Ethiopias first elections are no longer the last elections. Puerto Rico can no longer reunite with a non-existing USA, Austria can no longer take the decision to intervene in WK2 on Germanys behalf if it is currently at war with Germany (duh), Fixed the Red Pope outcome for John XXIII if he is already Pope, Fixed the cancel triggers for Anqing's LEP war missions. Releasing NatPop Russia as a puppet will now have Anastasy Vonsiatsky as its leader instead of Boris Savinkov. Changed the version of Sarie Marais for one more period appropiate and removed the Anthem as it was a duplicate of a different song that was already there. Added two new Shan integration events for Yunnan. Fixed Burma starting with 100% stability (due to a typo, they started with 4500% stability instead of 45%, and the game reduced it to 100%). The IMRO will now stay around for longer if Bulgaria is NatPop and controlled by a player. Fixed Costa Rica's Ferrer not being able to reunite Central America. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hello everyone! Fixed Bulgaria potentially getting cores on Constantinople. Fixed a Norway national spirit giving the wrong type of ideological drift. Fixed Germany not being able to access the Economic Boom national focus. Fixed South Africa not being released as the Federation by Entente allies. Fixed von Ungern-Sternberg not staying in power, when set to do so by the Mongolian game rule. Tibetan Division Numbering shall always skip #12 from now on. Socialist Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will now join the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale, rather than the Third Internationale, should it exist. Fixed Chile's troops being stranded in Paraguay due to Patagonia un-puppeting itself. Fixed a mistake in which Ragnar Colvin was using a portrait photo of John Gregory Crace. Fixed the text for Floyd Olsons death - should correctly display the loc for if he dies mid-war vs after the war. Adjusted the Russian party descriptions and full names. The main purpose of this is to aid the AI, preventing it from frequently sending its forces back and forth between the two fronts of the war. Fixed the Netherlands wrong news event firing when Juliana becomes a monarch. The news event for America being at war with Japan now only fires after the American Civil War is concluded. Fixed an event showing for Peru that wasnt supposed to be visible. Fixed an exploit allowing Poland to potentially claim the entire world. Fixed a continuity error regarding the leader of Polands MarLibs. Updated Chads party names, and starting party popularities. Fixed three Bulgarian national foci with contradictory triggers. Tweaked Greeces AI to declare war more often, if it is on the Expansionist path. Fixed Sichuan being able to reach negative opium spread values. Buffed the national spirits for liberal Ottomans. Fixed the Ottoman Kadroist game rule from not working, and prevented some potential bugs in other game rules. Fixed a West Indies Federation event not modifying the NCP concessions national spirit, if it's already present. Fixed the Russian Socialists adding someone to the Phalanstre when they have already been added. Berlin is now the starting capital of the North German Federation if they own it. Fixed Sichuan not being able to complete New Commercial Zones. The Entente's peace with China now hands over the Legation Cities and Tibet if owned. The participants in the Spanish Civil War now get part of the Kingdom's stockpile upon spawning. Fixed the placement of Turkeys Zonguldak railway from its respective national focus. Decentralist Ottomans no longer annex Arabia or Oman by default - instead, it happens if they choose the Secure the Persian Gulf route. Norway now starts with the Reconnaissance tech. Buffed Shanxis New Central Army national spirit, so that it doesnt result in 0% recruitable manpower when combined with other debuffs. Decreased the duration of Polands Slay the Hydra of Capitalism national focus. If the strikes cancel Canadas decision to attack the CSA, half of Canadas PP is refunded. The conversion of civilian factories to military is no longer instantaneous. Fixed puppet Italian Republic or Socialist Italy not having claims on the rest of Italy. Moved several sea tiles from the East Africa Coast and South West Indian Ocean, to the Mozambique Channel. Fixed German East Asia losing its generals upon capitulation instead of annexation. Fixed overlapping French Republic national focuses in the focus tree. Fixed Ibn Sauds portrait getting overwritten by vanilla HoI4s. Fixed a focus tree lockout in al-Hashimis Iraq. Removed Alfredo Stroessner as a general for Paraguay, and added Vicente Machuca. Added a way for Paraguay to join Uruguays allied faction. Brazil should now receive events about American refugees earlier in the war, Bolivian companies are now available to the PBC, Syndie Peru should now leave the Buenos Aires-Lima Pact, Touched up state ambitions and potential claims in South America, should lead to more consistent peace conferences. Fixed Sardinia being unable to core Piedmont, if they join the Italian Confederation. The Carlists now keep Spain's claims on its colonies. The next scheduled release will be 0.14, barring any unforeseen major bugs that crop up, and in the meantime stay safe and plague-free. Fixed Anqing not