I had that same thought- and Im a white woman! Models are, in order: Black, black, black, white, black, black, white, black, black, black. Sixty percent of American consumers consider diversity in advertising to be important and a further 40% have turned away from brands they felt weren't inclusive in their advertising. Thank you for the kind words, B.Y. If many of us do, I wonder what their reaction would be. No worries, SL. not what we are seeing on TV. Or let me correct myselfthe race of the victim is mentioned, but not the perpetrator in those cases. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within ANAs website(s) and on other websites and online services. I dont even knowdont they think some black people might be offended by these commercials, like theyre being white-washed, for lack of a better term? I saw plenty on my Xbox dashboard whether I wanted to or not. And the fact that they are over playing the number of gay & transgender people by making the percentages of races & genders in these commercials much higher in numbers than they actually are. And it all just aint about a disproportionate amount of blacks in commercials. We are in deep shit. I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. Apparently, these days there is "a lot of fuss over gaming "forcing diversity" and people getting upset that a character is gay, trans, etc." In a viral Twitter thread, self-described "straight white dude" gamer FightinCowboy decided to explain why this fuss is unjustified and give his opinion on why diversity in gaming is important. We are in the TOWER OF BABEL! Well before this subject matter was put forward, I had wanted to send Rob a private email about this (and regarding the pussifaction [excuse my terminology]) about this subject. Enough with their double standards crap. Ive looked for surveys of percent of actors in commercials/ads by race and they are almost impossible to find. Thanks, I switched to GOP after 52 years as a Democrat and a progressive Democrat. Again, its fine if they dont match pure census demos as long as it is for a marketing purpose, not social engineering goal. Now that the global elite has removed their velvet glove the iron fist is so obvious that slow learners are finally seeing their work in progress, and the normies are left to stew with the question: WHY? I have been calling these commercial actors as vaguely non-white, This way, the Ad execs avoid pigeon-holing any one raceoh, except the whites where the bearded dad is goofy and the rest of the white family are redheads. Overcasting Black folks is simply an effort to keep themselves employed. A specific mandate for the Society and Sustainability working group is to achieve equal representation in the media and creative supply chain. Thank God there is a voice of reason on the net. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . The greatest losses in life occur because we do not know what we do not know. ANA. To your point, Roo91, I tried to find the latest stats for interracial marriages in the U.S. As far as I can tell, about 19 percent of newlyweds today are married to someone of a different race a number thats been ticking up year after year. And I believe most people feel the same. . Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? Excellent points. So why is it that when I watch TV that my family and I are force fed brainwashing adverts that portray diverse mixed race mixed sex mixed anything as the norm! It has gotten so predictable now that if you see a white face in a commercial, it is almost automatic that the next face you will see is that of a black person. The attack on boys and men is so easy to see. I never watch commercials or ads. But when a black man (also most likely on psych drugs) does the same thing, somehow his race and toxic masculinity are never mentioned. And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. I dont consider myself a racist by any means, and hinting that Im not supportive or on board with all the overnight, progressive changes and what I see as financially driven portrayals of race in commercials and ads. Good observation. Your spot on thats whats going on with todays cancel culture propaganda.its not right to be white in our current society. The reason why you see white girls with black babies is because they pay blacks to get them then pay them every month til the child is 18. Good for you for boycotting some of these advertisers. Were being lied to on an epic scale and if you look at who is in on it there are not a lot of other possible explanations. But, as I have said, the biggest problem with this forced-diversity agenda is that its a bullshit game anyway. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. Like with so many things in life the pendulem has over swung in an effort to correct an issue. My question to you on this general subject is is all of this the result of advertising producers or at the directions of the advertisers? I dont trust American corporations any farther than I can throw them, but I dont trust a lot of advertising copywriters, either (present company definitely excluded, of course!!). . It makes my skin crawl. I cannot stand the commercials and do feel insulted by it. I was thinking about doing the same thing its definitely a lot easier than setting an email to each individual company that portrays blacks and commercials being Superior over white guys are made to look like total buffoons and inferior to blacks. Especially for the scumbags that are part of The Frankford School. Maybe this is why advertisers are pushing these social agendas?? Remember that the Asians were brought here as slaves to work on the railroads. Look at the article