Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. T Neptune conjunct Moon opposing Saturn is personal and it can indicate several things: 1) the health of a female family member can be affected, 2) Keep your property safe from invasion (people and insects), 3) with Saturn, there can . . Your opinions of the world change, causing great disorientation and confusion. Hidden factors can interfere with your work. .Anywho, had to say. Saturn doesn't want to compromise. It is a time where your view of the world will be challenged. You see the world differently, and sometimes not quite correctly, since youre not able to determine what is your role or responsibility. *Emotions run very high and deep now. A news article came out about me and my astrology buisness but the vagueness around my role at the nonprofit and lack of awknowledgement for my efforts there reflects the immense confusion the owners and I have felt do to changing circumstances around resources (they would offer money, and then have to take it back by choice or by force due to grants not being approved which also seems like an 8th house issue where my Saturn lives). This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. What you thought was safe and secure relationships, possessions, employment or general structures and patterns in your life may dissolve away, leaving you feeling anxious and depressed. This is about Neptune Conjunct Saturn transit. Art Wynwood, Miami having its Saturn transit natal Neptune next 60 days or so. When transiting Neptune conjuncts natal Jupiter,you tend to seek more magical, inspiring, rousing, or spiritual and expansive experiences during this period. hi, Im going through this transit at the same time as Uranus is hitting my 9th house cusp, Neptune is opposite my natal Sun, Pluto is tightly conjunct my natal Uranus, and Saturn is parked on my vertex. You are more imaginative now, and easily swayed by the opinions of others. Neptune Transits Trine Midheaven Neptune Transits Square Saturn . He thought i was arrogant, probably because my mars in leo was conjunction his sun. But Saturn enters Pisces on 3-7-23, thats in about 3 weeks, Neptune already there since 2011. . Connecting with the divine feminine. Such steps can produce long-term results. If lord of the 8th, be careful to do your taxes accurately or you may be subject to audit. Neptune: 24: 30'46" 3s15: Pluto: 29: 27'59" 22s33: . . The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. You might miss out on opportunities because of this approach to life. You can work on developing a better support system and being a better supporter or others. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn. You might have a sense of living in a dream world or of being awake in your own dream. It was retro exact yesterday. Close your eyes; theres a world in there. When Saturn transits natal Neptune the need for security and achievement influences your ideals and desire to merge with the oneness of life. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it . Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. Niothing like what I am experiencing in my Saturn transit of my Neptune, at all. All of our planets are in the same house and sign except the moon and Ascendant. Hello E, I thought Id tell you my story of this transit. Photo credit: Photo by Mysticsartdesign on Pixabay. But this transit also reminds us to look at the good of every bad. If lord of the 3rd, you will develop wisdom as you begin to understand the true meanings of what you learned as a child. Rarely, one might literally not know who they are as the result of amnesia. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. *Major changes in your career occur at this time. Compassion, harmony, kindness, and openness are themes now. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. Only you will know how much hard work went into making your efforts look effortless. But Neptune, transiting through sensitive territories for you now, is fixing that. This is excellent for understanding hidden truths, metaphysical secrets and being able to easily adapt them within the structures of your daily life. For example, I've been daydreaming a lot about the future but I have a fear that if I do that I'll hate my present. Transit Neptune Conjunct Saturn can be quite a difficult transit because it can be quite confusing and possibly depressing and lonely. The text below is the interpretation of Saturn transits conjunct Neptune. You are able to see your work in better perspective. Rather than focusing on the strictly personally rewarding aspects of your efforts (for example, your income, amount of vacation time, and other amenities), you are more sensitive to the value of your service as a contribution to society. This can be a very difficult transit. November 4, 1952 same aspects. 13 November 1989. This conjunction is in my natal chart. We don't collect your IP address. You may feel consumed with fear and anxiety. You may feel distraught, lonely, or misunderstood by others as you seek something more from your life. The resulting fear and loss of self-confidence can then make you feel disoriented for no clear reason. You are responsive to all things pleasurable. All rights reserved. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. Opening to the mystical, subtle, intangible realms and finding great love and beauty there. The transit appears difficult, yet we hear that a Blue Dog Balloon sculpture was knocked over and disintegrated into many pieces. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. As long as your leadership is consistent with the principles that are true for you and those under you, you can readily adapt by incorporating a more open outlook to what you don?t know or can?t understand. They urge you to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. Simultaneously this Saturn squares Tau Sun in 8. Its orbital period is approximately 50 years. Walk a careful line when it comes to dreams versus realities. You might find it especially challenging to follow routines, to concentrate or focus on monotonous tasks or work, and to focus on academic subjects that require attention to detail or rote learning. Those pieces will be offered up for sale. I think it could be very boring and passionless. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. 