Principal component analysis based on G sub-haplogroup frequencies was performed using the freeware POPSTR program ( Because M201 was identified first, it is the standard SNP test used when testing for G persons. Dulik MC, Zhadanov SI, Osipova LP et al. In Egypt, studies have provided information that pegs the G percentage there to be between 2% and 9%. This is achieved by comparing the haplotypes through the STR markers. Iceman tzi, known to have been a haplogr. Y-chromosome lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Acores record elements of Sephardim and Berber ancestry. The M527-defined sub-clade is unusual in that it reflects the presence of hg G-U1 that is otherwise rare in Europe. The next largest subclade of G-P303 is characterized by the presence of the U1 mutation. Where did the haplogroup G-M201 originate? - Quora Herein . Among Jews in Israel drawn from many areas of the world, G-M377 constituted 3.7% in one study. Circles represent microsatellite haplotypes, the areas of the circles and sectors are proportional to haplotype frequency (smallest circle corresponds to one individual) and the geographic area is indicated by color. Haplogroup H Achilli A, Olivieri A, Pala M et al. The phylogenetic relationships of the various sub-haplogroups investigated are shown in Figure 1. (a) Principal component analysis by population. Eur J Hum Genet 2007; 15: 485493. Although progress has been recently made in resolving the haplogroup G phylogeny, a comprehensive survey of the geographic distribution patterns of the significant sub-clades of this haplogroup has not been conducted yet. P257 was first reported in 2008. Haplogroup G men who belong to this group, but are negative for all G2a subclades, are uncommon in Europe but may represent a sizeable group in so far poorly tested areas east of Turkey. Haplogroup K2e (K-M147) was previously known as "Haplogroup X" and "K2a" (but is a sibling subclade of the present K2a). Paleolithic Y-haplogroup heritage predominates in a Cretan highland plateau. [citation needed] the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Google Scholar. Cavalli-Sforza L, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. Furthermore, markers Page94, U5, U8 and L30 were typed in contextually appropriate samples to establish the position of the five new markers within the phylogeny. Haplogroup G first locations (T. Kandell). In the ten remaining populations, haplogroup diversity spanned from a low of 0.21 in Adyghes, to highs of 0.88 in Azeris (Iran) and 0.89 in eastern Anatolia and 0.90 in Armenia. In Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia, members of various ethnic minorities and/or residents in particular localities possess G-M201 at its highest levels in the world even though the average rate at the national level is about 1% or less. In human genetics, Haplogroup G (M201) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. The extreme rarity of G-M377 in northern Pakistan could indicate that G2b in this area originates outside the region and was brought there in the historic period, perhaps from further west (Pakistan was part of both the Achaemenid Persian Empire, conquered by Alexander the Great, and then formed a part of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom). Sengupta S, Zhivotovsky LA, King R et al. In north-eastern Croatia, in the town of Osijek, G was found in 14% of the males. 8 Oldest Haplogroups and the Regions they Originated From Haplogroup K2a (M2308) and its primary subclade K-M2313 were separated from Haplogroup NO (F549) in 2016. They are found only in tiny numbers elsewhere. Kayser M, Caglia A, Corach D et al. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Haplogroup L2b1a is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Am J Hum Genet 2006; 78: 202221. A separate study on the Argyns found that 71% of males belong to G1. Eur J Hum Genet 20, 12751282 (2012). This haplogroup was found in a Neolithic skeleton from around 5000 BC, in the cemetery of Derenburg Meerenstieg II, Germany, which forms part of the Linear Pottery culture, known in German as Linearbandkeramik (LBK),[11] but was not tested for G2a3 subclades. Haplogroup | Your past through your genes PLoS One 2011; 6: e17548. It is a branch of haplogroup G (Y-DNA) (M201). SR thanks the Estonian Science Foundation for grant 7445 and M Metspalu for grant 8973. SD was also calculated for the age estimates according to the following formula: 25/1000 (ASD0 variance)/0.00069. Two sources of the Russian patrilineal heritage in their Eurasian context. Martinez L, Underhill PA, Zhivotovsky LA et al. This is not surprising, as clines are not expected in cases of sharp changes in haplogroup frequency over a relatively small distance such as those observed for hg G, for instance between the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. Haplogroup P (P295) is also klnown as K2b2. Semino O, Magri C, Benuzzi G et al. Although not exceeding 3% frequency overall, haplogroup G1-M285 reflects a branching event that is phylogenetically equivalent to the more widespread companion G2-P287 branch in the sense that both branches coalesce directly to the root of G-M201. Considering these issues, we acknowledge that the variance of the age estimates may be underestimated. Ancient DNA from European early neolithic farmers reveals their near eastern