( ) Action: Travel, Tread, Trade, Ride, Smell Object: Path, Wind, Moon, Aroma, Dawn, Merchandise, Chariot Definition: The responsibilities of the nomad outside of the tent include the feeding, watering and caring for the livestock. KJV Translations: much Strong's Hebrew #: h.4767, ( fem., ) Translation: GREAT.AMOUNT KJV Translations: increase Strong's Hebrew #: h.8635, ( fem., ) Translation: INTEREST Definition: From usury. ( ) Definition: The inheritor becomes the head of the family. KJV Translations: race Strong's Hebrew #: h.4793, ( fem., ) Translation: COURSE Definition: [To be verified] The path of the runner. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: QUIVER (V) Definition: [To be verified] To shake uncontrollably. KJV Translations: tremble, move, rage, shake, disquiet, trouble, quake, afraid Strong's Hebrew #: h.7264 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7265, ( masc., ) Translation: SHAKING Definition: A shaking anger. KJV Translations: love Strong's Hebrew #: h.7474, ( masc., / mir-eh ) Translation: FEEDING.PLACE Definition: A place of feeding or grazing. KJV Translations: curse Strong's Hebrew #: h.0779, ( fem., ) Translation: SPITTING Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: curse, cursing Strong's Hebrew #: h.3994. Strong's Number: 7225 AHLB Relationship to Parent: stamping down, ( common, ) Translation: STOMP (V) Definition: [To be verified] To stomp down with the feet. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). Alternate Translations: forty (when written in the plural) KJV Translations: four, fourth, forty, fortieth Strong's Hebrew #: h.0702, h.0705 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0703, ( masc., / re-vi-i ) Translation: FOURTH Definition: An ordinal number. Also vanity as an emptiness. Resh is the twentieth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Rsh Phoenician res.svg, Hebrew Rsh , Aramaic Rsh Resh.svg, Syriac Rsh , and Arabic R . Since the two symbols have a numerological value of 18 this number is considered to stand for good luck in Jewish cultures. Edenics: rug - as woven and trampled on; harangue; wrong KJV Translations: slay, kill, murderer, destroy, murder, slayer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2026, ( masc., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter, slain Strong's Hebrew #: h.2027, ( fem., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.2028, ( ) Definition: A quiet whisper to be unheard or in slander. Ancient Hebrew alphabet: The early Semtic Hebrew alphabet and the paleo Phoenix Hebrew (Mesha stone engraved) alphabets consist 22 letters read from right to left . Select one or more hebrew symbols ( ) using the hebrew text symbol keyboard of this page. 3 The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different uses, but the same graphical representation, and hence are input in the same manner. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD 10: More watermarks of God Several hundred inscriptions exist. KJV Translations: increase, gain Strong's Hebrew #: h.8636, ( masc., ) Translation: EXTRAVAGANT Definition: [To be verified] Abundant in size, beauty, strength or other character. A feared animal. PDF Hebrew Word Pictures. What are they? - PraiseMoves ( ) Definition: The responsibility of the master is to strive for survival and protection of the house. Relationship to Parent: binding, ( common, ) Translation: ATTACH (V) KJV Translations: bind Strong's Hebrew #: h.7573, ( masc., ) ( fem., / rit-mah ) Translation: JUNIPER Definition: A species of tree, possibly the Juniper. KJV Translations: lay, couch Strong's Hebrew #: h.7257, ( masc., ) Translation: PALATE Definition: [To be verified] A sleeping or resting place. Also an infection of mildew or mold, as welts, on clothing or a building. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." A complaining in low tones, usually in private. KJV Translations: vision, lookingglass Strong's Hebrew #: h.4759, ( masc., ) Translation: MIRROR Definition: [To be verified] A looking glass. ( ) Definition: The moon follows a prescribed path each night from horizon to horizon. Jehovah Rapha is 'God our Healer'. KJV Translations: leper, leprous Strong's Hebrew #: h.6879, ( fem., ) Translation: INFECTION Definition: A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. KJV Translations: couchingplace, lie down Strong's Hebrew #: h.4769, ( ) Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( masc., ) Translation: FATTED Definition: [To be verified] Livestock that is penned or tied up to fatten it for a feast or sacrifice. Beginning (Reshyt), the Ancient Hebrew Meaning ( ) Action: Shout, Murmur Object: Rattle Definition: Any loud noise. ( common, / h.r.g ) Translation: KILL (V) Definition: To deprive of life; to slaughter. 