21 July 1953, 3 March 1989 You may have a hard time drumming up the confidence to move forward. This actually happened to me. You are more sensitive than ever, and by transits end you may tap into your devoted nature. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps to being misled. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. In its higher manifestation, this transit allows you to make sacrifices and do without something to do good. A confusion between archetypal or inner reality and physical reality. Get report personalized to your birth now. At the very least, you have your finger on the pulse of what others want to hear and learn. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of lives. This time of year can be sad, but it doesn't have to be. Jimmy is warning what could happen again? All this to say perhaps you should watch the movie? Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. You may give up your material possessions voluntarily, denying your own welfare in favor of a humanitarian ideal. Neptune presents a fog and asks a person to tune into the truth. Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living by Robert Hand. Is this coming from Saturn? 23 June 1989 You may find yourself wanting to retreat from the abrasiveness, ugliness, or harsher realities of life, and to seek solace and comfort in nature, spiritual company, meditation, or your own inner world. Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities. To be itself and act as what it want to be in the current situation. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. Live a well-balanced life that includes regular contact with nature, physical exercise, adequate diet and rest, and some kind of regular routine that grounds you in everyday life. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn. That's often the hard part. (strangely enough i commemorated the Neptune ingress of Pisces by registering an email ID, see Sun sextile Neptune). Transit Saturn conjunct natal Ceres can make it important for you to learn lessons around resources, money, and support. *You are more concerned with bringing high ideals and noble purposes into your life now than you are with gaining personal recognition or personal gain. Neptune transits conjunct Mars Although your focus may be compromised and physical energy scattered, there is a strong potential for you to improve your intuition and magnetic powers. There is good that can come from this transit, but it's rarely fun or easy, even if there are good things happening in your life overall . In the areas of your life affected by this transit, you've been working to establish a solid base of security. . The dreams can be bad. Sometimes this transit makes us so vulnerable that we can too easily be taken advantage of or deceived, and this can happen with regards to money and in love, and sometimes both. The senses are dramatically heightened in general, although attention to detail may be lacking. Similarly for singles, your romantic and love needs are evolving. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. Neptune transits conjunct Venus You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Objectives that you seek may no longer have a clear definition causing uncertainty as to their importance. Tghis is simple. Betty the conjunction is exact 2-20-26. You are learning to share yourselfyour sympathy and compassionwith others, and to give of yourself more openly. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. There is the possibility of keeping work secrets if they are necessary for the benefit of all. You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are neglected or hurt. Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. On the other hand, you can be extremely inspired if your personality is extroverted, and/or if you work with Neptune instead of against it. What does the Moon rule in your chart? It is a time when you realize the world . Your writing and/or speech may become more poetic. Neptune conjunct Saturn transit is potentially depressing and confusing but also highly enlightening. Discovering that some of your perceptions of the world are in fact wrong can cause disappointment and anxiety. The transit of Neptune quincunx natal Saturn is a period of hard-to-diagnose health problems and deceptive conditions at work. Creativity runs high now. Neptune Transits Square Ascendant Your desires are tender and compassionate. This transit breaks and dissolves opinions and possessions with which you have identified previously. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. The structures you relied upon become much less reliable. But, if someone causes you to doubt and lower your self-confidence, you should distance yourself from that person during this time because youre already feeling low enough. My idea was she was simplying looking at the demographics, and that we were involved in an Export business, clients all over the world. You feel the desire to withdraw and isolate yourself, although its not good to do so because the opinions of others are necessary to help you balance your current pessimistic views. There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. . You may be susceptible to deception, fraud, and other unethical treatment. The resulting fear and loss of self-confidence can then make you feel disoriented for no clear reason. Last time we explored the Uranus Pluto cycle of revolution and freedom. Saturn ingress Pisces, long awaited reprieve from people stressed by its dignity. You may evade everything practical and solid. Avoid making big decisions without consulting someone you trust, since you do not see things very clearly on a material level. So I looked up the pattern in the sky at the time, on my chart. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. You might feel that the once-solid structure of your life is now shakier. Im not off right?? You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps misled. There is a search for a spiritual path. Let the images come. . Saturn is the ruler of my 5th house and is located in the 2nd house, in Libra. You can be emotionally restless, but what it is you actually want is hard to pinpoint. 