Hu Plig (calling the soul). Required fields are marked *. We love you all. Our culture believes in spirits and that every person, whether unborn, born, alive or not, forever has one. Traditionally, in most kidnapping cases, the bride is then forced to marry the groom despite her personal wishes. The soul then dresses in its placental jacket and travels to reunite with ancestors. Some couples choose to do this as well as have a Western-style ceremony and reception. Ceremonial rites, including songs and prayers, take place during these 13 days. Before any guest at the table may drink, including the maykong, they must call out each member of the groom's party and thank them in a specific way.Each round of drinking has its specific rules and events. Some things they may need to discuss include improper conduct by the groom during courtship, unresolved issues between clans, or whether anything about the wedding was done improperly. The family members of the deceased will stay at the funeral for the entirety of the three days and nights and comfort each other. 5 Traditional Hmong Ceremonies You Need to Know. A blessing over the couple is said. During this time, all of the family members sit around thetxiv xaivwhile he tells them the words from their deceased loved one. Other acceptable gifts for a Hmong funeral include food and donations to help cover funeral costs. First, the bride and groom, who would each have two attendants to assist in the ceremony, would walk to opposite ends of the wedding table and the attendants would spread out a rug for the bride. Lwm Sub: A ceremony before the Hmong New Year. The Hmong world is inhabited by a variety of natural, ancestral, and supernatural spirits or gods. player carries on the ceremonial music alone. Hmong people believe in tying strings for blessing, luck and even protection. Blessed with a great number of relatives, it was a guarantee that there was bound to be someone celebrating a joyous milestone also referred to as Khi Tes in the Hmong culture. The bride is then officiallygiven to the groom. The first ceremony to send the party off is usually a simple dinner followed by a short ceremony. Traditional Hmong weddings are extensive and elaborate events which normally take two days and one night to complete. Create a free Cake end-of-life planning profile and instantly share your health, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions with a loved one. This wedding crew consists of the maykong (negotiators), the bride, the groom, a bridesmaid, and a best man. At this time, rice and chunks of boiled meats are servedand everyone will introduce themselves to the groom, best man and the bridesmaid. It is usually late at night by this time, and the final occurrenceis boiling four whole chickens. After this ritual, the groom and the best man return to the table and finish the last round of drinks. The bridesmaid will sleep next to the bride in order to prevent her from running off and doing improper and unbecoming things such as returning to an ex. Throughout the first and second days of the funeral, guests arrive in large numbers to honor the deceased and mourn with the family. 3:30 PM -4:30 PM Hmong Blessing Ceremony (Hu Plig Khis Tes) Legacy Hill Farm. Need inspiration? We cook a lot of food, invite family, a shaman performs the blessing ceremony and everyone ties a white string around her and our wrists to wish is luck in life and give Lillian gifts (money). But you can still bring a respectful gift to a Hmong funeral. In Laos, the Hmong lived separately from the Lao people. The groom then kneels in front of his parents and other elders, asking them for help. The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online Of course they are not happy about the death but death is the transition for the human soul (Cha, 1968 p. 101). So I grabbed my embroidery thread and began to braid her a blessing string. This is where the groom and the bridesmaid are given the most drinks. The Geneva Accords in 1954 divided Vietnam into two separate countries. Today. The family then buries the body, traditionally on the side of a mountain, facing west. After the burial, the 13-day mourning period begins. If you are a close family member to the deceased, then you will be present during all four days. Afterward, the pregnant woman and her family prepare for a feast. And Christian Hmong couples sometimes choose simple Christian ceremonies, with an ordained minister and exchange of vows. Learn from the Pros to Officiate with Confidence! 