Irving E. Lowery, Life on the Old Plantation in Ante-Bellum Days, 1911, Group C: Excerpt from the conclusion of Holland Thompson, From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill: A Study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina, 1906, Group D: The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. it was now all white corruption so did not attract as much attention. endstream endobj 114 0 obj <>stream follow the worksheet and think about how this person would feel about Reconstruction. These expanding Northern cities were a draw for much of the dislocated workforce in the Southincluding newly freed slaves. Upon completing this lesson, students will begin to see the ways in which a political and constitutional crisis emboldened some lasting divisions within American society and, perhaps what is more important, the ways in which the crisis forged a new path for a stronger and more perfect Union. But another clear reason was the often ineffective and incompetent governing that characterized many of the post-war Republican Southern governments. Exclusion of the last group reflected Johnson's hatred of the planter aristocracy rather than some condition that had to do with restoring the former Confederate states. Identify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations. Why of why not? Enough Republican senators appreciated the fact that Johnson's offenses were political and that they did not fall under the high crimes and misdemeanors specified in the Constitution for presidential impeachment. In preparation for teaching this lesson, the teacher should review the entire lesson plan, including introductory background information. In parallel, the "Lost Cause" narrative of the Civil War argued that the Confederacy had been justified in its effort to secede from the Union and that Reconstruction had been a mistake. Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.docx, Copy of Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Activity.docx, Janmarco Ordonez Romero - Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.pdf, Karen-Hernandez_Evaluating_Reconstruction_Interactive_Activity, Tiffany Williams - Copy of Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.pdf, Dakota Wellman - Copy+of+Evaluating+Reconstruction+Interactive+Project.Kami.pdf, Sarah_Pansegrau_-_Unit_5_Effects_of_Reconstruction, IBPS Clerk 2021 IBPS Basic to HighEnglish by Vishal Sir, First more board meetings increase cost eg directors meeting fees managerial, Shericka Usher_qual_article_reviewexercise.docx, also requested to participate presenting at the Launch on the National Social, CEO compensation.edited.edited (1).edited (1).docx, Level of Difficulty 3 Hard Nickels Chapter 01 322 Topic The Private Enterprise, The basic concept behind engineering controls is that to the extent feasible the, The present economic situation is the logical result of this serious error in, Strategic management Case for ADIDAS.docx, Manufacture of product Ans Manufacturing is the production of goods through the, Which of the following made Jamestown successful aShipbuilding bFishing c, of immune globulin within 72 hours after exposure and a repeat dose at 28 days, Extrude allows you to create an extruded solid from all of the following except, Over 85 over age 65 used to live w grandchildren Up until the 50s normative for, Written assisgment unit two marketing.docx, Due to the qualitative nature of this study the following mains steps should be, 8 When is the profit break even point achieved a when the revenue covers. Senators? This meant that Southern governments frequently were in the hands of novices: for example, inexperienced (and sometimes illiterate) freedmen andworse yet, from the point of view of many Southern loyalistsNortherners who had moved in the wake of war to assist in the recovery effort. The Compromise of 1877 gave the South and its Democratic majority the reigns to carry out social and legal reforms as they saw fit without federal interference or oversight. Who were its members? Johnson's policies. He believed the South should not be welcomed back into the Union, He believed the Southern states should have to recognize equal rights for African Americans before being welcomed back into the Union, He insisted that a majority of Southern citizens take an oath of loyalty before the South could be welcomed back into the Union. After 10% of a states voters signed a loyalty oath to the Union and the Constitution and abolished slavery, it could hold elections and vote and would be granted a full pardon and readmitted to the Union. he was lincoln's vice president and a southern democrat. Distinguish the central and driving ideas at work in the documents used to illustrate this lesson. Segregation laws were legal in former Confederate states only. While many of the efforts at reconstruction were legitimate and well-intentioned, a good number were not. Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. The House of Representatives even voted to impeach Johnson over an appointment he made that violated the newly instated Tenure of Office Act. WebThe Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 Split ten former Confederate states (excluding Tennessee) into five military districts to be overseen by the U.S. military and mandated that When the groups have completed their worksheets and concluded their discussion, the teacher, as Committee chairman, should lead the groups in brief presentations to the class (the Congressional Committee) highlighting their findings. Which of the following is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1866? Reconstruction strategy that was based on severely punishing South for causing war. Blacks were required to either sign labor contracts or face arrest for vagrancy, and they were not allowed to serve on juries or testify in court. Lincoln vetoed this bill, setting the stage for a compromise on the issue of Reconstruction. If loading fails, click here to try again. Required 50% of southern white men to swear allegiance of the union and accept the end of slavery. Much of the legislation enacted in the name of racial equality was to be undone in the coming years by rulings coming from the Supreme Court (Plessy v. Ferguson, The Civil Rights Cases, etc.) Maintaining a visible and active presence of Union troops in the South to facilitate the peaceful operation of government and Reconstruction was expensive and frustrating to many in Congress. The teacher will also want to discuss the vernacular and odd spellings that occasionally come through in diary entries and interviews with ordinary citizens and ex-slaves. The objective is to show the students how the combination of facts, opinions, statistics, and pictures can broaden their understanding of a subject. Corruption compromised the ability of the government and, frequently, of private interests to facilitate the reconstruction of the South. In part, Grants administration suffered because of some real and some exaggerated charges of corruptionmost of which did not directly involve Grant but tarnished him nonetheless. Atticus G. Haygood (then President of Emory University), Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and Our Future, 1881, William Robert Houghton, Two Boys in the Civil War and After, An AutobiographyA Southern Colored Woman, Lesson 1: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Aftermath of War, Lesson 2: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Politics of Reconstruction, The Battle Over Reconstruction: Southern Recovery. Ulysses S. Grant, Gen Commander of the Union forces in the Civil War. endstream endobj startxref In this The impeachment of Johnson. What was the "Swing 'Round the Circle"? A Democrat and the only senator from the South who remained loyal to the Union, Johnson at first seemed ready to take a hard line against the former Confederacy. This lesson plan will explore the social, economic and political conditions of the United States as Reconstruction drew to a close in the years leading up to the Compromise of 1877. 132 0 obj <>stream HUn0+(cj , @X! States had to ratify the 13th & 14th amendment, and enacted Military Control of Reconstruction with the Military Reconstruction Act. Amnesty was granted to any southerner who took an oath of allegiance, with the exception of Confederate officials, officers, and wealthy landowners. During Reconstruction, Johnson did not believe there was anything to be gained by promoting equal rights for African Americans. Please wait while the activity loads. The states were allowed to ignore the Fourteenth Amendment. But in his first showdown with Congress upon being elected, Grant backed down and accepted a compromise proposal with the Senate even after the House had voted to join him in his opposition to the Act. Democrats who were previously unable to vote due to their Confederate ties were now able to vote and run for office. To reinstate slavery in parts of the United States, To fix damage done to buildings during the war, To rebuild the southern economy and society. Most people in the Union supported the Confederacy's Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States, by Bannister, Cowan & Company, Group E: Excerpt from Albert T. Morgan, Yazoo, Or, On the Picket Line of Freedom, 1881. hbbd``b` $ H0E$ b3!D( ( qX | Johnson denounced the Fourteenth Amendment and urged the southern states not to ratify it. Poll taxes prevented poor citizens from being able to vote. What tactics were used? Rather than working with congressmen who might have supported his Reconstruction plan, Johnson alienated potential political allies by vetoing legislation intended to ensure civil rights for African Americans. The Presidential Plans (Lincoln and Johnson), the Congressional (Radical Republican), and then Military control (Military Reconstruction Act - South broken down into 5 military districts), Communication des organisations - section 3, Lincoln's vs. Johnson's Plans for Reconstruct, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Civil War, Reconstruction and Old West Review. Split ten former Confederate states (excluding Tennessee) into five military districts to be overseen by the U.S. military and mandated that each state rewrite its state constitution to allow for black male voting rights before readmittance into the Union. e17bZVXrKW@]snp/bAb Ff# 4} GoBEeNoh,:XDlU@? 1&f<6a&wX5:(mIt%`}o"0`PVi>r#7e^2F+Y{\p^W 3 southern states votes came in with 2 sets of counts, 1 Dem, 1 Repub, so the vote went to the House of Representatives who decided Republicans. `cw]}{(ugeFo, +mKk.]