PDF 12864 Federal Register /Vol. 88, No. 40/Wednesday, March 1, 2023/Rules Federal Register. on We also conduct research on the impacts of environmental variability and climate change on marine ecosystems and on fishery and conservation socio-economics. U.S. Mid-Atlantic mixed species stop seine/weir/pound net (except the NC roe mullet stop net), Gulf of Maine, U.S. Mid-Atlantic sea scallop dredge, U.S. Mid-Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico oyster dredge, New England and Mid-Atlantic offshore surf clam/quahog dredge, Southeastern U.S. Atlantic haul/beach seine, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean shellfish dive, hand/mechanical collection, Gulf of Maine urchin dive, hand/mechanical collection, Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, and Caribbean cast net, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean commercial passenger fishing vessel. documents in the last year, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hobbs, Y.V. Are high seas fisheries included on the LOF? Further, we maintain that entanglement data indicate that the gear used across this fishery remains a risk to right whales. See 70 Fed. Groundfish Stock Assessments and Fishery Evaluations, NMFS will make a decision regarding an Amendment to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management, Several types of closed areas, including Rockfish Conservation Areas, or RCAs, and Block Area, Federal Register Notices Establishing the Trawl Catch Share Program Cost Recovery Program and, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Sustainable Fisheries, Sustainable Seafood, Rebound in Groundfish Leads to New Flexibility for Fishermen, Protection for Deep-Sea Corals, Devastating Collapse of Groundfish Fishery Forces a More Sustainable Future, NOAA Fisheries Releases Draft National Seafood Strategy, Requests Public Input, NOAA Fisheries Strategic Plan for 20222025. Copies of the SARs are available on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources website at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessment-reports-region. NMFS published the final rule to implement harvest specifications and management measures for the 2023-2024 biennium for most species managed under the PCGFMP on December 16, 2022 (87 FR 77007). Bottlenose dolphin, unknown (Southern migratory coastal or Southern NC estuarine system). Open for Comment, Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Fisheries of the Northeastern United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. We, NMFS, announce a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Oregon Coast (OC) and Southern Oregon and Northern California Coastal (SONCC) Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or, alternatively, list only the spring-run Chinook salmon informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal This rule would not affect the land or water uses or natural resources of the coastal zone, as specified under section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act. NMFS began posting Category III fishery fact sheets online with the LOF for 2016. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Species diversity is part of the natural legacy we leave for future generations. 1387(e)) and 50 CFR 229.6, any vessel owner or operator, or gear owner or operator (in the case of non-vessel fisheries), participating in a fishery listed on the LOF must report to NMFS all incidental mortalities and injuries of marine mammals that occur during commercial fishing operations, regardless of the category in which the fishery is placed (I, II, or III) within 48 hours of the end of the fishing trip or, in the case of non-vessel fisheries, fishing activity. Mid-Atlantic gillnet fishery from 3,950 to 4,020 vessels/person; Northeast sink gillnet fishery from 3,163 to 4,072 vessels/persons; Chesapeake Bay inshore gillnet fishery from 248 to 265 vessels/persons; Northeast bottom trawl fishery from 2,238 to 968 vessels/persons; Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery from 4,950 to 10,824 vessels/persons; Atlantic mixed species trap/pot fishery from 3,332 to 3,493 vessels/persons; Mid-Atlantic menhaden purse seine fishery from 19 to 17 vessels/persons; Virginia pound net fishery from 26 to 20 vessels/persons; Caribbean gillnet fishery from >991 to 127 vessels/persons; Caribbean mixed species trap/pot fishery from >501 to 154 vessels/persons; Caribbean spiny lobster trap/pot fishery from >197 to 40 vessels/persons; and. Learn more here. Comment 5: The Commission restates a previous comment and recommends NMFS reclassify both the Category II SE Alaska salmon drift gillnet and Yakutat salmon set gillnet fisheries as Category I fisheries. Bryan Schenone, Director of the Siskiyou County Office of Emergency Services (OES) stated in a 2022 interview with Jefferson Public Radio that "he was not notified in February or November [2022] when freight trains derailed at the Cantara Loop.". Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking and Southern Oregon and Northern California Coastal Chinook Salmon as Threatened or Endangered under the Endangered Species Act (Draft) The SARs are available at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessment-reports-region. Together, they find approaches and strategies for reducing bycatch and protecting habitat. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable Fritz, R.C. We assimilated more than 4500 unique estimates of published juvenile densities (e.g., fish/m2) in estuarine and floodplain habitats. The injury was determined to be non-serious. They state that the M/SI should be distributed between stocks based on the relative proportion of the population of the two stocks combined. The following stock is making progress towards being rebuilt: For updated information, view our Fishery Stock Status Updates. Response: The SARs are drafted according to NMFS' Guidelines for Preparing Stock Assessment Reports Pursuant to the 1994 Amendments to the MMPA (NMFS 2016, 02-204-01). Bottlenose dolphin, Northern NC estuarine. These density data were categorized by species and life stage, habitat type, seasonal period, and geographic region to develop frequency statistics (e.g., 25th and . documents in the last year, 35 ESUs/DPSs of west coast anadromous salmonids was published in the Federal Register on February 6, 2015 (80 FR 6695). Bradford, A.L., E.M. Oleson, R.W. They note that the following marine mammal stocks are included on the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery: Killer whale (Eastern North Pacific AK resident); killer whale (Gulf of Alaska, BSAI transient); Northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific); spotted seal (AK) and Steller sea lion (Western U.S). We support salmon fisheries in the Columbia River and Washington Coast through funding and production of hatchery fish at Mitchell Act facilities, and we work with our international partners to fund and implement the Pacific Salmon Treaty. Habitat protection and restoration are critical components of species recovery and conservation. In the 2020 LOF final rule, NMFS cites all U.S. undetermined M/SI, potential M/SI prevented by intervention, and North Atlantic right whale entanglement scarring rates as data used for the Category I classification of the Northeast/mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot fishery. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Fisheries Research. Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico large pelagics longline. Of those, 0.2 were attributed to U.S. fisheries, 1.2 to Canadian fisheries, and the remaining 4.15 were undetermined. The classifications and definitions of U.S. commercial fisheries for 2021 are identical to those provided in the LOF for 2020 with the changes discussed below. NMFS reviewed the marine mammal incidental mortality and serious injury information presented in the SARs for all fisheries to determine whether changes in fishery classification are warranted. William Abadie . NMFS has integrated the MMPA registration process, implemented through the Marine Mammal Authorization Program (MMAP), with existing state and Federal fishery license, registration, or permit systems for Category I and II fisheries on the LOF. The PBR level for the SEAK harbor porpoise stock was estimated based on a survey that covered only a portion of the currently-recognized distribution of this stock, and it included commercial fishery M/SI that occurred far north of the surveyed areas. West Coast Highly Migratory Species Fisheries and Gear The commenter alleges There are zero instances of Maine lobster gear associated with a right whale serious injury or mortality in any data set, and only one known entanglement where Maine lobster was the primary entangling gear in 2002 resulting in non-serious injury determination. We recognize that there has only been one confirmed mortality (in 2012) in identified U.S. trap/pot gear in the past decade. Comment 16: Whale Safe USA requests NMFS maintain the Category I classifications for Northeast/Mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot fishery and Northeast sink gillnet fishery. West Coast Region 1201 NE Lloyd Boulevard, Suite 1100 PORTLAND, OR 97232-1274 Refer to NMFS No: WCRO-2021-01232 December 20, 2022 Todd Tillinger Chief, Regulatory Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District 4735 East Marginal Way South, Bldg. Response: For determining a fishery's classification on the LOF, NMFS must assess the M/SI with respect to a stock's PBR. The groundfish fishery may affect leatherback sea turtles by entanglement in fishing gear. PDF 77694 Federal Register /Vol. 71, No. 248/Wednesday, December 27, 2006 The ultimate goal of these efforts is to ensure that the regions living marine resources remain at healthy and sustainable levels, as functioning parts of their ecosystems, and continue to enhance the quality of life for the public. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. Response: This comment has been addressed previously (see 84 FR 22051, May 16, 2019; 85 FR 21079, April 16, 2020). Fishing industry in the United States - Wikipedia The information contained in the SARs is reviewed by regional Scientific Review Groups (SRGs) representing Alaska, the Pacific (including Hawaii), and the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. The NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region uses a variety of required methods to reduce the bycatch of seabirds in its fisheries. A Rule by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on 01/14/2021. Leatherback sea turtles that occur off the West Coast are most likely to originate from nesting aggregations of the western Pacific. AOLA further states that the 2014 ALWTRP regulations as well as the American lobster fishery management plan regulations, reduced vertical lines and enhanced gear marking in the fishery. MMPA section 118 states that the Secretary is not required to place an observer on a vessel if the facilities for quartering an observer or performing observer functions are so inadequate or unsafe that the health or safety of the observer or the safe operation of the vessel would be jeopardized; thereby authorizing the exemption of vessels too small to safely accommodate an observer from this requirement. to the courts under 44 U.S.C. NMFS also makes changes to the estimated number of vessels/persons and list of species and/or stocks killed or injured in certain fisheries. The Sustainable Fisheries Division is responsible for conservation of fishery resources, eliminating overfishing, rebuilding overfished populations, maintaining healthy commercial and