It is revealed in, Both of them have called the other's teeth perfect. In the restaurant, Charlotte did not want to break Henry's date because it was important to him. Henry took the gun Charlotte had and shot the popcorn. Charlotte looked impressed with Henry saying the instructions of the ride in Spanish. As soon as Charlotte comes inside she asks where Henry is and when Jasper tells her, she says she's going to go check on him. After Ray says Do you love it?, Charlotte teases Henry by saying that she is currently loving it because she was enjoying seeing Rays cape getting blown in Henrys face. In the background, Henry can be seen smiling a lot while talking to Charlotte when Ray takes the emergency call about the stolen declaration. Henry tells Charlotte theyre going to make a haircut chain then he asks her if she wants to join them. It's my own ideas of episodes that I want to happen ;P. Henry, Charlotte and Ray go to New York to fight a villain that escaped from Swellview prison along the way, they meet the game shakers again. Charlotte used to be open to Henry they would watch movies every Friday night and tell each other secrets and rumors around the school. Henry felt bad that Charlotte (and Jasper) couldn't go to Frankini's party. Charlotte tries to cheer Henry up by telling him he has perfect teeth, Henry thanks Charlotte for calling his teeth perfect, Henry asks Charlotte if she is going to move away and go off to college (clearly a little freaked out at the thought of being in Swellview without her). Henry adds, "It might be a wrong". Schowz winks at her, proof thathe doesnt believe her. Charlotte starts to explain to Henry why she likes eating healthy food even though she knows Henry needs to go. For example, when he starts laughing fire in, In later seasons, Henry consistently says "What?" When Henry's mom starts to ask Henry about his underwear, Charlotte teases him by saying she wants to hear the question. They are best friends as well as co-workers. Will Charlotte is doing the best she can to balance searching for Mortmain and keeping up with her duties in the Institute. If you ship Jaele or Chenry you may continue reading. Henry goes to stand up and object twice and both times Charlotte puts her hand on his shoulder and shushes him. Charlotte asked herself where Henry was when she got out the bathroom. Charlotte is the one who points out to the others that Henrys secret is in danger. They are also supportive of each other. Charlotte and Henry look through criminals' records. Henry tries twice to encourage Charlotte to come with them up the stairs. Charlotte was lecturing Henry (and Ray) about how stupid the disagreement on Frittles chips was. When they reach the bottom of the elevator to the Man Cave Henry asks Charlotte if she's ok with a concerned tone. Charlotte looks sad and uncomfortable when Henry is yelling at everyone about the Man Cave being gone. Henry questions what got Charlotte sick and sounds protective of her when he asks Jasper "what kind of meat did you buy?! This story is about Henry and Charlotte's "friendship". overpaid mortgage interest refund. When Charlotte calls Henry cute, he smiles and sticks his tongue out at her. Henry gets annoyed again when Charlotte screams and again Charlotte tells Henry to blame Jasper, not her. Charlotte wishes that Henry was indestructible. Henry starts dating Babe in hope to get over Charlotte. Henry quickly changes the subject when Charlotte starts talking about the first guy she kissed, possibly because he didn't want to know and was/isjealous. Henry and Charlotte were laughing as they walked into Henry's house (it appeared to be late at night, so they were probably coming from work). Charlotte refuses to sit next to Henry in science class if he has two arms growing out of his ears trying to poke him. They like and dislike many of the same things (for example, pickles). ", he looked back at Charlotte. Henry puts the lanyard on Charlotte and touches her cheeks. When Henry and Charlotte greet each other at the start of the episode, they refer to one another as 'Hen' and 'Char'. He also knew that Charlotte was starting to get agitated by Babe's behavior as well. guildford parking zone map; ginastera estancia program notes; boiler drum level compensation formula Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: abandoned mansion with everything inside Beitrags-Kommentare: michelle snow foundation michelle snow foundation Charlotte is able to tell that Henry is having a hard time staying on the video call so she blows the candle out for him and says bye so that he can hang up. Charlotte hurries to the door to let Henry out after he's been stung. Henry knew that Charlotte had to go to dinner with her parents. Henry tried to distract Charlotte by saying he liked her shirt. Henry wanted Charlotte to help him get the underwear off the walls, but she left him to do it himself. Jasper