36 years old and its looking like I wont get another chance. All of this is to saymom, you have a child, it's me. Everyday I think about my baby, Im still google searching what the baby would look like at this gestation age, what the baby would be doing. I dont know where Im going to go or how Im going to make this work but Im terrified. Im grateful I was in a position to have options and make a choice as a woman. It is a very heartbreak-ling sad feeling. 30,000 Doctors Say: "Abortion is Never Medically Necessary to Save a I begged mi amor to reconsider, I proposed to her 3 days before she had the abortion. I felt like he had to know it is his right to know. My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. Gone are the days when the wind would touch my face, gone are the days when youre the wind. I hope that there wasnt a little soul in there yet . Dr. Jennifer . And I too pray from the core of my heart that you all get back your unborn ones. A heart touching letter from a unborn baby to his mother baby is very happy when he is conceived and think that his mother is world's best mom and he share his happiness with his mother telling her all his activities and growing stages in her tummy but his parents decide to abort this baby.. prayatn Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended The heavy burden and guilt that I felt each day makes me question myself why I did came to that point, if I was careful enough to not make mistake. You will be in my thoughts and in my heart. It was also great that you had someone to give you a choice. I'll make you breakfast on Mother's Day Not as alone because feeling my baby every night move around gives me hope. I told him to not come at all and I would be fine. .. thank you so much for this. I have been sleeping with a guy unprotected for a year now last month I got pregnant and I had a miscarriage I never told him because we are not together. Speaker seeks firmer legal ground for Tennessee abortion ban I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, but if you are planning to abort your baby, please reconsider. I'm still alive. "Everything about a later termination is already so incredibly difficult even just picking up the phone to make the appointment. , I think to myself. So many of the feelings you described in your post match mine, and as I read, I finally felt something other than alone. Thank you again. We dont regret it. I knew in my heart that I didnt want to let it go. All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. My husband does not want another child. I stood up, pants around my ankles, and lost my footing, grasping onto the shelf that held toilet paper and Febreze. It would be my second but he has children from a previous marriage. Walgreens confirmed on March 2 that it will not distribute abortion pills in numerous statesincluding to some states where abortion is legalafter Republican attorneys general (AG) in 21 states told the company that it risked breaking federal law should it do so, Politico first reported.. Walgreens, the second-largest pharmacy chain in the United States, made the decision after receiving . Just a few days before my 22nd birthday. Then I found out I was pregnant! This is just not exactly what I wanted for her and Im scared to lose my best friend in a sense because Im not quite ready to grow up that fast. I recently just had my second abortion in 9 months . I am pregnant now and I know many other girls who have had an abortion that have had children. However I was with a married man who did not want this and it was an accident. However he didnt. But I already feel connected and cry so hard every time I think of letting it go. I can hardly keep up with what I have now in my life. Even my close friends dont know this time. Am i allowed to feel i did it for the baby? Weve trien for 8 yeats now and decided that if I turned 30 which is Dec of this year and I am not pregnant, we will give up. Well, I made it out alive. My little sister just found out she is pregnant and I am happy for her but I just cant help being sad that I didnt get to know my baby and see him/her grow and I may never get that chance again ( was told it wouldnt be easy to get pregnant to begin with) that baby could very well be my first and only. There was no internet to look up information, and she didn't know about pregnancy . Im 16 and I knew there was no way I could support a child. However I was so sick I could barely make it to class and I was on the verge of going to the hospital for dehydration. My significant other is leaving the decision to me and will support either way it goes but I just dont know what to do. I pray for you, and your baby. Unborn Child's letter to a Mother! - Momspresso My room mate and best friend had an abortion two days ago. After Birth Abortion | Snopes.com Because o hate that its a decision. I was literally petrified and afraid that no matter what I tried to do, what if I couldnt get it all in order before my baby got here? Sharla Ynostrosa | 01/11/2021. And soon I'll get my own fingers and toes. What you did in your life is your history and your past and whatever you choose to share with your husband, or what he found out on his own, is a privilege; it is your truth and what he knows