My husband had to have his whole bottom pulled last year[Show More]There needs to be a lawsuit against them for this, and they should pay at a minimum enough to fix everyone's teeth, that has damage from the sub use. All in the name of profit. Likely 4 root canals still coming. Im only 37 and am completely toothless and have paid over $3000 for dental work and still have lots more to go. I cannot stop it because the withdrawal is excruciating. Had I known this maybe I would've chose a different front medication or just make sure I could afford having more dental chec, Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. It has helped me to turn my life around, I have a stable good career, and a nice home. I filled out the paperwork for the lawsuit. 36 Attorneys General Sue Suboxone Maker - Drug Rehab Options The lame answers and explanations I'm seeing are just laughable, but makes me want to shake the idiots saying the things they are. Suboxone weakens the bones around your teeth so they fall out. For More Info Switched to Subzolv bc of the nodding all time and taste. Find out if your family may be eligible for a Tylenol autism or ADHD settlement. I was never warned of this being a sid, I too have been on Suboxone sublingual tablets and films since 2008 and I only had 2 fillings and one crown before starting the medication. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. Thought it was due to my age but now I know it was due to subx. By that time I will be close to a year with no dentures and it's really embarrassing. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Was on perks for 2 years and my teeth where PERFECT. Additional Information for Patients and Caregivers, Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder and Addiction, FDA: Information about Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SAMHSA: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), Additional Information for Health Care Professionals. I'm finally free of this drug that literally destroyed my body. I've had to go thru so much pain during some of my visits, I need to go more and I'm just so damn scared!!! As a result, buprenorphine can help prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms, as well as decrease intense cravings for opiates like heroin or painkillers. However, the benefits of buprenorphine medicines for OUD and pain management clearly outweigh the risks. After researching this issue, I have learned that Suboxone weakens the bones around the teeth, thereby loosening the teeth, and they fall out. The constant agony. Some dental problems from buprenorphine occurred as soon as two weeks after beginning treatment. Let's ask those taking suboxone, that are in recovery, how often they went to the dentist or how well they took care of their teeth, when they were in active addiction. Suzuki J, Mittal L, Woo SB. I have lost all my back molars on the left upper side and now I am experiencing issues with the front eye tooth. Started taking Suboxone in 2009 (orange octagons) when they were first released in Alabama for 2-3yrs its was an "all natural" with ZERO side effects. I was never warned about tooth loss. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. I was never warned. My top teeth were implants from a. I started on Subutex in 2017 and after about a year was switched to suboxone. I now have custody of my kids, a stable 40 hour a week job, my own home, and back in school for my B.B.A. The medication helped save my life but has also caused me heartache and pain. I have lost 2 teeth and have broken 3 others, as well as had other dental emergencies. Both of us have lost almost all of our teeth completely. The FTC alleged that Reckitt Benckiser and Indivior sought to deny consumers a lower-cost generic alternative to maintain their lucrative monopoly on the branded drug. Now, I rarely smile and when I do I cover my mouth! Flash back to 2013-2014. But when my teeth started to break and researched it and said suboxone was the main cause of tooth decay. Side effects of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been linked to reports of serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries. I would have gone a different route if I would have been told that this medication would[Show More]I had perfect teeth. I was prescribed Suboxone several times from 2010 to 2028. Reported events include cavities/tooth decay, including rampant caries; dental abscesses/infection; tooth erosion; fillings falling out; and, in some cases, total tooth loss. Its only my bottom 2 teeth. We enforce federal competition and consumer protection laws that prevent anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices. She weened herself off of the drug little by little until she was eventually at an 8th of the film and even then the whole family had to watch her kick the sheets for almost a week once she dropped it. SAMHSA: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). I can't afford insurance I've had bone loss so dentures aren't working for my top. I only have 7 left on the bottom and I keep infection. How do I join this lawsuit? Or if its the strips. Theres a lawsuit being made for tooth decay,. So i need help cause my insurance is medicade and work at a grocery store with 5 kids to work for. Switched to Subzolv bc of the nodding a. Been Prescribed Suboxone as medicated assisted treatment program Im losing my teeth and withdrawal symptoms keep me afraid of coming off of Suboxone Im trying as we speak to wean but its been years now and I hate it