doesn't act shocked or surprised when he sees what he believes to be Henry and Charlotte kissing. Charlotte and Henry both said no to joining Jasper's posse. When Charlotte tells Henry that the Language, Information, and Mathematics Program do call themselves L.I.M.P, they hug again. When Charlotte finds out from Jasper that Henry is alone with Gwen, she gets very worried and runs to the elevator. #chenry It is seen that Charlotte and Henry say click to each other before they hang up on the phone. Charlotte was grinning at Henry and Jasper when they were trying to explain why they were laughing. Even though Henry rarely gets hurt, Charlotte often worries about him and is always warning him to be careful. Charlotte agrees with Ray that its hard to hear Henry freaking out about the bee, so she mutes the box volume. Disclaimer: Henry and Charlotte wanted to go to the concert that Piper had tickets for. In. When Piper says lets go!" Henry says it to Charlotte in. Henry is about to yell at Ray, Charlotte interrupts and says "let me". Henry lets Charlotte to speak. Every time they used the elevator, Henry and Charlotte were seen laughing and smiling at each other. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. Charlotte said she wants to be on Henry's team and they both fist-bumped. Henry expects Charlotte to know where the 'restaurant,'The Basement' was. Charlotte denies it by responding,"What? Charlotte is seen being anxious to go save Henry (and Ray). 2 Cutest Moments Henry Danger. Charlotte attempts to carry Henry after Schwoz makes him pass out. Henrys neighbor asks if she saw Charlotte floating over his watch. If you look closely during scenes in Charlottes room, you can see a photo of Henry and Charlotte from. Henry smiles and looks at Charlotte briefly. Neither Charlotte nor Henry wants to hear who was in detention with Jasper. Charlotte swats Henrys hand away from Piper before they removed her phone. Can Ray be a father? After she says so, Henry still stares at her. Charlotte found out that Henry killed her pet fish, Nemo, in, Henry is strong enough to pull Charlotte over a counter, as shown in. Charlotte shows concern for the side effect Henry has. When Ray starts yelling during Charlotte and Henrys phone call Henry says Im on the phone!. She seemed irritated about how many times he had asked her for advice. Henry was biting his lower-lip while looking at Charlotte. They met all at the age of 7 at a sandbox in Swell view park. Therefore, he may have let her win. Henry and Charlotte standing very closer together in the House of Tramps (the location where they held the tournament). Charlotte is the only one watching Schwoz on the phone, probably because she knows that hes talking to Henry. Charlotte seemed annoyed every time Henry would repeat whatever was on the voicemail. Charlotte zaps someone whos trying to attack Henry. As Jasper is measuring Charlotte's waist, Henry is smiling and laughing in the background. Work Search: Just another site. Henry asked Charlotte why she always has to say no. Charlotte askes Henry not to kill the bird, but when she is not looking, Henry grabs the gun and runs to the other room. Henry and Charlotte did a little dance when they were teasing Ray. with Ray when Henry said Veronika kissed him. When Jasper interrupts Henry and Charlotte, they both look annoyed. Charlotte was excited when Henry (Ray and Schwoz) stormed into the school with the invention. Henry and Charlotte have shared numerous hugs over the course of the show. Examples of this include Jasper thinking they were kissing in. Henry looked disgusted/annoyed when Jasper said he was going to tell Charlotte what it's like to use the bathroom with hairy hands. I know this part sounds like a lot of other wessa fan fics, but I'll try to make it different. ", Charlotte says that Henrys cartoon character doesnt sound like a boy and he glares at her, Henry and Charlotte both fall asleep on the couch, Henry tells Charlotte (and Jasper) to clean themselves up, Charlotte got offended that Henry suggested her appearance was inadequate and Henry reassures her that he didnt mean that, Henry says You know what I mean to Charlotte when she got offended about his comment. When Henry calls her to come with him again, she refuses to the second time. Henry asked Charlotte to go down to the basement with him. When Charlotte tells Henry she got in for the second time, he says he is proud of her and hugs her. Two people who loved Henry Hart stand alone in the moments after his death. WARNING: read at your own risk!! Henry tries to comfort Charlotte multiple times by saying things like "that was just a dream Charlotte", "dreams are weird", "You're fine, we aren't kissing". After Henry startles Charlotte he puts his hand out to help her up. Charlotte gave Henry a plan to catch the criminal. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. Henry saved Charlotte by pushing Courtney out through the window. Henry and Charlotte stood next to each other and glared at Jasper and Ray. Charlotte told Ray to let Henry go with him. They have an affectionate friendship and can be seen hugging in numerous episodes. Charlotte plays along with Henry's lie by helping him come up with an explanation as to how Ray saved them. When Henry acted like Charlotte's idea was his, Charlotte was a bit confused and frustrated about it. When Henry was telling her the plan that Schwoz can rebuild the invention, he playfully said 'okay?'. Henry asks Ray if Charlotte is in the Man Cave and then says its "because she's normal and I like to talk to her", Henry's only reason for wanting to talk to Charlotte is that he enjoys it. It wasn't long before he joined an illegal fight club, to let out his pent-up anger that was directed towards one ugly human being. Charlotte and Henry both walk away when Ms. Shapen asks for help removing a dart from her shoulder. Charlotte was only a little grossed outthat Henry sneezed on her. Charlotte says she will handle Bysh herself, to which Henry says, You dont know how, youre so small!. After Charlotte leaves, Ray says, Were gonna help her and Henry scoffs and responds, Yeah, were gonna help her!, Charlotte pushes Henry (and Ray) to the other side of the hallway so that they can talk, When Charlotte asks why Ray and Henry came to the school as Captain Man and Kid Danger, Henry responds, To help you!. Charlotte says how he thinks he's so cute. The stockings in the Man Cave are hung in pairs and Charlottes and Henrys are side by side. Henry (along with the rest of the gang) helps Charlotte with her plan to destroy the machine. Charlotte tells Henry (and Ray) that shes glad theyre alive. Charlotte grabs Henrys wrist when his watch beeps. Henry smiled at Charlotte when she told Jasper the secret was true. When Charlotte was in the midst of Henry and Bianca complimenting on how each other looks, she felt a bit awkward, but allowed them to be alone. Henry yells at Charlotte for sending his Dad down to the tenth Man-Cave to get the shellgon crystals because his dad always forgets everything. She was a goddess and he was lucky she even wanted to date a peasant like him. Charlotte interrupts Ray and Henry's call to say hi to Henry and Henry comments on the fact that she's already at work, Charlotte is shocked that Ray thinks Henry would lie about being sick, Charlotte tells Ray and Schwoz that they can't spy on Henry because it's wrong and an invasion of his privacy, Charlotte spends the entire episode trying to warn Henry that Ray and Schwoz are spying on him, Charlotte calls Henry very responsible right before Ray mutes her, Charlotte tricks Schwoz into letting her out so that she can call Henry and tell him that Jasper would be wearing a wire. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Charlotte was hesitantto tell Henry about Debbie's birthday party. Charlotte sits very close to Henry when discussing rather to go to the concert or save the hostage. Charlotte checks his head for any bumps, then lifts his shirt for any side-effects. Henry was likely the one on the phone with Charlotte in the third flashback as they are known to be the ones most frequently in contact with each other by phone. Henry makes exactly the same statement: "So.. she's gone.. Charlotte taunts Henry and Jasper about being afraid to ask Noelle who she wants to date. Henry asks Charlotte what he should do (to delete the video from Pipers phone and the Cloud). Henry and Charlotte work at Junk-N-Stuff together and close the shop together. Henry and Charlotte were both glaring at Mitch. Charlotte asked Schwoz how Henry would be after examining him for 20 minutes. Charlotte tells Henry that he's jealous of Jasper. Charlotte grabs Henrys wrist and brings him across the room with her. Henry said sorry when Charlotte told him not to shush her. Charlotte has reservations about shooting a video of Henry transforming into Kid Danger because of the video possibly getting out. Henry and Charlotte walked in to Junk N Stuff. Piper (Henry's little sister) knows they both like each other an *DISCLAIMER* Charlotte knows that it isn't better than fofu when Henry tells her. Henry pulls the wagon Charlotte is sitting on so she would come with him. Henry and Charlotte bicker briefly about Charlotte being right about Henry getting some type of side effect from theDensitizer. Henry had no good reason to be asking Charlotte who texted her, meaning he could be asking specifically to find out if it was a guy. Charlotte told/motioned to him to get closer to tell him never to ask her again, "And then what?". (See, Henry agreed to help Charlotte with her science project at his house, Henry was worrying a lot because he knew Charlotte was mad at him, When Ray said that Charlotte doesn't get angry, Henry knew Ray was wrong so he made a strange face at him, Charlotte leaves Henry