love wolves.. The Northerners are furious, Arya can hardly look at him, Bran needs to tell him something important, and Sansa well, Sansa is haunting Jons every thought. @lady-questfire I hope you enjoy them all! Jay Merrick is a Godless man but oh does he pray when weird things start happening to him and his friends. Sam! His old friends name even tasted sweet on his lips as he spoke it aloud. Why do I struggle to find the words?, Her sisters grey eyes study her face attentively for a heartbeat. Brandon and Lyanna had clearly ridden out ahead of the others, stretching their horses legs. Tywin mentions that Grand Maester Pycelle is passing information from King's Landing to Casterly Rock. Sansa goes south to save him. -oneshot and drabble collection Luckily, the Mandalorian and baby Yoda in question are good at adapting, and Senator Bail Organa has close ties with the Jedi. Sansa finds herself back in Winterfell, separated from her family by distance, duty and yet another secret, raising another bastard child as she rebuilds herself, the castle and the North. Just then, a sharp loud gasp sounded as he reached the threshold. Then she made her own way there, and stood waiting. More character tags to be added when fic updates. Standing again, he wrapped the loin cloth around his hips, where it hung to mid-thigh, easily preserving his modesty and a little dignity. The fic is very well-written so enjoy if you check this one out! I cant I dont-, Dont fret on it, said Brandon. Technically she came back right (without the magic Bloodraven siphoned to her), but that means she is much weaker than she was in the old timeline. In spring, I move. ~ Henry Rollins. Curiosity clearly piqued, Brandon let go of Jons shoulders to look at Longclaw. But there was no one there. By the time she did that, her companion had caught them up and was now dismounting his huge destrier war horse. Perhaps you dont know what to say., I do, Sansa states without hesitation. Oh my gosh, this fic! Summary:When the Winterfellians learn that Cersei has hired men to kidnap Sansa, they decide that Sansa needs to run away and Jon volunteers to protect her. rambo bred blueticks Anger and disappointment vied against each other among Davos feelings. Only when he was thoroughly clean did she begin her incantations. As Jon Snow lays dying on the ground at Castle Black, he witnesses another Red Comet before he fades from the world. 'Rose pulled them close, forcing them to look into her eyes. All I remember is throwing my sword into those bushes so they wouldnt be able to steal it.. Tywin very rarely paces, considering the practice a waste of movement. Robert Baratheon gets wind of Joffrey's parentage and realizes that he has no successor. Much too bright. The Jonsa fics I am writing can be found on AO3! With literally nothing else to lose but his life, he positioned himself in the middle of the tracks. Trapped in the past (rewrite) Fanfiction After Melisandre tries to bring Jon Snow back to life, she succeed, but he doesn't wake up, she somehow sent his mind six years into the past, where it was the beginning of the downfall of house Stark, while Jon wakes up and remembers everything, Sa. Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. The plot isincredible the characterizations are great, the endings of the villains work perfectly in the story, all the Starks are so smart and actually use the abilities theyve spent seasons gaining, and the ending is perfect! Now she has to deal with new allies, foes, and threats like never before. Cyegha is The Destroying Eye from another universe, and Beholding learns of it at The End of Everything. Ned? she gasped. The life fading by the second as they met with their killer's chocolate brown eyes. Other than that, there was a small cloth covering him and Longclaw had slipped from his hands as he regained consciousness. Ser Alliser had been the ringleader, with Bowen Marsh and Ollie. Every day. Really everyone brought back by the Lord of Light has this problem, but Jon had it worse than most because Bloodraven tampered with his. After the events of Doomstar Requiem, Magnus somehow finds himself reliving his past. I adore this fic so much! Five years after the destruction of Kings Landing, Starks emerge from the godswood of Winterfell. She soothed her mount before jumping from the saddle. But when the sound of voices did reach him, it brought no relief. A time for wolves will come again. As the burning in his eyes subsided, he rolled over onto his side and breathed in the rich scent of earth and grass. She apologised, but Im the one who should ask for forgiveness. It felt like he was the last person alive in the whole country. Summary:Jon and Arya return to Winterfell proceeding the sack of Kings Landing to help rebuild their childhood home and a fallen Westeros. Snow works throughout the work to get back to his own time period before those he cares about, including his sister-turned-cousin Sansa. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 39,051 Canon Compliant through: 6x08, Summary:For some reason, its Theon Greyjoys voice in Rickons head as he begins to run. - Small mentions only of other ships. Gilly's mother was not identified in the books or show. Time Travel AU | FanFiction Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. Lord Eldon Estermont, a background character from the books whose main distinctions are being the uncle of the Baratheons and a. Ser Brynden "Blackfish" Tully is mainly a supporting character to Robb and Catelyn in the books and show. A faint flush of embarrassment crept over her face. Daenerys considers the person she was when she married Khal Drogo as having died with her husband in the previous timeline. Just another post-S7 fic. But she didnt let her fear or shock overawe her for long. Robert eventually gets wind of it and has Pycelle thrown in the Black Cells, leaving his work to be carried out by various assistants. Magnus expected to die. Originally posted on the website on July 16, 2015, Robb Returns is an ongoing work updated regularly. Shaking off Lyannas arms, he staggered back to his feet and attempted walking. Nothingand everythinghas changed. And then there's the growing question of his mother. Why isnt he waking?, What are you asking me for? In 1984, Steve Harrington wakes up in the hospital after a car crash he can't remember. As withmany fics, I want to lock the two of them in a closet and not let them out till they talk to each other! Rooster closes his eyes and lets the force pull him to the dark. Given a chance she never thought possible, she makes a choice, even as she grapples with how to achieve her goals. Summary:Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant. Are you all right? (and that the characters deserved) (yeah ill die mad about s8, sue me), This fic was fabulous. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. According to Blackfish Tully, his brother Hoster has always been one of these, as shown when he married his two daughters to Lords Paramount in Robert's Rebellion. "Do you see me now?" Please consider turning it on! Realising that if he stayed here he would die for certain, he slowly winched himself back to his feet. To those who did not know him, only the Valyrian steel longsword laid next to the body offered a clue to Jon Snows true status. Fixing it in place with his sword belt, he began cautiously treading around the loose rocks again, heading downhill. There are many original characters because the bulk of the story takes place before canon, therefore there are many characters, like Lyanna Stark, who are present but are dead in canon. It isn't terribly difficult, making The Archivist into an Eldritch fear Entity when the rules of reality don't apply. She pressed down on his heart, voiced her final incantation and pressed her hands down. She cannot afford to let herself feel now. He nodded to the young maid who was behind Jon now, studying Longclaw where it had been thrown into the bushes. According to The Stranger, this is what happened to Jon in Season 6 because Jon lost the ability to listen to good advice., Hello everyone, i found jon snow time travel fics are either rare or not well written, hence i decided to write one my self. Ned reveals Jon's parentage to Catelyn in Chapter 24. So when he starts pacing while reading Robert's declaration of war on the Lannisters, Kevan knows something is up. North of the Wall? They stabbed me; tried to kill me. The problem? Believing that Robert would kill him for failing to find Littlefinger's financial books and possibly withholding information about Cersei and Jaime's incest, Varys flees to White Harbor with Barristan Selmy, Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, and Tyrion Lannister, Ned will not be joining the rest of the kingdoms against the Lannisters and is declining Robert's suit for Sansa's hand, he picks up his chair and. Now that Eren activated the rumble and became one with Ymir causing him to activate the full power of the Founding Titan regardless of whether he did not belong to the royal family lineage, what to do now? He asked, voice trembling as he ran steady fingers through Hermione's hair. For more information, please see our Varys, Ser Barristan, Tyrion, Myrcella, and Tommen. They have accomplished the mission successfully, and he may finally see his parents after so many years. and our Im in love with the plot and Sansa is so brilliant and badass throughout every second. This fic is so full of Jonsa feels that it makes you want to burst. None of it was possible. i have no experience whatsoever in writing before ,so if i make any mistakes, please let me know in the comments and help me out basically. From one end of the galaxy to the other, they make many a friend and foe. The political landscape has changed in the aftermath of Daenerys Targaryens decimation of Kings Landing. I thought you were with the others?. "Come to bed Jon," She said then, her voice sultry smooth, like silk. Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. She glanced up again and gave him a wave as he turned to get her back in his line of vision. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4004), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (511), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (473), - | Mdo Zsh - Mxing Tngxi (465), Ln Zhn | Ln Wngj/Wi Yng | Wi Wxin (379), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (247), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (197), Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (175), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2842), Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Original Female Character/Original Nonbinary Character, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Mikasa Ackerman & Armin Arlert & Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman & Erwin Smith & Mike Zacharias & Hange Zo, 104th Training Corps Ensemble & Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun & Bertolt Hoover & Annie Leonhart & Eren Yeager, Marcel Galliard | Berwick & Porco Galliard & Eren Yeager, Pieck Finger & Porco Galliard & Eren Yeager & Zeke Yeager, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss & Eren Yeager, 104th Training Corps Ensemble (Shingeki no Kyojin), Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Carole Bradshaw & Nick "Goose" Bradshaw & Peter "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Basically Bradley goes back to 1986 and fixes many things, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Jay Merrick/Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Bless I would never do our lesbian queen dirty, Skully/Brian Thomas | Hoody/Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Time Loop starts a bit later into the story, Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Brian Thomas | Hoody has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder. This fic is lovely and so far its been really interesting to get inside Jon and Sansas heads as they contemplate their relationship and everything thats happened to them since they were firstseparated when Jon left for Dragonstone. He starts trying to fix this problem by arranging a betrothal between himself and Sansa. She loves her family fiercely, despite the things they put people through. Warm and soft as a mothers embrace was what it felt like. starts taking on aspects of Stannis, most notably his tooth grinding. From there, the pair make their way through a pre-Imperial galaxy, causing a political incident or two along the way. She pulled the cloak off her back and threw it around his shoulders. Lady Bolton. The whole team of Karasuno travelled back in time, to the beginning of their rise as a powerhouse. Embittered by being sent to the Wall after his years of service, he manipulated events so he could return to Westeros in another's body and exile the last Targaryen. It wasnt Jons wolf either; Ghost lay sleeping by his dead masters side, with not even a twitch of his tail to betray any sign of life. If Homura can keep everyone alive, she might just win this time. In the process, all of Christopher's friends and family contribute to the mission. Hes back! he called out to the others whod already retreated. Here, he gets his own POV. Instead, he offers an explanation. At least it is according to tvtropes so ? The Old Gods and the New are smiling down on you, by the looks of it. jon snow x oc season 1 - season 8. While frightening to most you found a certain comfort in his presence. Landing somewhere between Robb Returns and The Raven's Plan , "There and Back Again" is a Game of Thrones Peggy Sue fanfic where Jon Snow is sent back in time to fix his mistakes and become King.