does nothing for me. Quickly realizing that kicking a heavy narcotic cold turkey was nearly impossible, she was sent to a Dr. with an XDEA and the ability to prescribe the cure all Suboxone. The first broken tooth happened in 2020 which was over a year after suboxone was prescribed to me. I had a gorgeous smile and only ever had one cavity before going on Suboxone in 2012 with no warning about the risks to my smile My teeth are now rotting out of my head and I've got terrible tooth decay that I cannot afford to deal with! It hurts to eat and I constantly have to pick food out of the broken teeth. July 30, 2020 The FTC sued the makers of Suboxone, a prescription drug to treat opioid addiction, alleging they were preventing patients from choosing lower priced generic versions of the drug. Has to have teeth numbing otc meds for the pain. I wa[Show More]My teeth were damn near perfect before I started the tablets in late 2018 then my dr. moved me to strips as my body wasnt metabolizing the tablets well. I had perfect teeth. Nearly all of my once perfect teeth have cavities that the dentists wo[Show More]I started buprenorphine therapy not because of use disorder but because of chronic pain that needed management while I was out of a job and subsequently no insurance. After the medication has fully dissolved in the oral mucosa, patients should gently rinse their teeth and gums with water and then swallow. I was NEVER warned from doctors or pharmacy about the damage this medication will cause. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. I'm down to soft food only, and eve[Show More]I began taking suboxone in 2007, I have never taken more than a 1/4 of a strip at a time, I have lost all the top molars on one side of my mouth, 2 on the other, all the teeth along my gum line are black, and the only 2 teeth I have left that fit together and can chew with, are completely hollowed out and I'm unable to chew anything hot, cold, or crunchy at all. Over this time my teeth have rapidly declined. Anyone knows how long it will take? How embarrassing for me anyway. this whole story is made of lies and deception. Ive had test run because he thought I had deeper issues like immune problems. I started buprenorphine therapy not because of use disorder but because of chronic pain that needed management while I was out of a job and subsequently no insurance. I had a beautiful smile, and I worked in professional positions, which I can no longer do. I had ZERO dental problems before I started taking Suboxone. I have ZERO MEMORY of important dates! I believe suboxone was the reason my oral health declined. So many of us are in the same situation. Unfortunately this is the only dental care that is even remotely affordable. Suboxen saved my life, but if I would have known about the withdrawals and the tooth decay I would have never started taking them. The site is secure. These serious dental problems have been reported even in patients with no history of dental issues, so refer them to a dentist as soon as possible after starting transmucosal buprenorphine. I wish this I knew that before I starting taking this crap! I now am missing 7 or 8 teeth and almost all of the rest of my teeth have crowns on them. How do we fight back or join law suit? Was using suboxone for over 10yrs and was never told about tooth decay issue due to the meds. I had beautiful teeth before I started this medication and I never had any dental issues either until I started suboxone. My dentist has been totally stumped about my mouth!! mental health. Suboxone has taken away so many things from my mother, but it also has taken away so much from our family. 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. Suboxone gave me part of my life back, but took my smile!! Since I started this medication Ive had nothing but problems. we both have had to go to the dental school to obtain dental services, and you can all but imagine the torture we have had to endure. We hope to provide accurate, evidence-based information about Suboxone, resources for those interested in starting Suboxone, and support for those currently taking Suboxone. Wait at least 1 hour before brushing your teeth. I would have gone a different route if I would have been told that this medication would. How do I report side effects from buprenorphine? First Name * Last Name Email * Case Description FREE Confidential Case Review However, it has WRECKED my teeth. Literally. I am only 30 years old. I stopped suboxone and went back to the methadone clinic bc in order to get the white Subutext pills (originals) u either had to be pregnant or nursing or have Hepatitis. I wouldve chosen a different rout. No need to fund a study brother, somebody already did. Its devastating absolutely devastating to lose your teeth this young after having a beautiful smile. At bo point was I EVER warned that this medication would destroy not only my smile but my pride, self worth, mental health, marriage the list goes on and on. In the last 2 years, my front teeth are now loose and Im at risk of them falling out. We both started taking subutex at the same time and now,years later, we are both about to get dentures. I never had dental issues until the last few years. Between these drug companies first failing to tell people how addictive opiates were, to then prescribing these as an alternative and failing to disclose the effects on your teeththey have ruined so many lives!! I now have full dentures at only 41yo because all I had left were shattered and broken fragments of what used