an angry voicemail asking where he is, Henry encourages everyone to get going so that he can meet Charlotte, Henry is clearly stressed when he gets the angry voicemail from Charlotte, Henry runs out of Junk N Stuff to go meet Charlotte, Charlotte was in Henry's kitchen without him or Piper being home, When Henry finally arrived at his house to meet Charlotte, he was very apologetic about being late and told her the reason (without lying like he sometimes might). I felt jealous of Charlotte, even though I know her and Henry would never date. Henry says that Charlotte making another package is incredibly helpful. He tried to akd her if she wanted to get some ice cream. Henry and Ray robbed the Swellview Bank so they could frame Bysh and get Charlotte out of fighting her. Charlotte runs to Henry's room to tell him that Jasper wrote the note. Henry (and Jasper) both fight to get Charlotte out of the massage chair. Henry and Ray had been fighting crimes everyday for 6 years along with other danger gang- Jasper, Schwoz, and Piper. Henry asks if he should follow Ray and Charlotte replies, We should all follow him. Charlotte (and Ray) are stunned when Schwoz hits Henry with a vase that knocks Henry, what seems to be, unconscious. After the hero duo got tears from cheerful beetles, Gooch managed to use lightning to make Ray regain his power. Charlotte laughs at Henry when he tries to fly and ends up falling on his face instead. Henry and Charlotte take turns explaining to Schwoz what escape rooms are. Henry and Charlotte were sitting together, talking,when a Jasper came into class. She is initially opposed to doing so but gives in when he insists. Instead, she said, "I have a better idea. Then, she left. Henry tells Ray that he thinks something is wrong with Charlotte. When Charlotte starts to leave, Henry asks her where shes going. Henry and Charlotte are decorating the Christmas tree. Charlotte's missing so Henry returns to the Swellview with Jasper in tow. Charlotte knows every time she mentioned Jack Swagger to Henry. Henry stared at her nicely and said, "You really think so," when Charlotte called him smart. Henry thinks of a way to get Charlotte and is happy when she is free. Henry grabs Charlotte's shoulders and leads her to the door, then lightly pushes her out after they bicker for a moment. let you go back, okayI won't Henry and Ray have been dating for a year, and both boys have been working as Kid Danger and well Captain Man. Meaning he may be the only one who knows it. Henry tells Charlotte that itll be fun if they all take the stairs. Henry asks Charlotte who she's receiving a text from during the flashback in Henry's kitchen and attempts to listen to her until Jasper and Ray become too distracting. He said he was sure that she would get in. charlotteandhenry ray kiddanger +6 more # 3 The secret gets out (Chenry) by dcrkvss 3.4K 74 7 As far as we know, Jasper believes that they are exes. Henry and Charlotte were dancing together in the car. Henry texted Charlotte that he got Ray and did not text Jasper or Schwoz. Henry is very most likely the only one who knows Charlottes last name. Charlotte pulled Henry aside and asked what an Opposite Universe is. Charlotte gave Henry an idea to meet Piper at Nacho Balls to give her the house keys. They are also supportive of each other. It is discovered that they both hate dill pickles. Charlotte doesn't seem to like Henry and Jack talking to one another. Some follow the storyline of season 5, some are just random When Ray said that Charlotte called Blake "super handsome", Henry looked annoyed and possibly jealous. Charlotte screamed for Schwoz to find Henry. Charlotte says that someone should get Ray and Henry says that hes on it. When Charlotte asks if Henry thinks she doesnt help fight crime, Henry puts his hand on her shoulder and reluctantly says, of course, she helps but he and Ray got torched today. When Charlotte says no, he changes his answer to no as well. She helps him up and he balances himself on her shoulder for a second when she turns him around. Charlotte has been acting different lately, she's missing school and work, and she was more quiet than usual. Charlotte and Henry start bickering with each other on their way to the elevator. Charlotte and Henry hide in the elevator together to avoid Ray. Charlotte calls Henry twice to see how he is doing on the stairs. His friends, Jasper and Charlotte, stay with Ray. Charlotte playfully smacked Henry's tummy and called him chubby. Jasper asks for permission to go to the fitting from Charlotte and Charlotte tells him that its fine with her but to ask Henry too. Chenry moments I wish happened. Henry smiled when Charlotte pretended to talk in a fruit bar. *, Sacred [ sey-krid ]Reverently dedicated to some person, purpose, or object.