being able to core the concessions. Fixed Latvia's decision to join the Internationale not appearing. Updated Japans war declaration AI to account for the new setup. Refactored the Issue of Lemberg, regarding what Austria does with Lemberg once Poland obtains Krakw. Germany will now take land in Britain and in France, even if they agreed to the Halifax Conference, but will be immediately prompted to return it after the peace conference. Totalist Peru is no longer able to join the Internationale. Fixed Mittelafrikan events referring to Goering when he is not the leader. Improved the AI factors for South Africa's focus tree. PSA's leaders can join the primaries in the case of a peaceful reunion. Fixed rump Austria keeping its claims on Hungary. Nerfed some Egyptian national spirits and national focus effects. Its time for Beta 0.12! Russia gets Ukrainian generals, admirals and the navy when annexing Ukraine in the Treaty of Pereyeslav, Converted most of the Polish foreign policy into decisions, Transamur can get their voting rights on the Legation Council restored, Added events to show what the decisions to prosecute the criminals actually mean, Colombia can now only choose Crusade Against Syndicalism if led by Pinilla (the decisions only worked for him anyway), Shortened the time between the USA's trial focus and the trial events, Luxembourg can now be granted to an allied France or Germany, Other Italian states are now more likely to agree to peaceful annexation, Italian faction-joining and war declaration decisions are now instant, Italian AI will now wait 30 days after peace before joining a faction, Belgrade Pact members will now never refuse to join, Afghanistan will now lose claims on Indian territory after losing to Delhi, Removed events allowing France to event-annex Belgium mid-war, Acting against Black Monday is no longer costlier than doing nothing, Changed the layout of the Chinese faction alignment chart, Perezs Venezuela can now join any faction the US is part of, Japan can no longer build a reactor in 1940, Transamur isnt a Japanese puppet at game start anymore, Russia can now seize Greater Armenia when the Ottomans collapse, A socialist coup in the Netherlands will now disband the BeNeSam, The Carlists dont sack the royal palace in the news event if they take Madrid, Added annexation missions for Estonia and Latvia, Brazil can choose to join the Entente in exchange for East Guyana, Egypt now releases puppets in former Ottoman lands if they chose to do so in the conference, If Fengtian rebels, Japan now installs Tang Shaoyi as leader of the Reorganized Government of the Republic of China instead of annexing China, The CSA can now join the Internationale if at war with an Entente PSA, Canada will no longer intervene in the ACW if the Deal with the Devil is active, SocDem Brazil can now support the CSA in the ACW, Puppet Hannover has been renamed to the North German Federation, Serbia can no longer drag Russia into a war with Austria before the WK2, Fixed Canadian MarkLib government not being switched to SocLib when Mackenzie King dies, Reshuffled Irish generals roster, swapped some focus icons and removed Sean Murray, Betty Sinclair, Padraic OMaille, Jonathan King, and numerous unused portraits. Slightly tweaked some national focuses for the AutDem path for the Italian Republic. Added Zhou Enlai as an advisor for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed puppet Lebanon being locked out of too much of its focus tree. Fixed Wadysaw Sikorskis Galciian portrait not appearing. Fixed Belgium forming the BeNeSam before choosing their government. Hunan now starts with cores in Shihe and Zhenyuan. Shanxis Fengs Bloodless Coup decision now includes a dynamic description telling the player whether they have enough military and governmental support. Fixed puppets counting as majors for Germanys capitulation. Fixed a Russia event not using the correct name of the Yekaterinburg state. Fixed The Fading Sun event not firing for Transamur. Not only that, but the National France rework comes with it two, along with several other new focus trees. Fixed Kenya not being able to press its claims on Uganda. Fixed Russia being released always resulting in Kuban being retained. Added a news event for the 1936 Dublin Olympics. Fixed Zimbabwe being locked out of its tree by turning AuthDem. Removed German East Asia's cores on Indochina during the war. tag [country tag] - Change the country you're playing as; annex [country tag] - Begin annexing the target country; setowner [country tag] - Give ownership of a state to a specified country. Renamed several Mittelafrikan victory points. Fixed the AI factors for Egypt attacking Ethiopia / National France. Added a focus for war for the Jujuy path in Bolivia. Fixed the secret deal with Hungary path for Austria. Added AI strategy for Brazil to deal with the rebel tags. Fixed the Chinese Province user interface being too close to the state user interface. Added a national focus regarding the Latvian Air Force. Fixed German puppet Britain peacing out with the Entente, if Germany collapses. Fixed province naming GUI for Fengtian, Jilin, and Heilongjiang provinces, while Inner Mongolia has been replaced by Jehol, Chahar, and Suiyuan provinces. Improved the Deploy New Tank Prototypes national focus for Ukraine - now it provides free