affinities. Ancient DNA reveals male diffusion through the Neolithic Mediterranean route. [43] L240 was identified in 2009. In Europeexcept in Italy G2a2b1 constitutes less than 20% of G samples. Ann Hum Genet 2008; 72: 205214. Although both broadly distributed, G2a-P15* and its downstream L91 sub-lineage have low frequencies, with the exception of Sardinia and Corsica. This video explains the migration route of Y-chromosome haplogroup G and the countries where it can be found today. AAL thanks the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. Parallel evolution of genes and languages in the Caucasus region. The suggested relevant pre-historical climatic and archeological periods specified in conjunction with lineage-specific estimated expansion times are specified in the summary portion of Supplementary Table S4. The mutation involves a change from C to T.[citation needed] L223 is found on the Y chromosome at rs13304806. Basically, haplogroups refer to organisms that have a common ancestor, identified by studying the nucleotide and mitochondrial mutations in cells. It is a branch of Haplogroup F (M89), and is theorized to have originated, according to the latest thinking, in the Near East or Southern Asia, likely in the region that is now northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Elizabeth T Wood, Daryn A Stover, Christopher Ehret, L177, later discarded in favour of PF3359 and equivalent SNPs, was first identified at. Age Haplogroup K2b1 (P397/P399) is also known as Haplogroup MS, but has a broader and more complex internal structure. Here we address this issue with a phylogeographic overview of the distribution of informative G sub-clades from South/Mediterranean Europe, Near/Middle East, the Caucasus and Central/South Asia. The most recent study (2010) estimates the common ancestor of all men in haplogroup G lived in Asia about 17,000 years ago, and the ancestor of the G2 subgroup lived about 15,000 years ago. The hg G2a3b1c-L497 sub-cluster, on the other hand, has so far been found essentially in European populations and therefore is probably autochthonous to Europe. K-M2313*, which as yet has no phylogenetic name, has been documented in two living individuals, who have ethnic ties to India and South East Asia. Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y It is a branch of Haplogroup F (M89), and is theorized to have originated, according to the latest thinking, in the Near East or Southern Asia, likely in the region that is now northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. (Previously the name Haplogroup S was assigned to K2b1a4. G2a1a persons also typically have higher values for DYS385b, such as 16, 17 or 18, than seen in most G persons. The complexity is apparent in both the phylogenetic resolution and geographic patterning within hgs G and J2a. The highest reported concentration of G1 and its subclades in a single country is in Iran, with next most frequent concentrations in neighboring countries to the west. Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations. In other words, these mutations are so unique that they could only come from other cells with the same mutations. The Caucasus are today mainly the countries of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and southwestern Russia. Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in Southeast Europe. It encompasses a small group of Hispanic men who also so far all have the odd value of 13,21 at the YCA marker. Whatever the date or specific place of origin, part of the G family put down roots predominantly in the area south and east of the Caucasus mountains. The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: evidence for bidirectional corridors of human migrations. A subset of 693 samples was typed for short tandem repeats of Y-chromosome (Y-STRs) using the 17 STR markers in the Applied Biosystems AmpFlSTR Yfiler Kit according to manufacturer recommendations. Eur J Hum Genet 2004; 12: 855863. In the northern and highland areas of the island of Sardinia off western Italy, G percentages reach 11% of the population in one study[17] and reached 21% in the town of Tempio in another study. The reliability of both P16 and P18 in identifying everyone in each of these categories has been questioned and individual components of the SNP have to be examined. Almost all haplogroup G1 persons have the value of 12 at short tandem repeat (STR) marker DYS392 and all will have the M285 or M342 SNP mutation which characterizes this group. Ashkenazi Jewish G2a1a men with northeastern European ancestry form a distinct cluster based on STR marker values. Men who belong to this group but are negative for all its subclades represent a small number today. Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus. Nonetheless, our approach using high-resolution phylogenetic relationships as well as their phylogeography to infer the possible origin of a genetic variant provides a more plausible deduction than simply the region of highest frequency. Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. . [15] Among the samples in the YHRD database from the southern Caucasus countries, 29% of the samples from Abazinia, 31% from Georgia, 2% from Azerbaijan and 18% from Armenia appear to be G samples. In 2009-10, Family Tree DNA's Walk through the Y Project, sequencing certain Y-chromosome segments, provided a number of new G SNPs with the L designation. G2a was found in medieval remains in a 7th- century CE high-status tomb in Ergolding, Bavaria, Germany, but G2a subclades were not tested.