-Charlotte has been dead for a year, Henry is still mourning his loss. In the Man Cave, she grabs Henry's wrist and slaps him twice with his own hand. Henry was talking to Charlotte about how Ray was acting. Ray pushes Charlotte off the chair into Henry. Henry Hart is the furthest thing from Charlotte's type. Charlotte somehow understood Henry's message immediately. When Charlotte askes if his hide and seek buddy (Jasper) was calling and Henry says yes, Charlotte is grining and smiling at him. When Charlotte asks for a sip of Henry's drink, he smiles at her and says no. This is about Tessa and Will, with there children. Charlotte held Henry by the shoulders and started to help him off the floor. Henry helps to protect his town of Swellview "How could you keep this from me all this years"he shouted. Is an accident in Schwoz's lab gonna turn him into a father? Henry laughs when Charlotte shoots Schwozs butt, Henry sits on the desk beside Charlotte with his hand on the back of her chair, leaning towards her, Charlotte (and Jasper) help Henry sneak out of class. When Henry/Kid Danger asked her "And then what?" Charlotte and Henry say 'surprise' simultaneously. Charlotte was constantly teasing Henry about playing hide and seek with Jasper. ", Henry looks at Charlotte in disbelief. When Charlotte says no, he calls her again in frustration. Charlotte was able to record the message when Henry got Mitch to admit that he framed Jasper. When Charlotte ran away and went up the tubes, Henry said, "So shes gone., Henry smiled at Charlotte and said, "Yeah, women do be crazy.". Charlotte was at Henry's house late at night. In Tears of the Jolly Beetle, he, Henry, and Charlotte used various methods to check if Ray lost his indestructibility, which turned out to be true. Actually yes. by | Jun 10, 2022 | durham university sports and societies | northstar refrigerator reviews | Jun 10, 2022 | durham university sports and societies | northstar refrigerator reviews Henry quickly responded to Charlotte when she screamed for him to come down stairs again. After they dream about kissing one another there are many similarities. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous Both have gained powers and lost them within one or two episodes, Charlotte's being super strength and Henry's being indestructibility. Charlotte is very confident that Henry is bluffing and isn't actually going to do anything in order to get her out of the chair, meaning that she was very confident that he would never do anything mean to her or roughly try to force her out of it (although he does end up trying to force her out). but make it henry danger. Charlotte is afraid that Henry will turn out to be some mutant-freak and refuses to go with him, which shows that she cares about him. When Henry asked her if he spelled 'brownies' right, he pulled her aside and told her that they are in an Opposite Universe. --Charlotte keeps getting annoying love letters and gifts stuck in her locker from a secret admirer, and to top it all off Henry is annoyingly invested in them. Charlotte was starting to worry about Ray and Henry and asks Schwoz if he had heard from them, Henry asks why Charlotte is so smart all the time, Henry and Charlotte both tell Ray and Schwoz that Avocado Day is St. Patricks Day, Henry says Aw, tough break Char when Ray says hes going to take the cost of the ad off of her paycheck, Charlotte blow-dries the glitter from Henry (and Rays) hair, Henry asks Ray what Charlottes deal is when she walks off annoyed and then he asks whos going to get the glitter out of their hair, Charlotte tries to play along with Henrys lie, Henry calls Charlotte a really bad liar but not in a mean way, Charlotte and Henry both bend down in front of Ray when he falls over and they are very close to each other, Henry and Charlotte bicker about who lost Ray and they sound like a married couple, Charlotte suggests they blame Jasper for losing Ray so that her and Henry dont have to bicker anymore, Henry is very enthusiastic about Charlottes idea to blame Jasper, Charlotte gets mad and starts to argue with Schwoz when she finds out that Henry could have died being shrunk down, Henry asks if everything is okay when Charlotte argues with Schwoz, Charlotte doesnt want to freak Henry out so she tries to lie by saying no one is surprised you didnt die, Charlotte reassures Henry that he should have plenty of time to get out, Charlotte scolds Schwoz when he stresses Henry out by saying that as long as nothing goes wrong theyll be fine, Charlotte tackles Ray and tells him to stop moving because hes going to kill Henry and Piper, Charlotte and Henry are sitting close beside each other on the couch, Henry wants to listen to the Piper from the future but Ray doesnt believe her so Charlotte helps Henry convince Ray, It is repeated multiple times that Henry only has two friends, one of which being Charlotte. He's my best friend!". Henry tries to call Charlotte when the cavemen are attacking him and his parents. Henry and Charlotte were both disgusted