21 November 1952 During this time your accurately built certainties will be challenged. I have not researched Saturn conjunct Neptune transit yet. As Neptune transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. We both have Sun Saturn conjunction in our birth charts so the conjunction is also a conjunction. Simultaneous to all that Uranus conjuncts said Sun n squares natal Mars, Moon n Chiron. Jimmy Carter surprise storytelling, a 20 Feb 2023 article, talking about his Canadian connections; the well known Iran rescue late 1979 thru 80, but not so well known 1952/53 NRX accident and cleanup, which has crept into the news cycle. The body itself is sensitive, and you must be cautious with drugs. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Your perception of reality is changing considerably, making you see things on a grander scale. It is exhausting. I love you as an astrologer as a rule. . It will help you to pursue a dream that will last forever. Yoga, meditation, or spiritual studies can be appealing now. Similar to the Saturn transit on the Natal Venus, Saturn conjunct Neptune transit brings a lot of negative energies. You may have fear and doubts over how you are managing your life. Neptune-Saturn Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Neptune - astrology meaning Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet. You may have fear and doubts over how you are managing your life. This is an imaginative and inspired period of time when problems are solved intuitively and naturally. You may not feel too sure of yourself. In the lower manifestation, a sacrifice would be forced upon you to teach you a lesson about responsibility. So, tread carefully. When you're younger, you might have trouble describing or articulating what you can envision or see in your mind. . Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. 23/08/2021 Jessica Davidson. Grazie! Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Actually I was hitting cardio hard at that time and it felt great. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal Neptune, you have very negative mood swings, with confusion, uncertainty, and doubts about how to structure your life from now on. I have not been able to define my role within a nonprofit Ive volunteered with for 4 years. *You are more humble, receptive, and less aggressive in your work now. Hi Jamie, Your intuition is excellent and the imaginative changes that you introduce now are likely to work very nicely. Transit Neptune sextile or trine natal Ceres can help you feel more supported by others, and you can be extra compassionate and . Your inner world is so full its brimming over, overflowing its banks into your daily life. Otherwise, legal action, scandal, and loss could damage your relationships, reputation, and career. Interpretations are written by Cafe Astrologys Annie Heese, except those marked with *, which are samples from the Daily Forecast report. You are more vulnerable now to influence and illusion. When transiting Saturn is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit often brings profound disillusionment with life. This transit can point to lack of clarity and objectivity. After all this time. Thats Neptune in the broad sense.. Often there is an undercurrent to this period that can interfere quietly yet strongly with an established routine while making it a challenge to recognize what is amiss. As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you can become more vulnerable to deception. . Is this coming from Saturn? As you become increasingly disoriented . Because even with a normal childhood, you will likely struggle with fear, insecurity, negativity, loss, and disappointment. A time during which you may be able to carry your ideals and dreams into reality to make your home and environment reflect your inner desires and become as you dreamed it could be. The current cycle began in 1989 and the next one starts with the conjunction in 2025 - 2026. what say you sir to this?? There can be some self-criticism as you begin to see some of your escapist tendencies for what they are, or you could . Look to the house(s) of your natal chart with Cancer on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. You must work very hard if your parents are weak, unreliable, or a negative influence. Addressing this loss may prove perplexing because you can have no clue as to the source of the problem. Georges Braque 006, David Gest 012, Tyga 024, David Berkowitz 024, Lucy Hale 025, Tony Blair 026, Buddy Rose 028, Peaches Geldof 031, John Edwards 032, Xi Jinping 034, Cyndi Lauper 034, Alden Ehrenreich 037, Elizabeth Olsen 050, Hulk Hogan 054, J. J. Watt 052, Riley Keough 100, Kathy Lee Gifford 112, Roseanne 123, Chris Brown 132, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 135, Charles II of England 135, Stephen Paddock 142. Although you may worry about your material needs, you realize how little you really need. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. You might feel confused and anxious for the lack of a solid inner stability and you might see things worse than they actually are. This is the time to surround yourself with positive people. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Your dreams and hopes may begin to materialize, and you can find true spiritual contentment without relying on material needs. If you do not think highly of yourself, other people will not treat you well. I may be too hopeful for a good ending to my friendships here, but I have to believe the lesson that is being illuminated here is possible to seize and level up from regardless of how they feel about me. Tonight, by hazard, I found and watched that movie again, and was flooded with memories, and the recognition of the importance of that time. Mould opinions. This transit may take away any possessions, well-being or physical conditions that are blocking your . Supervisors, employers, employees, and co-workers show that they will extend themselves and make sacrifices when the chips are down. When transit Neptune is trine, or sextile, to your natal Saturn, there is a balance between idealism and reality. Hard work is needed to gain the education and skills to succeed. If you do these things, you can make your dreams come true. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. If you resist the process, youll find a host of Neptune problems plaguing you: losing the car keys, forgetting to pay the electric bill, having the attention span of a three-year-old on a sugar jag. Neptune transits conjunct Sun Your personal sense of reality changes dramatically during the course of this transit. Transit Saturn not only conjuncts natal Mars but that Mars is conjunct Chiron. Your sensitivity, receptivity, and empathy is so great right now that you may need to avoid negative, intensely emotional people, or even films or music depicting negative and unhappy imagery. At first, you feel disoriented, confused or depressed. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. Your physical world and transcendental world become one. You may take up, or renew, an interest in the psychic or divining arts. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. . Transit Neptune Conjunct Saturn During this period of time, your security and sense of self-confidence are severely challenged. Although this was in my 8th house, no health problems to speak of. But theres an alternative: trust the process. The need to get away from it all for some peace and quiet now and again will be strong. Strange moods and feelings that you may never have experienced before come and go during this time period. One message in particular I remember, a radio broadcaster saying the Recession was over. Accept this confrontation, and examine your world view before you defend your old principles. . However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. The karmic repercussions of being mean, lazy, disrespectful or cruel will now catch up with you in the form of self-loathing, nightmares, loss and disappointment. Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. Like a flood storming into your life, the Neptune conjunct Saturn transit is likely to soften and shake up once-firm structures. Between the two, the dominant ingress in the overlapping zone could be the one in whose sign Saturn transits most of the time (in this case, 70% of the time in Capricorn in the overlapping period - overlapping zone 70 - or simply OZ 70, as a suggested code for . You cannot help others until you help yourself. . You are also very easily charmed as well, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners. This aspect is in Jeffrey Epsteins 11th house in the sign of Libra. A more sensitiveeven mysteriouspersona is projected this year, and this can attract pleasantly unusual circumstances (and people) into your life. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. You are also likely to form relationships with people based on a deep level of mutual appreciation and understanding for each other. Over-identifying with spiritual or psychic experiences. 14/04/2017 Jessica Davidson. You seek out more expansive, magical, spiritual, and rousing experiences. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). +There could be a tendency to view your accomplishments as having almost no substance during this time. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. Saturn represents the reality that we perceive due to our agnoia, but Neptune represents a different level of reality where paradoxes are common. You are likely to feel very frustrated and disheartened at times, but dont completely lose faith and throw everything out the window! Increased compassion and sympathetic awareness of others. Neptune Transits Sextile Saturn In contrast, you may play the role of victim to force someone to look after you. Romance is highly favored. You can accept reality and youre not pessimistic. Your desires are tender and compassionate. Neptune Transits Trine Ascendant Saturn Transits to Neptune. Your speech may slow down, as a reflection of your increased sensitivity to the world around you. Your tolerant, accepting attitude makes relationships with others pleasant and positive. When it comes to matters of the heart, the things you yearn for may not be mirrored in your experiences or romantic partner. Neptune currently transiting Pisces since February 2012, its been 11 years and now Saturn shows up in Pisces. Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. You are more sensitive than ever, and through the course of this transit, your emotional life opens up to incorporate more refined, subtle and understated perceptions. Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place). You can make practical changes to reach a higher and more spiritual reality. It enters a wide orb from 2024 and then slowly moves closer into . Everyday life seems drab and dreary to you now, and you explore bigger, more exciting, more exotic alternatives. This can be a time of illusions and confusion, or it can be a very inspired time. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. This is a good time to learn about feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmonious, life-enhancing spaces to live or work in. This article is not about what you are experiencing. . Be careful! No wonder the General Saturn loves this place, and perhaps why we see border sensitivity lately. With this reading you receive. Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. Learning self-confidence and self-belief are critical to avoiding the fear and disappointment of this aspect. Neptune is urging you to become more refined with regards to your desire nature, anger management, and assertive tendencies. You may often rely on your instinctual judgment. You;re one of the few go-tos for me, but this is so off. This aspect softens your disposition somewhat, as you tune into your imaginative and artistic side. . This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording session to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Because of its relative distance from the Sun, Chiron is one of slow-moving celestial objects. Saturn Conjunct Neptune, Natal Saturn Conjunct Neptune Transit Saturn is conjunct Uranus. Other people and things affected by Neptune are the mother, important women in the natives life, domestic life, and the home. Positions of authority can erode during this cycle, especially when there exists a lack of respect. Use well-grounded and trusted friends or advisors to get a perspective on your thoughts and experiences now. I am surrounded by strange folks to me, and they are the elucidators, not anyone close to me. Neptune Conjunct Moon. If lord of the 2nd, you are prone to misplace things and lack good financial planning and accounting now. Others give you ideal support. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. This problem is particularly strong if you have not been honest with yourself, kidding yourself about where your current life is leading you, or ignoring your dreams and ideals because you feel they are unrealistic.