recreational fisheries, creating long-term economic and social benefits to the nation from living marine resources, and ensuring that harvest and hatchery decisions are consistent with the Federal governments Indian trust responsibilities and treaty obligations. AK roe herring and food/bait herring beach seine, AK roe herring and food/bait herring purse seine, AK salmon purse seine (Prince William Sound, Chignik, Alaska Peninsula). MLA alleges that based on these factors, the lobster fishery prosecuted close to shore in Maine is significantly different than lobster fisheries which occur in offshore Lobster Management Area 3 or off of New Jersey. NMFS updates the estimated number of vessels/persons in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean (Table 2) as follows: NMFS notes there is variability in the estimated number of vessels/persons in the Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery. The list of species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured includes serious and non-serious documented injuries as described later in the List of Species and/or Stocks Incidentally Killed or Injured in the Pacific Ocean and List of Species and/or Stocks Incidentally Killed or Injured in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean sections. However, due to the large number of Category III fisheries on the LOF and the lack of accessible and detailed information on many of these fisheries, the development of these fishery fact sheets is taking significant time to complete. Last updated by NOAA Fisheries on 12/13/2022. Where can I find more information about the LOF and the MMAP? Am I required to register under the MMPA? NMFS is developing similar fishery fact sheets for each Category III fishery on the LOF. NMFS also determined Humpback whale, Central North Pacific (Southeast AK). We also ensure that federal ocean fisheries along the West Coast are managed to uphold Native American Tribal treaty fishing rights. If the total annual mortality and serious injury of a marine mammal stock, across all fisheries, is less than or equal to 10 percent of the PBR level of the stock, all fisheries interacting with the stock will be placed in Category III (unless those fisheries interact with other stock(s) for which total annual mortality and serious injury is greater than 10 percent of PBR). Refer to NMFS No. Fadely, M.C. documents in the last year, 282 Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice In Tables 1 and 2, NMFS has designated those species/stocks driving a fishery's classification (i.e., the fishery is classified based on mortalities and serious injuries of a marine mammal stock that are greater than or equal to 50 percent (Category I), or greater than 1 percent and less than 50 percent (Category II), of a stock's PBR) by a 1 after the stock's name. The LOF for 2021 was based on, among other things, stranding data; fishermen self-reports; and SARs, primarily the 2019 SARs, which are based on data from 2013-2017. The criteria are also summarized here. Therefore, NMFS has classified certain fisheries by analogy to other fisheries that use similar fishing techniques or gear that are known to cause mortality or serious injury of marine mammals, or according to factors discussed in the final LOF for 1996 (60 FR 67063; December 28, 1995) and listed in the regulatory definition of a Category II fishery. Aerial surveys, whale watching boats, the presence of other fisheries, and the presence and associated outreach by a disentanglement team contribute to the higher reporting of entanglement sightings in certain areas (i.e., Massachusetts) than in Maine state and offshore waters; we cannot conclude that risk is nonexistent in other areas where entanglements are not observed. A bill introduced in Congress this week calls for a federal study on the possibilities of coastal seaweed farming, and creating a new seaweed farming fund to "reduce cost barriers for indigenous communities, emboldening them to participate in coastal seaweed farming," according to sponsors Reps. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., and Mary Peltola, D . NOAA Fisheries and the Council work with state and tribal governments, as well as industry, environmental organizations, and academic institutions. So I'm glad we're Postrelease survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky A single, high-flow channel at Finn Rock Reach. Authorization certificates may also be obtained by visiting the MMAP website https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-authorization-program#obtaining-a-marine-mammal-authorization-certificate. Forms may be submitted via any of the following means: (1) Online using the electronic form; (2) emailed as an attachment to nmfs.mireport@noaa.gov; (3) faxed to the NMFS Office of Protected Resources at 301-713-0376; or (4) mailed to the NMFS Office of Protected Resources (mailing address is provided on the postage-paid form that can be printed from the web address listed above). Its expertise includes online information and design, intergovernmental relations, education, tribal relations, media relations, and social media. Credit: NOAA Fisheries. Flatfish: 12 species including petrale sole, Dover sole, starry flounder, arrowtooth flounder, and Pacific sanddab. Catch shares allocates each fisherman a share of the allowable catch, as determined by scientific data. Unfortunately, this also means that they may get hooked or entangled in fishing gear, especially in longline fisheries. Is Action Likely to Adversely Affect Species? However, not all eulachon avoid the groundfish fishery's trawl nets and thus some are observed as bycatch. Roundfish: The six species are lingcod, cabezon, kelp greenling, Pacific cod, Pacific whiting (hake), and sablefish. These fisheries, though listed separately on Table 1 or 2 and