with how Jasper wanted some hair soup. If anything Henry appears annoyed or bothered by it. Henry (and Jasper) help Charlotte out of the trash bin. Also no. Charlotte gave advice to Henry of how to get Bianca. Henry is excited that Charlotte (and Jasper) get to go on the mission with him and Ray, Henry happily announces that Charlotte is here and then asks her what she has, Henry and Charlotte bicker about the taste of the gum, Henry stares at Charlotte when she finds a way to make her outfit fit in at the party, Henry gets a little upset that Charlotte (and Jasper) dont appear to be paying any attention to him because she is too focused on the presents at the party, Henry appears to be more focused on getting Charlottes attention than Jaspers when the two of them are ignoring him at the table, Charlotte tells Henry that Ray is probably fine because he is indestructible in an effort to make Henry stop worrying, Henry agrees with Charlotte when she says that Ray is probably fine, Charlotte starts to pay attention to Henrys problem and asks him if he saw where they took Ray, Charlotte creates a distraction for Henry, Henry says ouu and is clearly impressed when Charlotte distracts the guard for him, Joss complains to Henry that someone stole her Gherkin, Henry knows it was Charlotte (and Jasper) but he doesnt seem to mind. Henry and Charlotte smiled at each other and ate corn dogs. Henry smiled at Charlotte so she wouldn't figure out about Courtney. When Henry tells Charlotte how he only has one secret, he moves in closer to tell her. Charlotte asked Henry how his butt was feeling. Henry and Charlotte are both waiting in the Man Cavealone at the beginning. Charlotte defended Henry by telling Ray that he doesn't even have a superpower, and people expect him to be a superhero. Henry said he would not join the tournament because Charlotte would give him 'the look'. Henry agrees with Charlotte about her plan to protect his secret. When Jasper volunteered to babysit Piper, Henry hesitated and told him that his parents wouldnt want a friend of his to babysit her. Henry falls on/near Charlotte when the Cave blows up for the second time. "Why can't Jasper or Schwoz help you?" Ray was glaring at the two of them with his arms crossed in the back room. Charlotte pulled aside Henry and asked him what was going on. When Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper are all flung off of the spinning couch in the Man Cave, Henry and Charlotte end up landing in a cuddling position. He was determined to avenge her and Vanessa.Follow Henry as he hunts down the psycho that killed his woman.-Will he avenge his loss or be caught in a deadly trap?MATURE THEMESBook 2 of the Tension Series. After Ray gets upset with Henry for not hugging him, Henry eventually looks to Charlotte for her help and Charlotte changes the subject for Henry. When Ray shoots a laser near Charlottes head while Henry is fighting with her, Henry quickly freaks out and yanks Rays arm down and makes him take several steps away from her. She was confident and witty and compassionate. Before Henry realized that Charlotte also wanted to open the crate, Henry guiltily says I know when she says that he cant open other peoples crates, Charlotte acts as if Henry is doing something wrong by opening Rays crate, Henry is very amused and excited by Charlottes turn (the crowbar) and says hed laugh at it every time, Charlotte and Henry try to open Rays crate with the crowbar together, Charlotte and Henry both try to lie to Piper and Jasper about opening the crate, Charlotte and Henry look at each other when Piper and Jasper tell them that they also tried opening the crate, Before Schwoz shows them his magnet, Henry leans in close to Charlotte as whispers sick turn coming with excitement and she agrees with him, Henry and Charlotte both get excited about Schwozs turn, Henry and Charlotte smile at each other while Schwoz explains how the magnet will open the crate, Henry whispers to Charlotte that there is a turn coming again when Ray talks about the Theranos Boot and Charlotte excitedly says I cant even right now, Henry asks if they are going to touch the boot since Ray left and Charlotte tells Henry that shes not so sure that they should touch it, Henry agrees with Charlotte that they should get the gum off an easier way so he goes to get a tissue, Charlotte moves to stand beside Henry when Schwoz starts explaining his plan to fix their broken boot problem, Charlotte tells Henry to just agree with Schwoz while he explains that they can get a boot from an alternate universe and Henry listens to her, Henry gives everyone directions but only says please when he gives Charlottes directions, Henry and Charlotte both look concerned when Jasper says that he thinks the donkey did kick his head, Henry consistently stands right beside Charlotte a lot in this episode, Henry asks Jasper why he didnt listen to Charlotte.