1. The soul then dresses in its. On this second day, many conditions are put on the marriage between the families by negotiators. Basically what a blessing ceremony is is a Hmong version of a baptism. Dont try to push conversation about the deceased, but dont shy away from it, either. Traditional Hmong ceremonies are a huge aspect of Hmong culture. I find it beautiful how much support our culture has on family and the bond that ties everyone together. Hmong tradition considers most illnesses to be the result of the soul becoming separated from the body because of an accident, a traumatic event, or theft by an angry spirit. Do not rise from your seat without excusing yourself first. The fourth day is the day of the burial. I saw one of your pictures, you had a bowl with money, is this something guest usually give? How long does the typical Hmong wedding last? My Level and Knowledge of the Hmong Language is.. Create a free website to honor a loved one who has passed away. Hmong: A member of a people living traditionally in isolated mountain villages throughout Southern China and Southeast Asia, usually known as Miao in China. Ua Neeb (shamanism). The Ntoo Xeeb ceremony is a principal New Year's ritual in which all responsible male heads of households . The traditional Hmong drum is often beat and the Hmong flute known as the "qeej" is played. Drink when it is your turn to drink and avoid stalling. It is their job to negotiate with family ancestors, asking what needs to be done in order for the affected person to be better again. Usage of any form or other service on our website is Both of these things occur, but there is much more to it. Each string comes with a pendant that I personally hand stamped. I believe Lao calls it "Baci", (not sure on the spelling of that.) You are most likely to attend these spiritual and untypical gatherings depending on how traditional your family is. Once its closed, some say that only the groom is allowed to open it. If they are pleased, they will protect the believer's descendants from illness and natural disasters. Protestantism allowed no compromise or room . 2. This is the best time to stop by and pay your respects as a non-family member. Services last continually, 24 hours a day until Monday. For this reason, the proper Hmong funeral rites are essential, and they often last three or even four days. The shaman goes on a journey to the spiritual world to find out what is wrong with the person who is sick. But still, whenever a child is born, there must be aHu Pligceremony to call theDab Pogto come welcome the baby into the house and to thank them for blessing the couple with the baby. Facebook. As with much in Hmong religion, Chinese influence is strong, and the Hmong Otherworld is closely modelled on the . Doing this, they honor the relatives, ancestors and spirits and recognize them as important members of their new family. To be prepared when planning a Western-style Hmong wedding, the best thing to do is be informed about the cultures and traditions. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. 7. Do not criticize the maykang, for they do not want to be there in the first place. Because their traditional marriages don't involve certificates or clergy to solemnize them, most Hmong Americans choose modern-leaning ceremonies with a wedding officiant and marriage license to ensure their unions are recognized. I am so blessed to have such an amazing and supportive family. As the story goes, a young girl felt ready to get married yet her parents did not approve of it. "In partnership with the Indigenous Knowledge and . Many mothers have said that these birth beads give them strength and focus during labor. Through this journey, Hmong funeral traditions begin from the moment a person is born. When entering into a funeral home, you may see lots of heart-shaped and circular-shaped memorials made from the paper money, money that is of no use to humans but is valuable in the afterlife. Unlike typical Western funeral attire, during a Hmong funeral ceremony, attendeesespecially relatives and descendants of the deceasedshould dress down. The elder in charge of hosting the funeral then divvies up the cooked food items to serve to guests. The couple then enters the house. Negotiations of price and gifts can take several hours to complete. We burn this money on the day of the burial. Ladder Stitch: A stitch in embroidery consisting of transversing bars. It is the groom's responsibility to know the process of how to go about becoming married in order to spare his family from both money and embarrassment. Rituals performed by the head of the household "in honor of the ancestral spirits" are for individual benefits which are usually done during Hmong New Year celebrations. In the United States, this bride price can range anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. Often, numbers in a wedding are kept even, as this signifies the even union between the bride and the groom. There's no denying that this powerful tool aids in living mindfully and assists the wearer in utilizing the power of thought. The wedding is a more simple negotiation with a wedding ceremony following. A Site Dedication Ceremony was held during the opening ceremony for the Dragon Festival at Phalen Park, complete with a parade of lion dancers to the China Garden site where a Feng Shui Site Dedication ritual was performed by International Feng Shui expert Carole Hyder and a Hmong blessing was given by Hmong Elder Uncle Charles Vu. This link will open in a new window. Hmong weddings are really emotional for the bride and her family, since she is forever leaving the nest and adopting a new family. May Yang, the shaman, explains that this ceremony is the Hmong version of prenatal care. While there are some wonderful online resources regarding Hmong weddings and traditionsthe best place to find out more is by talking with the elders of the family. Nowadays, many couples skip day one and three of the traditional Hmong wedding and only have a big party along with the hand-tying ceremony. During the 4 day ceremony the