to be my teeth. My heart breaks as she can only eat certain foods and has to stay away from others. Ive had to have 5 teeth removed and I have a partial that comes in and out. this whole story is made of lies and deception. I been off suboxone for a 17months with no teeth left no sex drive and problems with focusing or memory problems! Someone needs to be held accountable in this because my dentist bills itself have cost me so much. To get a brand spanking new set of teeth will set her and my father back thousands and thousands. I am 37 and have been embarrassed for 4 years! I have been prescribed Suboxone for 4 years. By neither her physician nor the pharmacist. Ive had test run because he thought I had deeper issues like immune problems. We require combined karma > 5. The .gov means its official. I had a famous smile and Buprenorphine affected every tooth in my mouth. I been on suboxone for almost 3 years now and yes it has saved my life but also now my teeth are all crumbling and breaking. There needs to be a class action lawsuit over this How much money have the pharmaceutical companies made on this drug? I can relate to so many of you! Patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) may have a higher incidence of poor dental health;4however, many cases described severe dental issues in patients with no reported prior history of dental problems (n=26). there is no gas, only shots in my gums, so they can pull the stumps of my once beautiful teeth out, and give me dentures. Water contamination at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987 caused cancers, birth defects, miscarriages and other side effects for U.S. Marines and their family members. I now have had to have all top teeth pulled and now I have a denture in place. I have lost a lot of weight because it is too painful to eat because of the decay and teeth broken off into pieces in my gums! Literally. Ive spent a too much time hiding my teeth in shame and Im going to hold someone responsible. I hope a class action comes out of the thousands of people in the same situation as myself. Sublingual buprenorphine and dental problems: a case series. Im so heartbroken. My husband is a disabled veteran and I take care of him so I don't have benefits. We were never informed that to get clean it would cost us our smiles. Now I've had to have about $10,000 worth of work just in the last 2 years alone! document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Provide additional contact information if you want an attorney to review your comments and contact you about a potential case. Now I've had to have about $10,000 worth of work just in the last 2 years alone! It has helped me to turn my life around, I have a stable good career, and a nice home. Now I'm having to live with the tooth pain and suffering from suboxone and I can't afford to be able to pay 10,000 dollars or more to fix the issue. I was NEVER warned from doctors or pharmacy about the damage this medication will cause. Can I sue the makers of suboxone for total teeth decay? Me and my husband have both always had perfect teeth. My teeth are literally crumbling. Lawyers are reviewing Cartiva lawsuits for individuals who experienced complications after receiving the toe implant. There are also buprenorphine products for pain and OUD delivered by other routes such as a skin patch and injection, but FDA has not identified a concern for dental health related to these other forms. I was prescribed Suboxone several times from 2010 to 2028. I am 37 and have been embarrassed for 4 years! Why is sublocade included? Then I have to have some kind of surgery before I can even get dentures and that's not till August. To help FDA track safety issues with medicines, we urge patients and health care professionals to report side effects involving buprenorphine or other medicines to the FDA MedWatch program, using the information in the Contact FDA box at the bottom of the page. I am barely 50 years old and have to wear a complete upper denture. Always pain and Infection. I never had any problems with my teeth until I started taking this medication. If Id have known Id not taken the medicine. Ive been on suboxon for about 20yreas Started taking Suboxone in 2009 (orange octagons) when they were first released in Alabama for 2-3yrs its was an "all natural" with ZERO side effects. I have been on suboxone since 2016, Im in the process of being tapered off of it. If you are wondering what to do, start bu calling the FDA and reporting it to a real person. Idk why the dont make a sweetener free version like with liquid methadone doesnt take a genius to know that tak[Show More]I get it for all the oral forms. If you were to look at our photos From then till now, it would not look like two people who were Free from opioid addiction; living a normal and healthy lifestyle. I am disgusted with this company, the doctors who pushed it as a miracle with little to no side effects when in fact it was the opposite. I had one cavity until I started having problems in my 40s. Not cracked or nothing! A new mouth you say? My mom never wanted to become addicted to a narcotic. I have been on this medication for several years and TONS of issues with my teeth all the way from having multiple filling to even having teeth pulled! I'm 38 yes old and it has ruined everything about my life! _removed_. It's so unfair to so many people and they should be held accountable for valuing money over peoples lives! Your teeth are one of the most important things you have and if something is