of that, he should consider as an honor, because it is your unique story to tell. I just wanted to let you know that the decision I made was very painful and still hurts at times but that it does get easier especially if you know you made it for the right reasons. I told my cousin and she said that his name sounded familiar and asked around. I really didn't want to die. Each holiday, any milestone or time marker, what my world would be if I had chosen differently. Sometimes I think about taking my life and then I think about my daughter . I had an abortion back in 1999. I PRAY my baby forgives me for being weak And she comes back to me. And an angel to look after you, too. Guess what? I cant share any of this with him. I wasnt ready to quit my job. That's exactly what I need to do for you. Abortion - Pro Life - Letter From an Unborn Child And so, we eat our burritos, filling ourselves with reality and carne asada. So heartbroken. I didnt touch you, but I felt you. The abortionist, he explains, after draining the uterus of the amniotic fluid that was protecting the child, inserts a claw-like instrument into the womb. We talked all weekend, tried finding ways to make it work but we both knew it wasnt the time because of so many factors, the big ones being my health and finances. Maybe you're frightened. I loved you, my first, my only." The afternoon I found out I was pregnant with you was just like any other day waiting for my period: I was late. Dont panic, I thought. My parents would have had to raise the child on the other side of the country and I knew I wouldnt have been able to bear being away from it. Its what he wants. I take his hand in mine and say, Everything thats happened the past few weeks doesnt matter anymore. I need advice from someone, anyone. The last paragraph brought tears to my eyes. I was its mother. In my heart i know that baby would have deserved better, but is it ok to feel THat way? Ive worked hard to get here and set myself into a schedule for still working, still being able to play with my daughter and somehow study. Im stressed and feel so alone. I had a late term surgical abortion, against my will. This hurts me down to my soul. I know God and His angels will help. There are no other words. I recently experienced my first pregnancy, at 19 years of age and with four years of nursing school ahead of me. Exactly a month later I find out Im pregnant again. Unborn Child's letter to Mom !!! They told me to think about what I wanted to do and that theyd support me regardless of my choice. I dont regret it but I do have feeling about what if. I cried so bad in the clinic and during the procedure that I still have nightmares and flashbacks often. Keeps chugging along with home remodel and building his shop, and when I remind because Im STRUGGLING with being left with this choice. My boyfriend and I are not financially stable to raise a child right now. My partner abandoned me and I had no money. Luckily I was able to talk to my partner who was incredibly supportive but there were so many reasons for this not being the right time for us. He says if i get an abortion we must split that Hell respect my decision but we cannot continue together. Hi there reading this story made me cry so bad My bf convinced me we werent ready. Late-term abortions explained | CNN I was never able to have a child, she was my first and only chance. a desire to meet its mother; Reactions to this song have been divided. I wish you and your baby love and healthy lives your braver than I was I envy that, I had an abortion in April. I wish I could advise a podcast or supportive tv bit for her to watch. We went to the clinic, me, my mom, and my boyfriend. I cough and drink more water until it goes down, close to you. It hurt because I was all alone in it,the thought of it break my heart into million pieces Ive prayed to God to forgive me but still I cant get over it. I couldnt face a potential miscarriage, still birth or birth defects and my doctors had no guidance for me and what I was dealing with regarding my health. On the way to the apartment he called and asked if I was hungry. God bless you. To this day I cry in memory of the child that could have been. I know my future would never have turned out as well as it had, had I not had the abortion :). Love you lots!!! I thought the tears would stop but they dont. God bless you and your family. I feel like the world makes us feel weak, like we cant handle both our dreams and a child that will love us and need us more than we could understand. I was pursuing an academic career and never had the chance. I stand beside her and encourage her that she made the best decision she could. January 22, 2021 - The anniversary of Roe v Wade - 48 years of legal abortion in all fifty states. (Sense my sarcasm, little one.) I know one day when everything is settled down and fine she/he will come again and Ill be more prepared. I dont think Im going to miscarry the baby at all this time I stopped bleeding. It is sad to see children God has made being murdered. Maybe they never will. Last Wednesday we went for the abortion and it has been the hardest week physically and mentally for me. But I cant help but feel a deep sense of loss and regret over ending the pregnancy. I feel like I dont know what to do with myself. **** Truth is ive been crying my eyes out i am on birth control always on time with my pills. A letter from an unborn baby | Count Clement II's Panorama If there is a heart beat I really dont feel I can abort but Im afraid the stress he will give me will cause me to miscarry anyway. Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the author. No matter how much support one has, it can so easily feel like you are going through it alone. I have a toddler and Im pregnant again. Im absolutely terrified of both scenarios and have been crocodile tearing constantly. his mom knew, she had taken me to my appointment. i feel deep in my heart that i made the wrong decision and if i tried again i know i would make it right. Im broken over this. I was rattled with anxiety and guilt and overwhelmed. My heart tells me it wa a girl. Its a hard feeling to know that there was energy of ours creating a life for 8 weeks. And I havent heard from him since. Thank you so much for writing posting this just hope and pray that one day I will get a chance to be a mom again. A young woman writes an open letter to the child she is about to abort and posts it online.. I am experiencing so much guilt and pain going through this again, especially since I am 32 years old with no children and two months away from completing my masters. I got pregnant from one night with a guy that I went on a few dates with. Letter: The misnomer of reproductive health/abortion care Remorse Is Forever By Raising her was not easy on my own but he convinced me to move back so he can have his family. There might be days when I'm a bit naughty Before the devil knew me, God knew me, he created everything. But its only 5 weeks so its nothing more then a pack of cells still, right? How I wish I was brave enough to shrugged off the opinion of other people,my friends and family. I got married in December, I just found out that I am pregnant last week, Im running my masters degree and my husband isnt financially stable, feeling really sad and confused about what to do next. Days away from her second abortion, she wrote that getting the abortion is the "right decision for myself, my daughter, and this child." Im 33. Praying for you! You don't know me yet, I'm only a few weeks old. The 20-week ban adds another hurdle. Maybe you feel as if your world has been turned upside-down. Ive been her best friend for 6 years and I never saw this coming. I work a half day, then your dad picks me up and we drive to Planned Parenthood. Hello Mommy, this is me, your baby- A Mother's Letter to Her Aborted Baby - ClinicQuotes And I don't need a room filled with toys. Help us build the most popular collection of contemporary poetry on the internet! I was able to get another teaching job back in our home state, and have been teaching for years. I support your decision and Im here no matter what. In the moment I feel I should be appreciative, but for the first time, I feel angry about my body, my choice. Cant, wont someone just tell me what to do?! I couldnt talk to him about keeping it because he would panic and and say it wasnt plausible anytime I showed attachment. April S., New Jersey. My daughter will be three next month and I just found out that Im pregnant. Ill be 43 when the child would be born. She is with you in your dreams at least. Then after that we took a break and he broke up with me on the day I got abortion and said that hes moved to a different state and didnt think he wanted to come back home. Each day, I will continually honor you and thank you for making the sacrifice so I could become a head teacher and get my Masters degree; so your dad could take the steps he needed to stop drinking. I think. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby Week 1 Dear Mom, I know you don't know I am here yet, but I am really excited to spend the next forty weeks with you and never be apart. All the best to you <3. He reminds me every day and he is resentful towards me like Im some kind of murderer. I know it sounds irresponsible to have sex with a man that Im not with unprotected. I pray for all of you. Every now and then I am haunted. Listen to her fears and help her conquer them one by one. im 22 years old and just had an abortion over the weekend. You have a child. During that time, I had to learn a lot about our choices were, and I didnt want to scroll past your comment without sharing some of that knowledge. That exact day I started bleeding I went to the ER and they said I might miscarry again I told him and he is convinced I am going to lose the baby. He had a vasectomy and yet I ended up pregnant again. I might have forgotten what I learned and failed my license exam in the future since Id have to take a leave. Unfortunately my health started to take a turn for the worse. I told myself there was no way i could be pregnant. Although I did it for health reasons I am still recovering. It breaks my heart to know that the only two times Ive been pregnant ended with me terminating. I feel like its hard to find forums where women arent either all regret or all confidant/fine with their decision. Im sad, but dont regret it. I always thought she would come back to me somehow but only in my sleeping dreams and