Ghanaian Proverb, One knee doesnt bring up a child. Wolof proverb, It is crooked wood that shows the best sculptor. ~ Egyptian Proverb, One camel does not make fun of the other camels hump. Africa is surrounded by water but by definition Africa is not an island because Africa is a continent. Meaning:It is another famous African proverb on leadership. Proverbs 15:20 A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish man Hausa proverb, However far a stream flows, it never forgets its origin. Tanzanian proverb, Where there are many, nothing goes wrong. No matter how long a log stays in water, it does not become a crocodile. Yoruba proverb, He who learns, teaches. Meaning:The society is responsible for the moral characters it creates and everyone in a community should be responsible for helping to train a child irrespective of who the parents are; offering correction where they are needed. Ghanaian Proverb, Where there is negotiation, there is hope for agreement. Yoruba proverb, One who bathes willingly with cold water doesnt feel the cold. African proverb, A climbing plant does not stay alone. Egyptian proverb, It is better to be loved than feared. Meaning:Passion must always drive our actions. Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast) proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. African proverb, A big fish is caught with big bait. I love Afrikan wisdom!MEDASE PA(I THANK YOU VERY MUCH I LAY AT YOUR FEET). Bemba proverb, He who will not work of his own accord will find himself forced to work by another. ~ Nigerian Proverb, To love someone who does not love you, is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. Madagascar proverb, Dont try to make someone hate the person he loves. African Proverb, By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed. ~ Bondei proverb; A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. Lesotho proverb, A large chair does not make a king. "A bird that flies off the Earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground." 2. Swahili Proverb, To stay together is to know each other. Africa You can view a landscape and believe you have witnessed the hand of God. A child does not laugh at the ugliness of his mother., 149. As young as six-years-old, many children living in Africa are taught proverbs to help them navigate through many of lifes challenges. Proverbs 15:19. Namibian proverb, Once swallowed it is not sweet anymore. 2 Corinthians 6:18: "And I will be a father to you, and . Zimbabwe proverb Kuria People of Kenyan & Tanzania, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. African proverbs on the importance of fathers in a child's emotional and social development set the stage for the path followed by the child later in life. It is the word utilized to end prayers as an affirmation for the requests to be provided by God. ~ Cameroonian Proverb, Better little, than too little. Africa is surrounded by water but by definition Africa is not an island because Africa is a continent. Guinean proverb, When the hyena drinks, the dog can only look on. The best proverbs from Chinua Achebe - In African culture, mothers funeral is an individual matter. ~ Senegalese Proverb, If an arrow has not entered deeply, then its removal is not hard. African Proverb, He who does not like chattering woman will remain a bachelor. Ashanti proverb, When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide. ~ Maasai Proverb, We are what our thinking makes us. ~ Burundian Proverb, If you are ugly you must either learn to dance or make love. Senegal proverb, Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. Swahili proverb, A person is not his words. African motherhood proverbs and worldview: A matriarchal perspective ~ Kenyan Proverb, A tree does not move unless there is wind. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Good music goes with good food. Zimbabwean Proverb, If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is. If you educate a woman, you educate a whole family. African proverb, Everything the house gets is by favor of the door. Congolese Proverb, If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree. It means that a person must always stay happy about his or her achievements even if nobody cares. ~ Liberian Proverb, Family names are like flowers, they blossom in clusters. Never marry a woman who has a bigger feet than u.please I want to know the implications.!!!! When two people are responsible for feeding a horse, it will either get fat or it will starve.. ~ Ashanti Proverb, One whose seeds have not sprouted does not give up planting. Meaning:It is one of the common African proverbs about friendship. This material may not be published without permission, rewritten or redistributed. African proverb, Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you. African proverb, If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal. When one is in love, a mountain top becomes a flat field., 78. Ugandan proverb, Patience attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far. African proverb, An orphaned calf licks its own back. ~ Somali Proverbs, What is inflated too much will break into fragments. Hausa proverb, Being happy is better than being king. African Proverb, No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow. ~ Euripides My dear father! Proverbs 23:22: "Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old." Proverbs 23:24: "The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him." Psalm 32:7-8: "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." This saying means that if you disorder any activity that worries you, you should not believe others to do otherwise. ~ Kenyan Proverb, He who cannot dance will say, The drum is bad! Ethiopian Proverb, Roosters tail feathers: pretty but always behind. Baguirmi Proverb, You are beautiful, but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty. Kenyan Proverb, Talk gets a talkative man into trouble. Ghanaian Proverb, If the palm of the hand itches it signifies the coming of great luck. Congolese Proverb, A deaf ear is followed by death and an ear that listens is followed by blessings. The fool speaks, the wise man listens., 81. You can substitute coconut oil for the butter for a different version of Agege bread. African proverb, However bad the bread it is better than cattle dung. ~ Maasai Proverb, Good millet is known at the harvest. Congolese Proverb, He who does not seize opportunity today, will be unable to seize tomorrows opportunity. 1. ~African Proverb, Love is a despot who spares no one. Meaning:This is a famous African proverb about life and death. You can be distinct from the crowd and go your own way to success following your dreams. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Its like removing a hyena from a pit. When a mighty tree falls, the birds are scattered into the bush. Mozambican Proverb, Nobody hates anybody without cause. By crawling, a child learns to stand. African Proverb, No masika (rain season) without mosquitoes. Malian Proverb, Those who are absent are always wrong. African Quotes on Unity, Family and Community | How Africa News The father then sets a test to choose a suitor for her. Ovambo proverb, The fool speaks, the wise man listens. ~ African Proverb Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully. The baby is not yet born, and yet you say that his nose is like his grandfather's. - Indian Proverb. Meaning:All things happen when their times come. Ovambo proverb, He who burns down his house knows why ashes cost a fortune. Cte dIvoire proverb, If anyone makes you laugh, it is not always because they love you. Jabo proverb, One cannot part two fighting bulls. African proverb Serve immediately with vegetables, stew, or any dish you would use a spoon with to soak up the sauce, ugali is purposely bland tasting on its own. The continent of Africa is the worlds second largest based on land area and population just after Asia. ~ Malagasy Proverb, If you think you have someone eating out of your hands, it is a good idea to count your fingers. Hausa proverb, He who fears the sun will not become chief. Meru Proverb, He is a fool whose sheep runs away twice. Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it., 79. Hausa proverb, He who crosses the sea is wet. Igbo Proverb, No partridge scratches the ground in search of food for another. Congolese proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. African proverb, Silence itself is eloquent. Wise people in Africa use this proverb to caution an arrogant person. Kikuyu Proverb, The food that is in the mouth is not yet in the belly. African Proverb, It is difficult to throw a stone at a lizard which is clinging to a pot. Ovambo proverb, One takes care of ones own: when a bachelor roasts yam, he shares it with his sheep. Kenyan Proverb, If you dont like someone story, write your own. Ghana, You must act as if it is impossible to fail. Proverbs 4:1 - 4 Hear, O sons, a father's instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight, for I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching. Liberian proverb, Every kind of love is love, but self-love is supreme among them. Shona proverb, A dog which steals leaves its puppies a bad name. Tongan proverb, A crowd can easily overpower a bull. Meaning:It is never enough to judge anything on one mans version. ~ South African Proverb, Examine what is said, not him who speaks. Swahili proverb, You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win. ~Congolese Proverb, The elders of the village are the boundaries. African proverb - Kpelle proverb A bad coconut spoils the good ones. What is the difference between ugali and, Pronounced ah-gay-gay agege bread is century old sweet tasting bread very popular with Hausa people in the West African country of Nigeria. Senegalese Proverb. Swahili proverb, Poverty destroys a mans reputation. They are physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally present in their children's lives. Our mothers give to our spirit heat, our fathers light. Book Details. ~ Egyptian Proverb, I shall come for the cows after the donkeys have grown horns. ~ Ekonda People of the Congo, A crowd can easily overpower a bull. Ghanaian proverb, A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries. African proverb, Hold a true friend with both hands. What an elder saw while sitting, a youth could not see it standing. Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. Swahili proverb, Avoid those who always praise you. ~ Kenyan Proverb, A snake that you can see does not bite. Fathers Proverbs Egyptian Proverb, Beautiful from behind, ugly in front. African proverb ~ Bantu Proverb, Around a flowering tree there are many insects. Read more quotes from Chinua Achebe. ~ African Proverb, If the palm of the hand itches it signifies the coming of great luck. African Proverb, If you want to go fast, go alone. ~ Ethiopian Proverb, If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. Only a fool tests the depth of a river with no feet., 3. Meaning: Better results are achieved when you choose to do things as a group instead of doing them individually. In writing African Proverbs for All Ages, published by Roaring Brook Press and an Oprah Book imprint, they are sharing decades-long accumulated knowledge. Hausa proverb, When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled. ~ Guinean Proverb, Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author. Ugandan Proverb, The child of a rat is a rat. White fowl with beautiful feathers. ~ Kenyan Proverb, No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow. Acholi Proverb, Old peoples speech is not to be dishonoredafter all, they saw the sun first. Love is a despot who spares no one., 62. Libyan Proverb, If it is dark, all men are black. "Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.". ~ Ugandan Proverb, A Tutsi liked to warm himself by the fire someone else took the bull. Lesotho proverb, Love for something makes a man blind and deaf. African Proverb, If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard. Hausa proverb, He whom a serpent has bitten dreads a slow-worm. - African Proverb ~ African Proverb #africa #inspiration #quotes quote=Rising early makes the road short. Traditional Agege bread is not sold as sliced bread. Cabo Verde has a strategic location 310 miles or 500 km from the west coast of Africa near major north-south sea routes; important communications station; important sea and air refueling site. A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches. African Proverb 2. Fulani proverb, Sin devours the one who has committed it. African Proverb, You are beautiful because of your possessions. There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child. (African Proverb) It takes a breast for a child to know it's mother and it takes a mother for a child to know its father. Pictured is Walter M. Schirra Jr. NASA/Wikipedia. ~ Maasai Proverb], When a strong man sends a message, he sends it with a weak man ~Ethiopian Proverb, A child does not laugh at the ugliness of his mother. African proverb, The poorest man in this world is not the one without money but the one without people. South African Proverb, A cutting word is worse than a bowstring, a cut may heal, but the cut of the tongue does not. Ghana, If your cornfield is far from your house, the birds will eat your corn. African proverb, Difficult tasks call for strong men. Hausan proverb, A goat is not a dog; ones own child is not a slave. ~ Somali proverb 5. Top African Proverbs & Inspiring Quotes From Famous Africans Many African proverbs are strongly tied to the earth and animals, conveying lessons of life and learning often through daily, seemingly menial, procedures. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Igbo proverb, A boat cannot go forward if each rows his own way. Swahili proverb, Do not whirl a snake in the air when you have killed it; the ones which remain in their holes see you.- Thongan proverb, Do something at its (right) time, and peace will accompany it.