2 For sin-dot and shin-dot, the letter " " (sin/shin) is used. KJV Translations: bed, furrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6170. ( ) Action: Draw, Spit Object: Grass, Thin, Green Abstract: Empty Definition: Thin green blades of grass that are drawn out of the soil. The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet | AHRC ( ) Definition: The ancient hand mill consisted of two round stones, called millstones, the top was turned on top of the other to grind the grain. . Genesis: KJV Translations: rule, dominion, take, prevail, reign, ruler Strong's Hebrew #: h.7287, ( common, / r.w.d ) Translation: ROAM (V) Definition: To wander around restlessly. Relationship to Parent: travel, ( common, / s.hh.r ) Translation: TRADE (V) Definition: The business of buying and selling or bartering commodities. As a talebearer. KJV Translations: savour, smell, scent Strong's Hebrew #: h.7381 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7382, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a path, ( common, / d.r.k ) Translation: STEP.UPON (V) Definition: To take a step. The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet | AHRC Later, the pictograms evolved into a Hebrew script (sometimes called Paleo-Hebrew) that strongly resembled the ancient Phoenician alphabet.This was the Hebrew (ketav Ivri) used by the Jewish nation up to the Babylonian Exile (or, according to Orthodox Jews, until the Exodus from Egypt). The Tarot, the ten Sephirot, the twenty-two Hebrew letters and paths on the Tree of Life The picture of a Tree of Life has to be an archetype in the human mind because from ancient times it appears in myths, legends and paintings from all around the world. KJV Translations: allowance, diet, dinner, victuals Strong's Hebrew #: h.0737, ( masc., / o-rahh ) Translation: PATH Definition: The road or route one travels. ( common, / r.ts.h ) Translation: ACCEPT (V) Definition: To receive from the messenger what is given as a message. The Resh, the 20 th Hebrew letter, means head, leader and beginning. ( common, ) Translation: ENCOURAGE (V) KJV Translations: sure, proudly, overcome, strengthen Strong's Hebrew #: h.7292, ( masc., ) Translation: PROUD KJV Translations: proud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7295, ( masc., ) Translation: PROUD KJV Translations: strength Strong's Hebrew #: h.7296. KJV Translations: rising Strong's Hebrew #: h.2225, ( masc., / miz-rah ) Translation: SUNRISE Definition: When the first light of the sun comes over the horizon. Possible solutions to this problem: Adding the word for "thousands". KJV Translations: unicorn Strong's Hebrew #: h.7214, ( fem., ) Translation: CORAL Definition: > KJV Translations: coral Strong's Hebrew #: h.7215, ( fem., ) Translation: ELEVATED Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. A hole in the roof where smoke escapes. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: QUAKE (V) Definition: To violently shake. HEBREW: HAND OF GOD (10) - Letter 'Yod' YOD The tenth Hebrew letter ZYod is pictured at right: The rabbis picture Yod as a ZHand [. KJV Translations: hail Strong's Hebrew #: h.1259, ( masc., / ba-rod ) Translation: SPOTTED Definition: An animal with white spots which appear as hailstones. Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh Secret of the Hebrew letter (Resh) reveals the Messiah. the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Rho and made the sign stand for the consonant R. Sin: Tooth: Sh consonant: S: Around 1700 B.C. ( ) Definition: A heavy flowing of water. KJV Translations: bolster Strong's Hebrew #: h.7226, ( fem., / rey-shit ) Translation: SUMMIT Definition: The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. Option + 05B4. UnderstandingHebrew. com - Construction of the Hebrew letters ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. ( common, / r.d.h ) Translation: RULE (V) Definition: To exert control, direction, or influence over, especially by curbing or restraining; to spread out through a land through authority or by walking among the subjects. Also a stirring of the eyes in rest or a wink. Online Digest 90-2-20121219 Kabbalah. ( ) Definition: A collection of possessions. ( ) Action: Feed Object: Shepherd, Friend, Pasture, Tent curtain, Field Abstract: Desire, Flourish Definition: The shepherd closely watched over his flock, often they are his only companions. When one takes the letters of an Aramaic or Hebrew word in Scripture and deconstructs their corresponding 3,000? KJV Translations: green, fresh, flourishing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7488 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7487. PDF Modern Ancient Some Meanings Symbol a l Ancient Hebrew Reveals KJV Translations: juniper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7574, ( ) Definition: A binding of something with a chain. Dalet - Wikipedia 01: "You are gods": What did Jesus mean? To arm oneself by unsheathing a sword in the sense of emptying the scabbard. ( ) Definition: A weaving or wrapping. KJV Translations: breadth, broad, thickness, largeness, thick, wilderness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7341, ( masc., ) Translation: WIDE.PLACE KJV Translations: large, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.4800, ( ) Relationship to Parent: being far, ( common, / r.hh.q ) Translation: BE.FAR (V) Definition: To be distant, a long way off. ( common, / r.k.k ) Translation: BE.SOFT (V) Definition: To be soft. ( masc., / ra ) Translation: COMPANION Definition: One that accompanies another in the sense of a close companion or friend. The best or most important. An action or thought with no positive results. ( common, / r.y.b ) Translation: DISPUTE (V) Definition: To engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in harassment or trial. KJV Translations: flute Strong's Aramaic #: a.4953, ( masc., ) Translation: STATIONED Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. KJV Translations: ride, rider, horseback, put, set, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7392, ( masc., / re-khev ) Translation: VEHICLE Definition: A wheeled transport such as a wagon or chariot used for transportation. Relationship to Root: A lifting up through a prolific amount of offspring. The Letter Resh - Hebrew for Christians ( ) Definition: A shout of joy, desperation or desire. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head. ( ) Action: Lift, Throw Object: Height, Palace Abstract: Deceit, Pride Definition: Anything that is high or lifted up. The 6th letter Wav/Vav represents the consonant [w] in original Hebrew, and [v] in modern Hebrew; if . KJV Translations: hunger, hungry, famish Strong's Hebrew #: h.7456, ( masc., / ra-eyv ) Translation: HUNGER Definition: A craving or urgent need for food. Shin (Sin) The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Previous Resh Next Tav Shin is the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 300 Sound: "SH" with a dot over the right side, and "S" with a dot over the left Meaning: 1. tooth 2. steadfast 3. change 4. return 5. year In this article: Story Design It also has the meaning of "two," "again" and "both.". This can be sea creatures (Gen 1:20) or land creatures (Gen 7:21) Relationship to Parent: Related through the idea of many small individual parts forming one large formation. KJV Translations: slander, talebearer, tales Strong's Hebrew #: h.7400, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.4819, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as from the wind, ( common, ) Translation: WHISTLE (V) KJV Translations: hiss Strong's Hebrew #: h.8292, h.8319, ( fem., ) Translation: WHISTLING KJV Translations: hissing Strong's Hebrew #: h.8322, ( fem., ) Translation: FLUTE Definition: [To be verified] A musical instrument that whistles. The spiritual number 200 means ZLion's Mouth [ (usually in a bad sense). ( ) Definition: Something dysfunctional, wrong, evil or wicked. The Hebrew Numbering System From this word comes the idea of breath as it is the wind of man which also follows a prescribed path of inhaling and exhaling. KJV Translations: wheat, corn Strong's Hebrew #: h.7383, ( masc., ) Translation: FEEBLE KJV Translations: feeblenss Strong's Hebrew #: h.7510, ( ) Relationship to Parent: a burning wound, ( common, / s.r.p ) Translation: CREMATE (V) Definition: To reduce a dead body, or other object, to ashes by burning. This letter has the meanings of "teeth," "sharp" and "press" (from the function of the teeth when chewing). When a wicked person wants to correct their bad behavior and return to being a good person, he goes a step back, there he "meets" the letter , which as we said represents holiness. A person in authority or role of leader. ( ) Definition: Something broken or divided into pieces. The stringing of a bow is a treading as the foot is stepped over the bow and using the leg to bend it. KJV Translations: company, way Strong's Hebrew #: h.0736 Aramaic Definition: The Aramaic word means a road or path one travels. The early pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script and became in the Late Semitic Script. These potsherds were commonly used to send messages from one person to another, usually carried by runners. KJV Translations: month, moon Strong's Hebrew #: h.3391, h.3394 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3393. KJV Translations: get, gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.7408, ( masc., ) Translation: HORSE Definition: [To be verified] As a collection of beasts. The system was adapted from that of the Greek numerals in the late 2nd century BCE. KJV Translations: high place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7413, ( fem., ) Translation: HEIGHT KJV Translations: height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7419, ( fem., ) Translation: DECEITFUL Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceitful, deceit, slothful, false, guile, idle, slack Strong's Hebrew #: h.7423, ( fem., / mir-mah ) Translation: DECEIT Definition: The act or practice of not being honest. Spelling out [ edit] KJV Translations: many, multiply, increase, more, manifold, thousand, shoot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7231, h.7232, ( fem., / re-va-vah ) Translation: MYRIAD Definition: A great abundance in numbers. Hebrew numerals - Wikipedia rosh Head The top of the body. KJV Translations: void, vain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7387, ( common, / r.q.m ) Translation: EMBROIDER (V) Definition: To decorate with ornamental and colorful needlework. KJV Translations: haughtily Strong's Hebrew #: h.7317, ( masc., ) Translation: HEIGHTS Definition: A place of considerable or great elevation. Combined these mean "head of the family". ( ) Definition: A covering of a large area. KJV Translations: merchant, trade, pant, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.5503, ( masc., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. The earliest characters originally consisted of symbols, from which the today's digital signs originated. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: oppress, break, bruise, crush, discourage, struggle Strong's Hebrew #: h.7465, h.7533, h.7567 Aramaic Spelling: , ( fem., ) Translation: VIOLENCE Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of chattering. ( common, / r.w.m ) Translation: RAISE.UP (V) Definition: To lift something up. KJV Translations: dash, vex Strong's Hebrew #: h.7492, ( ) Definition: An unjustifiable killing or slaughter. Bet/Vet is a Tent Floor Plan, House, Dwelling, Temple; Body, In, Inside, Within, Heart, Family, Kingdom 3. We could combine shin-yud-tav to create shith (to put or set, Strong's 7896). ( ) Definition: The responsibility of the master is to rule over disputes within the community. Modern Hebrew characters are different from ancient Hebrew. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a foot. ( ) Definition: A throwing of something high. A fourth. Secret of the Hebrew letter Tav - The Living Word Resh (r): head: first part, beginning . Relationship to Parent: to trample on one by slandering, ( masc., ) Translation: WHISPERER KJV Translations: talebearer, whisperer Strong's Hebrew #: h.5372. The letter RESH. KJV Translations: beginnings Strong's Hebrew #: h.7222, ( fem., / me-ra-a-shah ) Translation: HEADREST Definition: A support for the head. PDF HEBREW: THE HEAD (200) - Letter 'Resh' - Number Meanings After 900 B.C. Alternate Translations: spy (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: spy, view, backbite, espy, slander Strong's Hebrew #: h.7270, h.8637, ( fem., / re-gel ) Translation: FOOT Definition: The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Is this 3? The Bullae of the Son of from the City of David - Daniel Vainstub Hebrew is an ancient language with many interesting features! Combined these mean "man of feet". ( ) Definition: The stirring up of the sea or from a rest. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: net Strong's Hebrew #: h.7568, ( masc., ) Translation: PERMISSION KJV Translations: grant Strong's Hebrew #: h.7558, ( masc., / tar-shish ) Translation: TOPAZ Definition: Possibly the Topaz, which may be yellow, gray, white, pink, green or blue in color. Doctrine of Kabalism - Light of Egypt The names of vowels, below, indicate how the nekkudot are pronounced by Ashkenazim as well as by Modern Hebrew speakers, whose accent has . KJV Translations: evil, wickedness, wicked, mischief, hurt, bad, trouble, sore, affliction, ill, adversity, favoured, harm, naught, noisesome, grievous, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.7451, h.7455. Its sound value is the voiced alveolar plosive([d]). KJV Translations: destruction Strong's Hebrew #: h.2035. KJV Translations: council Strong's Hebrew #: h.7277, ( fem., ) Translation: SLING Definition: [To be verified] A weapon for slinging stones. ( ) Action: Flow Object: Water Relationships: Related to and . KJV Translations: thunder, roar, trouble, fret Strong's Hebrew #: h.7481, ( masc., ) Translation: THUNDER KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7482, ( fem., ) Translation: MANE.OF.A.HORSE Definition: > KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7483, ( ) Definition: As the shaking of the earth. KJV Translations: stall, fat Strong's Hebrew #: h.4770, ( fem., ) Translation: FATTENING Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( ) Definition: A spreading out such as a sheet for a bed. Combined these mean "head of the family". KJV Translations: shout, noise, alarm, cry, triumph, smart Strong's Hebrew #: h.7321, ( masc., / rey-a ) Translation: LOUD.NOISE Definition: A loud, confused, constant noise or sound KJV Translations: shout, noise, aloud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7452, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUT Definition: A great shout of alarm of war or for rejoicing. How one Hebrew letter came to mean both 'penis' and 'weapon' KJV Translations: horn, hill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7161 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7162. Relationship to Parent: through the idea of pasture, ( masc., ) Translation: FLOURISHING Definition: A green plant bearing fruit. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD.OUT (V) KJV Translations: deck Strong's Hebrew #: h.7234, ( masc., ) Translation: TEXTILES Definition: [To be verified] As spread out. From the tenderness of the loins. In Hebrew there are many numbers, symbols, pictures and meanings mixed within the letters themselves. The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet - Lesson 20 - Resh - YouTube KJV Translations: near, nigh, neighbour, next, kin, approach, short, kinsfolk, kinsmen Strong's Hebrew #: h.7138, ( masc., ) Translation: DONATION Definition: Something given to another in devotion. A symbol of compassion and love. The letter "Resh" can be spelled as a Hebrew root word with these three letters; "Resh" + "Alef" + "Shin". ( common, / r.w.r ) Translation: FLOW.OUT (V) KJV Translations: run Strong's Hebrew #: h.7325, ( masc., ) Translation: DROOL Definition: [To be verified] The thick drool of saliva or an egg white. ( common, ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: displease, grieve, grievous, evil, ill, harm, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.3415. Edenics: razor KJV Translations: famish, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7329, ( masc., ) Translation: LEAN KJV Translations: lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7330, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS KJV Translations: leanness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7334, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS Definition: [To be verified] Something made thin. KJV Translations: green, herb Strong's Hebrew #: h.3418, h.3419, ( masc., ) Translation: GREEN.PASTURE Definition: [To be verified] As filled with grasses. These letters are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails, cornerposts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence. Because there is no symbol for zero, this will cause ambiguity in some cases. KJV Translations: locust, grasshopper Strong's Hebrew #: h.0697. We may postulate that Jews absorbed their veneration for the New Year from the Babylonian example. ( masc., ) Translation: STRIVE KJV Translations: strive, contend Strong's Hebrew #: h.3401. Relationship to Parent: stoning, ( common, / r.g.m ) Translation: THROW.STONES (V) Definition: To throw stones for execution. ( ) Definition: One who provides and protects the flock and takes desire in them. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, / r.b.ts ) Translation: STRETCH.OUT (V) Definition: To lie or stretch out as to rest; to crouch down to hide for an ambush. Skin irritations are treated by applying clay to the irritation and left to dry. The point at which something starts; origin, source. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: violence Strong's Hebrew #: h.4835. Discover the secret behind the Hebrew letter Resh. Jewish Symbols and Their Meaning - Chart Attack KJV Translations: cause, strife, controversy, contention Strong's Hebrew #: h.7379, ( fem., / me-ri-vah ) Translation: CONTENTION Definition: An act or instance of striving or struggling against great difficulty or opposition. Acting in vain; empty-handed. 3,000,000? ( common, ) Translation: MOISTEN (V) Definition: [To be verified] To make wet by adding a liquid. Relationship to Parent: pieces, ( common, ) Translation: FIT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To fit together. KJV Translations: sword, slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.7524, ( common, / r.ts.ah ) Translation: BORE.THROUGH (V) Definition: To pierce with a sharp object. Each letter of the Hebrew alef-bet (alphabet) has a numerical value, specified in the chart below.. KJV Translations: fourth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7256, ( masc., ) Translation: FOURTH.PART Definition: As fourth in the order. The only evidence that it has always been so is a small clay tablet found in 1948 in the ruins of the ancient city of Ugarit, which flourished from 1400 to 1200 B.C. KJV Translations: ruin Strong's Hebrew #: h.2034, ( fem., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. Acient Hebrew Alphabet - Bible Lexicons - StudyLight.org The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet . The Ancient picture for this letter is , the head of a man. ( taw) means mark, and its verb ( tawa ), scribble, limit, is probably derived from the noun. KJV Translations: pomegranate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7416, ( common, / r.m.m ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: exalt, lift, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.7426, h.7318, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFT KJV Translations: high Strong's Hebrew #: h.7319, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFTING KJV Translations: lifting Strong's Hebrew #: h.7427, ( masc., ) Translation: PALACE Definition: A large house.