waking thoughts. But no one talks about it. Dimplez, The Gift Of Life By I prayed for him but I let fear control my decision. Letter from a Woman Who Had an Abortion. Have always used protection. A Letter From An Aborted Child To Their Mom - Chris Kratzer Maybe you think no one understands. I cant make up my mind. Are doctors in Texas afraid to say 'abortion?' : Shots - NPR Although your husband is not supportive now, he no doubt will grow to love your little child. She is planning to keep the baby because she doesnt think she could handle the depression that would follow an abortion. Mothers should never be bored of their children. Cate, I dont know what to do, I know exactly how you feel . I am turning 23 in two days, on July 24th funny enough. They are a group of loving people who have been in your position. I, well, thankfully few days ago I conceived in your tummy. After I had the abortion I desperately wanted that the doctor made a mistake and month after month I wished to be pregnant. What if I still had no money, no stable place to live? I was pretty much pressured to become pregnant by my boyfriend at the time (now very ex). My name is also Ashley and im also at the 10 year mark. It's just cruel." My younger half sister is also pregnant with a girl which I always thought I would have. Oh mommy, I can't go on anymore help me 17 years have gone by since you made that fateful decision. My arms ache for you. Long story short Im 26 now, engaged to my partner for the last 5 years. Common Mistakes: the word "i" should be capitalized, "u" is not a word, and "im" is spelled "I'm" or "I am". I will be 37 years old and have had previous abortions but after this miscarriage (I never had one before), fear that I will never conceive again came across me. And because I am one, I made the right decision. Please give me some advice Im so lost right now. I move into the mini-counseling session with your dad, and we are firm on our decision. Im in the same situation except with two different dads. Hi. Letter To Mommy From The Womb, Cry Of An Unborn Child, Abortion Poem I want to be respectful and listen to people who have been through the same as me. Its killing me and Im crying every night. So at 26 years old, on April 10th, 2015, just as I had for months prior, I took a pregnancy test because I was eight days late. I regret my decision so much and cannot put it into words. I know thats the right decision but I cant stop crying or thinking about baby . I feel for you and very sorry for your loss. I was extremely saddened by the Feb. 18 Buffalo News article concerning the 36 actresses who intended to spend hours reading from "The Handmaid's Tale" to benefit . I walked back to the preschool where I work with ten minutes to spare and decided, Ill just do it now. He made it clear that he did not want to have another child and truly no matter how bad I felt I wanted my baby, I did not want to do it by myself. Heartfelt Letter to Aborted Baby Reveals Pain of Abortion and Hope for Financially we are already tight. 5 years after that we accidentally get pregnant and have a beautiful baby girl but even after having her I still retreat my choice and he still blaming me as he should I guess but we live a very sad life am trying to have another baby but he is not making as much trying as I do because he say am with you only for my daughter and am living for her to but she always ask for a sister or brother I dont know what to do .so much happened in our life that I think wouldnt be happening if I just have my baby and get married with him . Your story sounds exactly like my own. So thank you, next week Im going for it, as difficult as it is, as much as I want this child and already love him/her I have to be realistic and also ask, what kind of life would I be offering this child. I want a burrito. Reading this story and the comments gave me some of the comfort I needed. Participate in the campaign: "All AGAINST ABORTION!" This apparently isnt convincing enough, and he asks if Ive taken any more havent I considered it could be a false positive? I understand you completely I found out I was pregnant pretty early ( 2-3 weeks ) decided I was going to go through with the pregnancy after me & my boyfriend relationship changes drastically he started to become emotionally and mentally abuse. Cant help thinking its meant to be when I got pregnant again. The connection happened from day one. When I had my daughter, he unfortunately couldnt be there and I raised her on my own until she was about 6 years old. I too had an abortion a couple of days ago 1/10/20. I feel like Im losing either way; if I get an abortion, Ill most likely regret it, and if I dont, Ill struggle as a single mother. Yet we faced a third pregnancy two years after deciding that our family was complete. As you can imagine, childhood and progression through young adulthood is very hard for foster children because most of our supports disappear once we turn 18 or so and are no longer eligible for the child welfare systems services. I n 1967, when Governor Ronald Reagan made California the third state in the union to liberalize its abortion laws, his hesitancy about doing so was clear from the start . A letter to my unborn child - you deserve an explanation