armour variant for NSB owners, as well as free armoured template. Added triggers to avoid subjects being annexed before all expeditionary forces are returned. Fengtian now gets an event informing it when Japan refuses to intervene in its favour. Russia can no longer attack Transamur after signing peace with Japan. Germany's army tree is no longer tied to specific doctrines. Fixed CNT-FAI/Iberian Federation keeping the Spanish colonies after the Spanish Civil War. Switzerland's Georges Oltramare has been removed, and replaced with the more fitting Jakob Herzog. The French Republic is no longer forced to elect de la Rocque as SocCon president when declaring the Fourth Republic. Ireland now has a unique Irish VO, so units no longer speak British English. Adjusted two Yemeni foci to account for a possible republican Arabia. Added some starting Russian units to Kuban. Reduced compliance requirements for Peru-Bolivian Confederation cores via conquest. Norway's Great Patriotic War national spirit now adds a division limit bonus. Fixed the Commune of France attacking the CSA over socialist Hawaii. Turkeys decision to intervene in the Egypt-Entente war is now available earlier. The White Ruthenian annexation events now account for the Lithuanian-Belarusian Federation. Fixed the main IEDC national spirit not being removed if the Entente collapses. Nerfed Chiles starting units a little bit. Here you can find the changelogs for all Beta releases of KR4. The French Republic now frees all puppets before leaving the faction upon their collapse. Fixed an Ottoman election event showing two OHF options. Renames for North America and Pacific region now all work correctly. Added an event for Armenia about the collapse of the Tseghakronutyun. The Baku Conference will now give Germany resource rights in Azerbaijan. Fixed the Bulgarian release event not firing correctly, if the country is at war with the IMRO. Small changes on various parts of South Africas focus tree. Changed the requirements for Sardinias decision to attack the rest of Italy. For Jabal Shammar, the Iraqi Camel Corps is now actually composed of camels. Bhutan no longer has negative production efficiency. The French Republic no longer gets Communard Resistance on the annexed areas of Switzerland or Belgium. Changed the effect of a Finnish national spirit. Reduced some of Canada's starting factories and state slots. Improved the Commune of Frances naval invasion defence AI, particularly against the Entente. Sweden should attack its neighbors less frequently. Fixed some bugs involving Ethiopias railway focuses. Fixed Entente countries being prompted to join the Air Training Plan twice. Renamed the Manchurian and Xinjiang strategic regions. Fixed Turkish events referring to Constrantinope as the capital, when it has been taken by Greece. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. Fixed JBS strengthening ties with a dynasty they deposed. Faction Diplomacy Buttons: several patches ago, the faction-related buttons on the diplomacy interface were removed, since all faction creation/joining is done via decisions and events in Kaiserreich. Decreased the state size category for some Belgian states. Completing the Constitution of the Baltic Federation now gives a small flavor event for new elections. Improved the AI plane production line logic. Indochina no longer gives a guarantee to Bharatiya Commune. Fixed the Ottomans losing land in the peace deal with Russia. Fixed the Commune of France not being able to core Corsica. There is a possibility of a civil war. Added new production menu icons for Austria, Japan and Russia. Fixed Wuhan losing its victory points and changing inappropriately between endonyms and exonyms. Fixed Cuba not actually sending volunteers to the US. Marginalising the Parti Social Franais before reconquering the Mtropole as the French Republic now makes Paul Reynaud the Second in Command, rather than the Assemble Nationale. The Papal States can no longer get the Fate of Central Italy decision. Added the missing cosmetic changes (name/colour) for Lianguang and Hunan when they are puppeted by LKMT. Fixed Fengtian attacking a Russian-allied Mongolia. Fixed Denmark's economic tree being blocked by a phantom Black Monday. Fixed the war declaration decisions for Centroamerica. Adjusted loc for the case of Li Zongren defecting and proclaiming a rival RKMT. The unrest caused by losing the Bush War is now limited to the Zambesi Basin, rather than being a global modifier. Fengtian's attack decision now invalidates if the conditions are no longer met, Fixed Poland getting generic PatAut leaders, Some improvements and a fix to SQI's German Collaboration mechanic, Slight fix so Chinese tags don't get claims on their cores, CSA can no longer get rid of its org debuff before winning the ACW, Fixed Fengtian being able to invite Japanese companies while at war with them, SAF's AI will now prioritise attacking direct neighbours when multiple targets are available, Fixed SIK keeping the Rumors of Discontent idea after winning the war, Liangguang now joins its targets' wars when puppeting KMT cliques, Fixed some TEX decisions not appearing correctly, Fixed a MTG-only ROM event firing for non-owners, Fixed a mass replace bug in the ENG naval OOB. Some Sardinian national spirits will now merge, later on in the national focus tree.