Table 3, are considered the same fisheries on either side of the EEZ boundary. The LOF includes three tables that list all U.S. commercial fisheries by Category. . Learn more about groundfish closed areas on the West Coast. ^The list of marine mammal species and/or stocks killed or injured in this fishery is identical to the list of marine mammal species and/or stocks killed or injured in U.S. waters component of the fishery, minus species and/or stocks that have geographic ranges exclusively in coastal waters, because the marine mammal species and/or stocks are also found on the high seas and the fishery remains the same on both sides of the EEZ boundary. As described in the 2019 LOF (84 FR 22051, May 16, 2019), six false killer whale M/SI incidental to the deep-set longline fishery were observed inside the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around Hawaii, including three that occurred close to the outer boundary of the Main Hawaiian Islands Longline Fishing Prohibited Area, in close proximity to the outer boundary of the MHI Insular false killer whale stocks' range. In addition, MMPA section 118(d)(7) provides NMFS, with the consent by the vessel owner, the ability to place an observer on board a vessel participating in Category III fisheries (50 CFR 229.7(d)). documents in the last year, 467 There are approximately 50 ESA-listed species, distinct population segments, and evolutionarily significant units under our jurisdiction, including species of whales, pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), sea turtles, fish, and mollusks. There are two additional non-serious injury entanglement cases that involved Maine lobster gear. All other documented lobster interactions were determined to result in non-serious injuries. Comments were received from members of the public, Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen's Association (AOLA), Freezer Longline Coalition (FLC), Hawaii Longline Association (HLA), Maine Lobstermen's Association (MLA), Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MA DMF), Marine Mammal Commission (Commission) and Whale Safe USA. At this time, we consider it appropriate to retain North Atlantic right whales as a species listed as driving the classification of the Northeast/mid-Atlantic lobster trap/pot fishery given that PBR is 0.8 and the further detail provided below, which reiterates responses provided in the 2020 Final LOF (85 FR 21079, April 16, 2020). The study did not estimate mortality or injury rates incidental to fisheries. NMFS removes the Western North Atlantic offshore stock of bottlenose dolphin from the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category III Gulf of Maine, U.S. mid-Start Printed Page 3040Atlantic tuna, shark, swordfish hook-and line/harpoon fishery. However, 86 percent of known entanglements were in Canadian gear. Non-trawl (commercial, including limited entry and open access), Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery HG, Sablefish North of 36 N lat. MLA's further analysis shows zero M/SI attributed to the Maine lobster fishery over this most recent 5 year period, while there were six documented cases in Canadian trap/pot fisheries. NMFS updates the estimated number of HSFCA permits for high seas fisheries (Table 3) as follows: The following tables set forth the list of U.S. commercial fisheries according to their classification under section 118 of the MMPA. California sea lion, U.S. Gray whale, Eastern North Pacific. Jobs People Learning . PDF UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric That Is the Question, Endangered Salmon Regain Access to Healthy West Coast Habitat through 20 Projects Funded by NOAA Fisheries, An Entangled Web: Research Collaboration Unravels Causes and Consequences of Sea Lion Entanglements, We help other federal agencies conserve habitat for protected species and for, to support commercial, tribal, and recreational fisheries. The number of permits listed in Table 3 represents only the number of permits for the high seas component of the fishery; **These gear types are not authorized under the Pacific HMS FMP (2004), the Atlantic HMS FMP (2006), or without a South Pacific Tuna Treaty license (in the case of the South Pacific Tuna fisheries). This rule would not affect species listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or their associated critical habitat. CA anchovy, mackerel, sardine purse seine, WA/OR herring, smelt, squid purse seine or lampara, WA/OR/CA albacore surface hook and line/troll, AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands groundfish hand troll and dinglebar troll, AK Gulf of Alaska groundfish hand troll and dinglebar troll, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands tuna troll, AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Greenland turbot longline, AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Pacific cod longline, AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands sablefish longline, AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands halibut longline, AK state-managed waters longline/setline (including sablefish, rockfish, lingcod, and miscellaneous finfish), WA/OR/CA groundfish, bottomfish longline/set line. ^Only applicable to the portion of the fishery operating in the Atlantic Ocean. publication in the future. The lack of marks on retrieved gear may indicate the current marking scheme is inadequate, or that entanglements are occurring in areas where gear is not currently marked, such as international waters or current exempted areas. The Commission states that the clearer case can be made for reclassifying the Category II SE Alaska salmon drift gillnet fishery as a Category I fishery. For Atlantic fisheries, this information can be found in the LOF Fishery Fact Sheets.
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