girls must abide by certain rules, preventing them to wass or touch their skin, or drink from anything other than their drinking tubes. Khi Tes is a Blessing String Hand Tying Ceremony and it is exactly what it sounds like. A black umbrella might seem like an unusual wedding accessory in some places, but youll always find one at a traditional Hmong wedding -- carried by the bride from start to end. The Hmong belief is that this process can be very confusing because there are so many different paths to follow. This payment is a combination of money, cigarettes, and property, and the custom continues today (though generally symbolic). Ceremonies go for at least 24-hours straight and the deceased continue to be covered with . Thus when thetxiv xaivchants, the deceased will be able to hear his voice and take the correct journey home. Khi Tes is a Blessing String Hand Tying Ceremony and it is exactly what it sounds like. After an autopsy takes place (if necessary), a designated family elder begins the rites by gathering extended family members. According to Toby Blackstar, a Native American funeral director, the Kiowa believe in-ground burial is the only acceptable way to release a body after death. To seal the deal, the maykong will "sweep the table" (Cha, 2010). (Cha, 2010). Pictured is a photo of the stomachs being cleaned out. 2019 Wedding Planner Magazine, LLC. Hmong tradition teaches that when persons pass away, they will go back and visit each place that they have been to, with the last destination being their birthplace. There are well over 300,000 Hmong Americans living in the US, and legislation has been introduced in multiple states over the yearsattempting to add mej koob to the list of those who can solemnize marriage. It is very important the groom and best man are aware of what is expected of them. HMONG - BLESSING CEREMONY FOR ST. PAUL-CHINA FRIENDSHIP GARDEN The family then removes the body from the home and begins the journey to the gravesite. A graduation party at the park can also be a Khi Tes ceremony for the graduate. Women who have previously been married can become married again, but they cannot have another extensive and elaborate wedding. Those blessed families who received the engagement and the Blessing at the same time should, by establishing a true family, attend God, and in the position of true parents liberate the resentment of all things. Inform the person next to you of the name and each round of drinks before drinking. After the shaman is done calling for the spirit, the chicken will be killed and served to the guest of honor. The Baciceremony is held on many different occasions or events through out the year. Traditionally, the food will have no spices and fancy dishes are not welcome. It is disrespectful to appear arrogant or vain at a Hmong funeral. , which means the Hmong people believe all living things are interconnected. Throughout the ceremony, the shaman's husband burns pieces of paper money as offerings to the spirits. "This ceremony was to help the mother and baby," Yang said through a translator. On the third day, the burial typically takes place. During traditional ceremonies, the umbrella is wrapped in a long black-and-white striped ribbon (made from folding a special cloth into a thin strip) called a Siv Ceeb. However, the door is blocked by the bride's family in a process called "opening door-bridging walls". The wedding starts with some basic preparations and rituals at the groom's home. There are a few rounds of drinks, honorings of ancestors and spirits, and thanksgiving done at the groom's home before the wedding is finally considered over. We also believe in reincarnation which cycles through the same spirits. For example, Catholicism allows Hmong to do the khi tes ritual which is a blessing ceremony. FACTS ABOUT THE CLASS OF 2022 OF ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY. Click here for more details on Hmong weddings. It can be held any day of the week though it has to be on a good day in the lunar calendar. It should be noted that this is an old tradition that is rarely practiced today in many Western Nations. This unique funeral service provides a deeper look into the Hmong religion, and if youre preparing to attend one or simply interested, here are some basics to get you started. It can be traced back to ancient pagan rites and the beginning of Christianity, as we know it. Any information you provide to Cake, and all communications between you and Cake, The Hmong religion is traditionally animist, which means the Hmong people believe all living things are interconnected. She had completed her studies and has moved to Texas to continue with her education. Loss is hard. The. Often, the shaman sits or jumps repeatedly on a bench while playing a bell like instrument. The resident maykong will place five equal piles of money in each corner and in the middle of the table. If youre preparing to attend a Hmong funeral, you might be intimidated by the many rituals and traditions. For many of the Hmong elders, this is in Laos or Thailand. Most importantly, be sincere in your offerings of comfort and support. In response, the brides family chooses an acceptable price for the bride, which the grooms family agrees to pay in exchange for permission to wed. Everything you need to know