going to destroy them I think we have or had the right to know, I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. Before suboxone I had beautiful healthy teeth that I got a lot of compliments on. Its only my bottom 2 teeth. Too bad insurance wont cover it and most people that run clinics are crooks. Premature infants fed Similac or Enfamil cow's milk formula faced increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) or wrongful death. Ive spent more time[Show More]I have been on suboxone since 2016, Im in the process of being tapered off of it. After 9 years of being on Suboxone my smile is something I intentionally hide from the world out of fear of being judged or made fun of. I have never been notified of any lawsuits in the past. If I knew my teeth would be disintegrating out of my mouth. Indivior will shell out $300 million to all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to resolve claims that it "falsely and aggressively" marketed its opioid addiction drug Suboxone,. My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. This is ridicules and the manufactures needs to be held accountable for this. I was never told that my medication was the culprit of my severe tooth decay. I am told it will cost me at least $5,000 just to ge. I was never warned about tooth loss. FDA Warns about Dental Problems with Buprenorphine Medicines Dissolved I am 42 years old.Ive been a Suboxn patient off and on for over 10 years.My smile used to be my favorite thing about myself.Now i cover my mouth when i laugh.All of my teeth are either gone or rotten.If someone would have warned me i would never have chanced it.If this is true that this medicine possibly cost patients their teeth..then i would absolutely say that they should pay to replace. I would not have been able to do any of that without it. I am having the last four teeth removed from my uppers on 4/22/22, as they are beyond repair. Booked another appointment at a different place wait 6 months the oral surgeon had a baby and wont be in. My dentist didnt say anything about the medication being to blame but that its mostly genetics and having children can mess with your teeth. i have false teeth ,just one month ago . I have been on suboxone over the last several years and had more dental issues than one would ever want to have. Medications affected by the warning include Zubsolv, manufactured by Orexo, and Suboclade manufactured by Indivior. I have asked doctors repeatedly if this medication. I developed almost 20 cavities in 6 months being on this stuff. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousa. I wait 6 months and the oral surgeon isnt there. Good point. Your comment will still be posted, just with a slight delay! Im already having issues eating & Im currently in the middle of switching to the once a month shot instead of sublingual & from the shot I plan to get off in a few months all together. My husband had to have his whole bottom pulled last year, and had to get a denture bc they ate his teeth up so bad! I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks for your time. I need help. Genetics, and the drug suboxone have a major part in your dental health. For any and all discussion about the medication Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone). These medicines are available as single-ingredient products and in combination with. I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it. They should be held accountable. Hello Ive been on suboxne since 2009 I was always complemented on my smile and also had nice teeth then around 2012 my teeth started hurting and cracking I to stayed in the house I was very embarrassed to be seen and was always covering my mouth was never told about tooth decay now at 48 I had to get dentures and Im very hurt upset got bad anxiety and dentures are difficult to wear please help a[Show More]Hello Ive been on suboxne since 2009 I was always complemented on my smile and also had nice teeth then around 2012 my teeth started hurting and cracking I to stayed in the house I was very embarrassed to be seen and was always covering my mouth was never told about tooth decay now at 48 I had to get dentures and Im very hurt upset got bad anxiety and dentures are difficult to wear please help all of us who where never warned by any doctors and the manufacturer. Class action lawsuit. By the time I was 25yrs old (3 years on Suboxone) I was having to get teeth removed. The worst part is that I don't have the money to get my teeth fixed! She now. My mom never wanted to become addicted to a narcotic. I had all my dental repairs up to date and during the past 5 years on suboxone my teeth have gotten horrible. The relationship between suboxone and tooth loss is well-documented, and it probably due to the drying effect of the buporphedrine component of suboxone. I have lost 4 teeth and I am losing more as a result of using Subutex I was never warned of this being a sid[Show More]I too have been on Suboxone sublingual tablets and films since 2008 and I only had 2 fillings and one crown before starting the medication. If i knew the impact i wouldn't have started these at all. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I lost all of my teeth 3 to 4 years after starting suboxone. When one is getting on Suboxone your focus is recovery NOT the other health issues that pop up. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. No withdrawals! I used to have such a pretty smile and I'm so insecure about it now yet I'm terrified to get them all pulled. However, the FDA indicates there have been more than 300 cases of tooth decay and dental problems reported among patients, most commonly involving tooth decay among users in their 40s, but dental problems have also been seen among those as young as 18 years old. Plus my dentist said my enamel and gums are disappearing. Military service members between 2003 and 2015 may be eligible for a 3M earplug lawsuit payout over hearing damage or tinnitus. All in the name of profit. They should be held responsible for many people for not warning patients of the dental risk. All of these comments are EXACTLY the same experience my husband and I have had. It can help sustain recovery and prevent or reduce opioid overdose. I had beautiful teeth before I started this medication and I never had any dental issues either until I started suboxone. I unfortunately lost all of my teeth 4 years ago not knowing it was suboxone. My dental problems have impacted my facial structure, my mental health, and overall quality of life more than I could've ever guessed. I never had problems with my teeth, yet slowly my dental health became worse without an obvious cause. Suboxone Settlement | Federal Trade Commission I never had dental issues until the last few years. This is amazing yet when I started reaching out to doctor about the potential risks of tooth decay (as i had started experiencing rapid tooth decay and loss of teeth) I was told time and time again that suboxone doesnt do this. With that being said, when she had had enough of being add[Show More]My mother has chronic back/neck pain secondary to genetics as well as old injuries. . They should also schedule a visit with their dentist soon after starting to use this drug and inform their dentist they are taking buprenorphine. Message. Suboxone teeth decay lawsuits : r/suboxone - reddit I only have 7 left on the bottom and I keep infection. I was never informed of any negative side effects of buprenorphine therapy other than "the usual side effects of opioid management". I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it. At bo point was I EVER warned that this medication would destroy not only my smile but my pride, self worth, mental health, marriage the list goes on and on. 2012 after being dependent on the pills the strips came out after just my first year 2013-2014 my first front tooth fell out. A lawsuit against hair relaxer manufacturers claims a Michigan woman developed uterine cancer and endometrial cancer due to exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals used in hair straightener formulas. The damage is usually catastrophic for most patients who need full mouth restoration or dentures. I had a gorgeous smile and only ever had one cavity before going on Suboxone in 2012 with no warning about the risks to my smile My teeth are now rotting out of my head and I've got terrible tooth decay that I cannot afford to deal with! I cannot get used to that. Our treatment options are limited to extractions without sedation and temporary dentures of the poorest quality that are made by dental students. Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit - Buprenorphine Prescription I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it. I cannot stop it because the withdrawal is excruciating. Wow. Ive spent more time. Someone else's job to do the right thing for God sakes, When I started taking Buprenorphine over 4 yrs ago I had BEAUTIFUL teeth! She trusted her provider to have her best interest at heart and was lied to. I had perfect teeth before starting them, not even a single cavity. With all of that being said. That was years ago. Anyone knows how long it will take? The opioid addiction treatment is given as a pill or tab that dissolves under the tongue or inside of the cheek. One by one, my teeth started falling out. I dont mean to sound defensive but being called a crackhead and junkie over your teeth sucks and is demoralizing and has changed me from the happy confident woman I used to be to a shell of the woman I once was. Avvo Rating: 10. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. I am up late again due to another infection in my teeth. I have four lower teeth left but within a few month after I received a deep cleaning, my remaining teeth are now in such bad shape as well that my dentists is not sure if they can be saved or strong enough to hold a partial. It's no coincidence that I've lost only bottom teeth considering that they a[Show More]I had ZERO dental problems before I started taking Suboxone. I wait 6 months and the oral surgeon isnt there. I always thought it was linked to my drug abuse history but now it makes more sense that it is linked to the meds. Looking to see if there is a suboxone class action for dental problems. I now have custody of my kids, a stable 40 hour a week job, my own home, and back in school for my B.B.A. I've been on suboxone since 2012 and my teeth are complete shit now. I was never told that this could be an adverse effect from this drug. How many of you out there inThis situation agree with me that you'd rather die than to have to face the world with no teeth due to medicine that was supposed to make us better. Then fill out their form, which they won't respond to, but it is the only way they track these "adverse ef[Show More]People could start by telling the truth. Its only my bottom 2 teeth. Use our visualizations to explore scam and fraud trends in your state based on reports from consumers like you. Suboxone maker Reckitt Benckiser to pay $1.4 billion in - ABC News