{g~S^NWs0znS`~Zm%,Kw~vBY5_oLx|? The historian (i.e., the teacher) will preside over the presentations and discussions and help the class distill the information gathered so that the class, together, can compose a two-page brief for the historian summarizing the impact of the Reconstruction debate over voting rights on the politics of the nation in 1877. In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President. Powerful families regularly disagree on who should gain control over which resources. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. was the purpose of the Ku Klux Klan? One thing students might consider, for example, is how the devastation of war and the slow pace of efforts to recover from that devastation kept the South in a subordinate economic position in comparison to the faster growing cities of the North. Each document corresponds to one of the five Topics in the After Reconstruction section of the interactive. Following Lincoln's assassination, the task of implementing Reconstruction fell to his vice president, Andrew Johnson. Who was one of the first black representatives in the Georgia Assembly? his early supporters were farmers in east Tennessee who didn't own slaves. In addition to reviewing the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, each group will be assigned to cover one additional (but short) document and make a presentation to the class summarizing the views presented in it. plan was the easiest on the South? What was President Johnsons role in the period of Radical Reconstruction that took place in 1867 and 1868? Grandfather clauses gave citizens the right to vote if their grandfathers had been able to vote in elections prior to Reconstruction. %%EOF D. H. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carolina, Excerpt from Carl Schurz, speech in the Senate, Rutherford B. Hayes, letter of acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, Excerpt from the testimony of Henry Blake, 1937. The teacher may also wish to explain to the students the use of the word Negro in some of these documents. In this sense Reconstruction failed not because of President Grant or even because of southern opposition to civil rights, but because an entire nation--North, South, and West--lost the political and moral will to support the cause of equality before the law. Which of the following describes the African American experience in the Reconstruction-Era South? It contributed to a chastening of Republican ambitions in the South and forced the party to concentrate on maintaining its base of support in the North rather than growing the party in Dixie. What was the premise behind the sharecropping model of agriculture? Voter fatigue- northerners were tired of worrying about it and hearing about it. There was no profit for workers. Print out all material from the Text Documents, and make the appropriate number of copies for the students. Johnson wrote much of the Reconstruction legislation himself. Discuss how these policies may have affected attitudes in What legal loopholes did Southerners create to resist African American equality? In Grants opposition to the Tenure of Office Act (passed during Johnsons term in 1867), which required Senate approval of all presidential appointments and dismissals, many believed that Grant evinced the kind of political fortitude necessary to set things aright. hb```b``Vd`f``fc@ >3G#C \5lb`(q.UrA) g``0PZTQH1;kz7/2FI1iMF>C20Jin83lFy6W iB5; The Command of the Army Act prevented the president from issuing orders to the military except through the general of the army, who at the time was Ulysses S. Grant; additionally, the commanding general could not be removed without the Senate's consent. Blacks that did not have jobs could be put in jail, and therefore took the first job (even bad jobs) offered to them. The teacher may also wish to visit the two EDSITEment-reviewed websites mentioned above for additional background material concerning reconstruction: America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War and Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation. When duly elected black representatives were expelled from the Georgia legislature, Georgia once again fell under military rule. answer choices After reading their assigned document, students should answer the document questions on their worksheet and then proceed to the interactive to answer those questions. "Z~(Y9I,$iA4rHR2y"xBCDx!uF$P=C|# The Democratic Party was disbanded and replaced with a new, more liberal version of the Republican Party. Gp}1:qr +sWg" ^8u1k^l2GPt%,}cAZwf? What was the purpose behind the Black Codes? Though Republicans made quick and huge political gains in the South as newly enfranchised black voters rushed to their support, it was clear that the party and its ideals of peace through racial and sectional harmony on Republican terms remained unpopular with large segments of the populationparticularly with those who were disenfranchised because they could not take the oath or otherwise prove their loyalty to the Union. WebWhat is Reconstruction? Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Use information gathered from the interactive maps to inform their understanding of the political, social, and economic problems confronting the nation in the wake of Reconstruction. A large number of immigrants and African Americans were given voting rights. Southern Democrats who packed their bags and fled to the West and North to escape the progressive aims of Radical Reconstruction. What did Johnson advise the southern states to do about the 14th amendment? endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>stream Granted citizenship, due process, and equal protection under the law. His policies after he became president were even more lenient than Lincoln's, and they caused a confrontation with the Radical Republicans in Congress that culminated in his impeachment. exodusters- black refugees fleeing north or west from depression and violence. The Reconstruction Era was a transformative period in U.S. history that took place during the Civil War era. The historians aim is to write the first comprehensive history of the period. What were the problems faced by the south after the Civil War? 2. The Freedmen's Bureau helped most in the area of education. In this paper we utilize saliency maps to evaluate whether this correlation exists. Lincoln: The states should be reintegrated into the Union when ten percent Finally, History Matters offers helpful pages on "Making Sense of Maps.". Why was the Battle of Midway a turning point in the war in the Pacific? What lesson did the Republicans learn from Grant's slim victory? Given sentence below refers to a numbered sentence in the passage. Determined to prevent Johnson from interfering with their plan, Radical Republicans pushed through two pieces of legislation in March 1867 intended to severely limit presidential power. Grant's victory came in large part to nearly 500,000 black voters in the South who overwhelmingly voted for him and the Republican party during the election. a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction. African Americans began to be elected to federal, state, and local governmental posts. still conservative Republicans. It prohibited state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of slavery. 'j/%>Rgy|@mePxSNOw5Nu'IbL`hEfYaWk*_p It was signed into law by President Andrew Johnson. To provide African Americans access to government services, To desegregate Southern society and institutions, To restrict the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force, To repeal the slave codes that were in place before the war. The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy. While there were some improvements in African American life in the post-war South, many whites were reluctant to abandon their racist attitudes and biased practices. What terms did the Reconstruction Act of 1867 put in place for the Southern states who had not yet ratified the Fourteenth Amendment? Lincoln realized that, with the war over, anything that prolonged the divide between North and South would be harmful to the nation overall. The war devastated the Southern economy and population, leaving a lot of hard feelings towards the victorious North. *SY(u% 9 they became caught up in debt. As a result, these farmers remained in a form of economic bondage, tied to the landowner with no foreseeable way of making enough personal profit to become independent. WebReconstruction was a significant chapter in the history of civil rights in the United States, but most historians consider it a failure. The Southerners saw the Freedmen's Bureau as an organization giving free food to freedmen but never requiring them to work, making them lazy. about the italicized questions to help you form your answers/opinions. Question 4 Women's rights advocates Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were incensed that the Fifteenth Amendment did not also list gender among the conditions that could not be used to deny a citizen the right to vote. Students will be organized into five small groups, each of which will be assigned a document and a set of worksheet questions. The end of the war brought with it much devastation and, of course, those who knew how to turn devastation into opportunity. The reconstruction period had its successes and failures. Because of doubts about the constitutionality of the new Civil Rights Act, the congressional Joint Committee on Reconstruction drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. wF.*is5oGYqUTsaqrY)$y, "beVv1=;"urk{k"56#UEli[EB9}qJ=YY@jOU{[89K,2M`` How did whites regain political control in the south? WebEvaluating Reconstruction As the Civil War was drawing to a close in 1865, President Lincoln began making plans for the physical, economic, social and political rehabilitation of a region Communities would combine their farms yields to ensure everyone had enough food. [c5vk~a5T?, P[oFVB-"X7/S{+} 2b(RG,}ti\ Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment in January 1865, formally outlawing slavery in the United States. At every step, Congress intervened and put laws in place that circumvented and, in some cases, limited the Presidents authority. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed African Americans in The EDSITEment-reviewed sites Digital History and Documenting the American South offer a wide variety of documents concerning the effects of Reconstruction on the newly freed black population and Southern society, in general. Also, this page requires javascript. In 1865 President Andrew Johnson implemented a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and offered no role to blacks in the politics of the South. Did Congress like the 10% Plan? What did the 15th Amendment accomplish ? This narrative was promoted by former Confederates, academics, and politicians alike and served to falsely provide an underlying ideology to justify denying equal rights. Tradesmen hoping to take advantage of the vast number of construction contracts being offered to rebuild the war-torn South. `a{/uXZO`qf\ v-Nf. The Amnesty Act of 1872 completely flipped the script on Southern politics and halted the progress being made by Reconstruction efforts. The new legislation was passed in July over Johnson's veto. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Provided food, clothes, transportation, etc. A large number of Republican lawmakers regained seats in Southern state governments, but chose to abandon Reconstruction reforms. With an interactive map that combines statistics with the thoughts and ideas of people living through this difficult period, students will consider the ways in which efforts at recovery were either successful or disappointing. Question 11 30 seconds Q. They came from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from highly-educated professionals to former Civil War soldiers. Yes, a few. Segregation was ruled unconstitutional and all Jim Crow laws had to be immediately repealed. Ryan read an exegesis of the cryptic poem because .. What is meant by the term Reconstruction? Lincoln "pocket-vetoed" this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned. 0 It was thought the freed slaves would be forced to work. His campaign theme was "Let Us Have Peace," and he tried his best to promote sectional and racial harmony throughout the country. Another useful resource is the Educator Resourcesof the National Archives, which features a set of Document Analysis Worksheets. Take sample from your personal experience. TQSCQIf@*$ Henry McNeal Turner was the first African American elected to the Georgia General Assembly. More recent interpretations, however, offer a broader timeline for Reconstruction. As resistance and violence continued to spread in the South, Republican resolve began to weaken. Was corruption now any less? endstream endobj 115 0 obj <>stream Segregation laws would sunset and have to be repealed within the next 20 years. answer choices Time period after the Civil War Attempt to rebuild and reunite the North and South When 3 new amendments to the Constitution were passed All of the above! The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. In early 1866, Congressional Republicans, appalled by mass killing of ex-slaves and adoption of restrictive black codes, seized control of Reconstruction from President Johnson. Johnson versus Congress. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. In addition, the teacher should review the interactive maps included as part of this lesson and download the Text Document for Activity 1 and the Text Document for Activity 2, which will include all needed source material and worksheets. No. This represented the reversal of that portion of the Dred Scott decision which ruled that black people were not and could not become citizens of the United States or enjoy any of the privileges and immunities of citizenship. State conventions, elected by universal male suffrage, were to draw up new constitutions, which had to give blacks the right to vote and had to be approved by Congress. white violence, KKK, terrorizing blacks and those who supported them so they wouldn't vote. Compose and turn in for a grade a 2-4 page brief for the historian in Activity 2 that more fully evaluates the views presented in the document covered by his or her group. Despite the passage of progressive new laws, racist attitudes prevented open access to employment, education, voting, and protection against violence. bJLA/RO\Hh2cN]J8JUApfGuYB^(YDLsNil/y!0>3LW{0 nPt2==eD>>H5o Worked a piece of land for a fixed share of the crop. WebThe largest weapons factories were located in the South. Many went to work in the mills. Sharecropping. Congress enacted its Reconstruction program over Johnson's veto. Segregation was legal, as long as the notion of separate but equal was being followed. Radical plan wanted to punish the south, while Lincoln and Johnson wanted to reunite the union as quickly as possible. dkRlbH/Wo/3+Po32dDJAw'sN72G>0,a-X{..\&j;Z0P{~S W]O"Kwrzb\G 7O XctWhpk African American males would not have the right to vote until the Fourteenth Amendment was passed. Adoption of the amendment was an issue in the 1866 congressional elections, but the president's campaign against it did not work. For this activity, the students will use the interactive maps [temporarily located at] as well as the documents specified below that can be found in the Text Document for Activity 1. How would you evaluate corruption in the Reconstruction legislatures? It forbade any state to deny any citizen the right to vote because of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude", Northerners who went south in search for profits; Southners who supported the Republican governments in the South. Segregation of both the official and unofficial variety took root. HUj@}WDn! 5. Copy of Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Activity.docx, Karen-Hernandez_Evaluating_Reconstruction_Interactive_Activity, Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.docx, Janmarco Ordonez Romero - Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.pdf, Linh Ho - Reconstruction Notes Questions.docx, Deysha Macrae Reconstruction assignment.docx, HIS 121-W1 Ch.