I have to go through a second one and I dont know what to do. Did you end up keeping your baby ? Published Jul 29, 2015. I have been battling with the decision for some time now, had an appointment yesterday and didnt go because the voices of those who tell me I need to have the courage to keep the baby keep ringing in my head and those that guilt trip me on the decision of abortion and how wrong it is. I am really struggling with the choice, even though I know it made most sense. Except I really dont want kids so shell never get the chance to come back to me. Breaks my heart. Its a hard decision, Hi there Im in the same situation, dont know what to do Im so sick ? It also makes me proud to know that I was conceived out of love. Despite the fact that I used contraception, I still got pregnant last week. Im balling my eyes out googling help topics because I miss her so much. I am with someone now and he is lovely. She made the choice within a day, and now she is so upset and emotional and traumatised. I have too many dreams to fulfill and after the abortion i literally have 200 dollars in my bank account. Im confused and feel horribly alone. Hesitantly I got the pill, I was just a day before 10 weeks, I held my baby and cried until I couldnt. My boyfriend was with me when I took the test. I sit there like that until I hear the front door open and your dad walks in. Youre still with me, and Im grateful for that too. I dont want to let you go. This experience has done extraordinary things to me so far i have softened and really felt into my feminine. She wrote this piece to destigmatize abortion and to offer a story of strength and hope to women and men alike. My wife had an abortion almost 20 years ago and has regretted every day since. I think about you so often and wish so badly I could turn back time. A part of me knows there are logistical & rational reasons why we should not have another & honestly those out number the reasons we should but yet I still want my baby. And Ill honour them both every minute of every day. I now have learnt something new about myself i will absolutely love to be a mother one day. I know you made the right decision for you! I dont have a strong conviction I can do this. I dont know what to do but I see no way out of this. In pregnancy, to be "late term" means to be past 41 weeks gestation, or past a patient's due date. Putting the baby first. All my life my dream was to have kids. I hope I only delayed meeting my next little one instead of completely losing out on one unique beautiful baby, Thank you for sharing. I wish this decision wasnt so hard. purchasing sperm from a donor, via a cryobank Ebony Angel B. I felt very depressed after I let you go - many days were hard to face, some I didn't. I told myself it was hormones. Xx. He walks into the front room while I am mid-stand, so thats how I greet him. Please please please pray for us so that my darling would come back to me. Walgreens Won't Sell Abortion Pills in Most Republican-Led States 'I had to carry my baby to bury my baby': Woman says she was denied Jane Roe's Baby Tells Her Story - The Atlantic Yes, he did everything he was supposed to and yes the tests afterwards declared him sterile. How difficult this truly I sat on the toilet and watched as my destiny-deciding urine diluted with water, coffee, and last nights wine crept across the screen. When parents choose to terminate a pregnancy because of severe medical conditions in the baby, the medical procedure is technically a second-trimester abortion or a "late-term" abortionand it is technically elective because parents can choose whether to let nature take its course or to end the pregnancy. He is also younger than me and nowhere near ready for a child and even moving in with me makes him scared. Its not being selfish if you think about it deeper. These letters are an appeal to all who read them to choose life. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I am actually praying that it . I take his hand in mine and say, Everything thats happened the past few weeks doesnt matter anymore. Some in the anti-abortion movement use the song, or . It helps to know I am not alone so thank you. I fear that if i leave him he will tell my friends and family. Tears and snot are running down my face as I write this, I have 2 beautiful little girls after this and it hasnt got any better. I know I would feel his kicks by now. I had severe preeclampsia and had to do c-section at week 28. Both in you, as a memory, and in heaven as a person, for eternity. It takes courage to share your story, especially with so much honesty. Your dad is an alcoholic. Letter from a Woman Who Had an Abortion | EWTN Today its been 1 year since the surgery. God is never bored of you. My daughter knows that Im pregnant and its a very stressful and uncomfortable situation. I feel my baby moving around and he doesnt understand what Im going through. I am heartbroken. Did you spell check your submission? I was 5 weeks when I decided to let my baby go, I miss her everyday . A postabortion woman wrote the following letter to her aborted baby, who she named Grace: "Everyone close to me was affected by that awful day - none more so than you and I though. Not how I thought I would live my life.