Whiteness is a Pandemic. Read about them. This should be the test used to determine if someone is male or female. And if the definition of racist necessarily requires holding a position of power, then tell me who has power over the hearts and minds of our kids en masse through public institutions and entertainment propaganda: A. rappers, celebrities, certain unnamed conglomerates who happen to operate a HUGE segment of childrens programming, et all? In general when companies and advertisers say they want 50% minority representation they mean 50% black, not asian or hispanic. When exactly does a human thing become a black or white thing? I guarantee that 90%+ of Lowes products are purchased by people that celebrate Christmas. Has anyone else noticed the complete absence of blonde haired men in TV advertisements? Ultimately the enemy is Satan. Diversity in Advertising: A Guide to Inclusion - Maryville Online And if it is repartitions for the past where 100% of posters were white, remember as recently as the 1980s this country was 82%+ white. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. For instance, when men are in ads they are in the periphery unless its a couple then its a black male and a white woman. Statistically this means that the child is more likely to struggle with identity, self confidence, material and financial stability and even a higher paying income. Joan P. Hammel, Comcast, While looking to show inclusion and diversity in advertising products, start at home first. Take this recent tweet from Adweek promoting an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population and thus contributing to the proliferation of stereotypes and prejudice. Amen Robert! There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. Sooooo, does this mean we can put systemic racism in America to bed now? I think youre right, Kris. Even more telling, the. 100% agree with your perspective. Males of all ages have been deemed toxic for years, and our education systems, particularly our public schools and universities, continue to work feverishly toward their as you say pussification. It explains the Who, How, and Why of all these social issues. Id love nothing more than schooling all those like him. your sad excuse for a blog is nothing more than a cesspool of racism, hate, and bigotry. If representation is so important and it is then why dont most advertisers bother to think even one shade beyond skin color to represent nonwhite races and cultures as something more than copy-and-paste color-palette swaps of affluent white people? It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. Ever since George Floyd, it seems that forced diversity has really gotten out of hand. I feel terrible Im starting to feel this way. I just think you dont like being manipulated. They need to work with the police and clean up their own communities. Large advertising companies? What exactly do you mean? Check out GoDaddy site, if you find a white person, is like a needle in a haystack. Its much, much bigger. The way I think of it, if I was an alien circling the Earth in my spaceship and the only thing I knew about the human race was from what I saw in tv ads, then I would have to conclude that most families consist of a black dad, a white mom, two very light skined children, and, judging by the huge modern kitchen, are living in a beautiful house. As with everything millennial, there is a gross lack of maturity, knowledge and understanding when it comes to the real, living 3D world. They often are treated badly by a domineering woman as well. Which is exactly why so many commercials never pass the sniff test theyre phony and daft, bearing little resemblance to reality. Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. (Ok, so sue me or yell at me, Im too old to care.). Well that thought lasted about a minute because now that is probably the most common representation you see on tv ads today. Corporate ads said Black Lives Matter. But the industry creating them Its so absurd and annoying. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. As a 73 year old white male. Isnt that interesting? Black men in commercials are all very handsome, tall, athletic, and competent. What youre seeing in many of these ads that are pushing the black person/actor to the forefront are the writers and directors who are predominantly black. Its not the people who create these situations, people on their own will work out their problems, Governments are usually the problem, they keep people stirred up in order to justify their existence. This reckoning has forced companies, large and small, to contend with their own diversity, and many firms have identified that they are lacking. It exploits social-justice politics and transforms it into social-justice consumerism and ultimately, investor profit. Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? I came from a very poor background and when I was applying for college there were grants for every demographic under the Sun save for straight white males. Multiracial images. If so, great. Do you accept these cookies and the processing of personal data involved? Too bad theres no cancellation button for commercials! I dont believe a lot of what I see on the news, Julie, but quite a few recent mass-casualty events have allegedly been motivated by racial hatred and Buffalo is most certainly not the beginning. In the past half year alone, weve had the SUV that drove itself through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin in November; the synagogue shooting in Texas in January; the Brooklyn subway shooting in April; and thats just off the top of my head.
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