to officiate. Cha, Ya Po,An introduction to Hmong culture(Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010),101., Hmong Religiosity and Shamanism In The Twin Cities, Hmong Religiosity and Shamanism in the Twin Cities, Hmong Rituals: Birth, Marriage, Death, Healing, Christianity: Hmong Churches and "American" Churches, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The family members are required tonyiav, to mourn for the deceased. Do not use the word "finish", but use the word "clear" instead. Hu Plig can also be done for someone who has been out of the country and initiated for someone who has not had a Hu Plig ceremony done for them in a while. I would ask but everytime I do she always says I don't need to bring anything (her Hmong wedding) and later I learn different. Prayers are concerned with all the most intense human experiences including entreaties for material benefits, supplications for blessings, requests for opportunities, honoring spirit, unburdening grief, releasing guilt, unloading affliction, worshipping, affirming desires, offering gratitude, wishing for escape from pain and suffering, and However, the parents should not eat at this feast, for it is believed that this symbolizes the parents digging into the wealth and prosperity of their children. (a type of bamboo instrument) player perform multiple ceremonial songs throughout the day. The spirit catches you and you fall down is the Hmong way of explaining seizures, it's noted as marking an important person within the community who usually becomes a shaman or leader, It also shows the impasse of Hmong and the doctors as neither is willing to compromise on the details of the disease. Families also pay the spirits by sacrificing an animal such as a pig or chicken. The qeej player leads the procession, along with the drummer. Hmong funeral rites are elaborate and meaningful, and they must be performed correctly. Light is considered pure, it dispels darkness, nourishes life, and illuminates everything. and travels to reunite with ancestors. What are some things guests should do at a Hmong wedding? 10. Because their traditional marriages dont involve certificates or clergy to solemnize them, most Hmong Americans choose modern-leaning ceremonies with a wedding officiant and marriage license to ensure their unions are recognized. Dia Cha, "The Hmong 'Dab Pog Couple' Story and its Significance in Arriving at an Understanding of Hmong Ritual"Hmong Studies Journal2003, 4:1-20, She grabbed a large hooped rattle-like tool called thetxiab neeband herkuam, the divination horns. Forced marriages due to sleeping together out of wedlock or staying out too late still persist in the Hmong culture. Also, if the husband allows, she can take her children with her. In these cases, the planner would interview the couple and provide the same services that they would for any other wedding couplebudget review, timeline, vendor search, and so on. Once reaching the bride's former home, the wedding party always enters through the back door. [3] For example, a Xiong may not marry another Xiong. The family members of the deceased will stay at the funeral for the entirety of the three days and nights and comfort each other. advice. Do not bring your own drinks, but drink what is being offered you. We believe that when your soul wanders away from your body, is lost, or kidnapped by evil spirits you get sick and modern medicines don't really work. For a newborn infant, the first soul enters his or her body when he or she is conceived in the mother's womb. It ends with the groom and best man consuming drinks from every member of the bride's family. It is chosen because it can guide the soul back to its ancestors. Observers of the Hmong faith believe in reincarnation, making funeral ceremonies that much more impactful. For example, one of the terms could be, If your son cheats on our daughter, then she is allowed to divorce him, and the bride price will not be returned. At the ceremony, guests tie a string on the brides and grooms hands to signify the binding relationship. Usually, the animal that is being sacrificed would become the meal for the guests, but nowadays, some Hmong families order outside food in order to save time. Hmong wedding traditions are believed to have taken root with the two sons who survived the gray flood which cleansed humanity. 8. This is a gift and an offering to the soul of the departed to help them on their way. Additionally, if the body faces east, it may be blinded by the sun. Thank you! The soul travels back to every place the person ever lived on Earth, ending in the burial location of the persons placenta. These parts must remain in harmony to remain healthy. There are four main parts to a traditional Hmong wedding: the bride and groom come together, the bride is inducted into the groom's family on the third morning of their union, there is an exhausting wedding at the bride's home, and the wedding concludes with the groom's family. Like birthdays, traditional ceremonies occur very often. Everyone lent a helping hand and the party was a success. . A Hu Plig ceremony was completed to welcome her to the spiritual clan of her husbands family. 3. On the first day, family members will greet guests, accept gifts, and host prayers. Then his family follows, and must ask .