[34]. Distribution. [29][30][31] 3% of North African Berbers were found to be haplogroup G.[32] 2% of Arab Moroccans and 0.8% of Berber Moroccans were likewise found to be G.[33]. Although the low frequency of hg G1-M285 makes it impractical to justify displaying a spatial frequency map, it is found (Supplementary Table S1) in the Near/Middle East including Anatolia, the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf region, as well as Iran and the South Caucasus (mostly Armenians). This value of 12 is uncommon in other G categories other than G1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 97889791. The Network (Fluxus-Engineering) program was used (median-joining algorithm and the post-processing option). ISSN 1476-5438 (online) Taken as a collective group, P303-derived chromosomes are the most widespread of all hg G lineages (Supplementary Table S1 and Figure 2b) and clearly display differential geographic partitioning between L497 (Figure 2c) and U1 (xM527) (Figure 2d). The most commonly occurring subclades are G1* (M285) and many subclades of G2 (G-P287), especially: G2a (P15), G2a1 (G-FGC7535, formerly G-L293), G2a2b2a (G-P303) formerly G2a3b1); G2a2b1 (G-M406) formerly G2a3a; G2a2b2a1 (G-L140) formerly G2a3b1a; G2a2b2a1a1b (G-L497) formerly G2a3b1a2; G2a2b2a1a1a1 (G-L13) formerly G2a3b1a1a; G2a2b2a1a1c1a (G-CTS5990 or G-Z1903) formerly G2a3b1a3; G2b (G-M3115) and; G2b1 (G-M377), formerly G2b. Balanovsky O, Dibirova K, Dybo A et al. Men with the haplogroup G marker moved into Europe in Neolithic times. Digora, North Ossetia has the highest known concentration of G in a single city, as 74% of the tested men were G.[14] Haplogroup G is found as far east as northern China in small percentages where G can reach more substantial percentages in minority groups such as the Uyghurs. Haplogroup G represents one of the first peoples in Europe. (Behar et al., 2012b) Origin Most researchers consider the birthplace of G to have been born in East Asia. The National Geographic Society places haplogroup G origins in the Middle East 30,000 years ago and presumes that people carrying the haplogroup took part in the spread of the Neolithic Two scholarly papers have also suggested an origin in the Middle East, while differing on the date. It is one of two branches of the parent haplogroup GHIJK, the other being HIJK. Phylogenetic relationships of studied binary markers within haplogroup G in wider context of M89-defined clade. (2004) suggested the mutation took place only 9,500 years ago. More distantly, G2a3a-M406 occurs in Italy (3%) with a Td of 8100 years ago, consistent with the model of maritime Neolithic colonization of the Italian peninsula from coastal Anatolia and/or the Levant. Semino et al. Although compared with G1-M285, the phylogenetic level of P303 (Figure 1) is shallower but its geographic spread zone covers the whole hg G distribution area (Figure 2b). Hg G is very frequent in NW Caucasus and South Caucasus, covering about 45% of the paternal lineages in both regions2 in this study. A high percentage of G-Z1903 men belong to its subclade, G-Z724. Moreover, these general frequencies mostly consist of two notable lineages. Semino O, Passarino G, Oefner PJ et al. Although the present-day frequency of G1 is low across its spread zone, the expansion time estimate (Supplementary Table S4) of 192716158 years attests to considerable antiquity. [36], G-PF3359 (or G2a2b2b; previously G2a3b2) was known prior to 2013 as G-L177. For this are several indications. Am J Hum Genet 2001; 68: 10191029. The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean. The following SNPs are so far identified as M201 equivalents: L116, L154, L269, L294, L240, P257, L402, L520, L521, L522, L523, L605, Page 94, U2, U3, U6, U7, U12, U17, U20, U21, U23 and U33. and JavaScript. Nat Commun 2012; 3. de Knijff P, Kayser M, Caglia A et al. In addition, we introduce five new markers: M426, M461, M485, M527 and M547 (Supplementary Table S2). There are seeming pockets of unusual concentrations within Europe. G2a3a-M406 has a modest presence in Thessaly and the Peloponnese (4%),10 areas of the initial Greek Neolithic settlements. However, no clinal patterns were detected in the spatial autocorrelation analysis of the five sub-haplogroup frequencies with distance, suggesting that the distributions are not clinal but rather indicative of isolation by distance and demographic complexities. Haplogroup G2a1 (also known as G-FGC753 and previously as G-L293) and its subclades represent the majority of haplogroup G samples in some parts of the Caucasus Mountains area. Google Scholar. The effective mutation rate at Y chromosome short tandem repeats, with application to human population-divergence time. The members of G-PF3359 are probably smaller in number than men included in G-P303, but only a small amount of testing has occurred for the relevant mutations. G1-M285, previously described in the Iranian population . Lacan M, Keyser C, Ricaut FX et al. Dulik MC, Osipova LP, Schurr TG : Y-chromosome variation in Altaian Kazakhs reveals a common paternal gene pool for Kazakhs and the influence of Mongolian expansions. G2a2b2a is also found in India. Russ J Genet 2004; 40: 326331. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was carried out to assess the presence/absence of clines regarding informative G sub-haplogroups. Eur J Hum Genet 2003; 11: 535542. Eur J Hum Genet 2009; 17: 820830. For the multi-copy STR DYS389I,II the DYS389b value was DYS389I subtracted from DYS389II. Haplogroup - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Nasidze I, Quinque D, Dupanloup I et al. Origin. Unresolved G2a-P15* lineages occur across a wide area extending from the Near/Middle East to the Balkans and Western Europe in the west, the Caucasus (especially the South Caucasus) in the north and Pakistan in the east. Haak W, Balanovsky O, Sanchez JJ et al. In addition, there are multiple other SNPs thought to have the same coverage as M201. Its estimated Td of 120953000 years ago suggests considerable antiquity allowing time to accumulate STR diversity and also to disperse relatively widely. Origins and history of European Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups In Wales, a distinctive G2a3b1 type (DYS388=13 and DYS594=11) dominates there and pushes the G percentage of the population higher than in England. The Turkish G-M377 is somewhat closer, but not identical. Among Turkish males 11% of the population is G.[6] In Iran, Haplogroup G reaches 13 to 15% of the population in various parts of the country. G-CTS2488 or G2a2b2 (also known as G-L141.1; previously G-141 and G2a3b) was identified only in mid-2009 at Family Tree DNA. First, here is the only region with co-presence of deep basal branches as well as the occurrence of high sub-haplogroup diversity of haplogroup G. [12] The fourth site also from the same period is the tztal of the Italian Alps where the mummified remains of tzi the Iceman were discovered. The highest percentage of G-P303 persons in a discrete population so far described is on the island of Ibiza off the eastern Spanish coast. Goncalves R, Freitas A, Branco M et al. Y-DNA haplogroups are useful to determine whether two apparently unrelated individuals sharing the same surname do indeed descend from a common ancestor in a not too distant past (3 to 20 generations). [2][37], Ancient DNA identified as G-PF3359 has been found at archaeological sites in: Hungary (the subclade G-F872*), dated at 7,500 years before present (BP); Hungary (subclade G-F1193*) 7,150 BP, and; Spain (G-PF3359*) 4,700 BP.[2]. Mol Biol Evol 2011; 29: 359365. Keller A, Graefen A, Ball M et al. Balanovsky O, Rootsi S, Pshenichnov A et al. The G-M286 subclade (M286+) is small compared with G-L91. [41] These classifications are based on shared SNP mutations. Using Y-STR data, the Td expansion time for all combined P15-affiliated chromosomes was estimated to be 150822217 years ago. Battaglia V, Fornarino S, Al-Zahery N et al. contracts here. The British samples have inconsistent double values for STR marker DYS19 in many cases. An assessment of the Y-chromosome phylogeography-based proposal that the spread of G2a-L497 chromosomes originated from Central Europe could be achieved by typing this SNP in the Holocene period human remains from Germany31 as well as those from France and Spain.45, 46 Certainly, Y chromosome represents only a small part of human genome and any population-level interpretation of gene flow in this region would have to be supported by genome-wide evidence. Amongst the Madjars, G1 was found at a rate of 87%. It is a child of haplogroup M12'G. It was likely born in the East Asia around 32,000 years ago. G-M201 is most commonly found among various ethnic groups of the Caucasus, but is also widely distributed at low frequencies among ethnic groups throughout Europe, South Asia, Central Asia, and North Africa. Peter A Underhill. There are additional subclades of DYS388=13 men characterized by the presence of specific SNPs or uncommon STR marker oddities. Another notable feature is its uneven distribution. ASD0 is the average squared difference in the number of repeats between all current chromosomes of a sample and the founder haplotype, which is estimated as the median of current haplotypes. The expansion time of G-M406 in Anatolia is 12800 years ago, which corresponds to climatic improvement at the beginning of the Holocene and the commencement of sedentary hunter-forager settlements at locations, such as Gobekli Tepi in Southeast Anatolia, thought to be critical for the domestication of crops (wheat and barley) that propelled the development of the Neolithic. The second component, influenced by the relatively high presence of M377, separates Ashkenazi Jews from other populations (Figure 3a). We attempted to localize the potential geographic origin of haplogroup G-M201 by considering those locations containing both G1-M285- and G2-P287-related lineages as well as the co-occurrence of high sub-haplogroup diversity. A network analysis of representative hg G-P16 Y-STR haplotypes reveals a diffuse cluster (Supplementary Figure S2). Also for P15* and L91 lineages Td estimates, DYS19 was excluded owing to duplications in these lineages.36. Human Y chromosome DNA grouping common in western Eurasia, This article is about the human Y-DNA haplogroup. Important caveats to consider include the fact that Td is sensitive to authentic rare outlier alleles and that multiple founders during population formation will inflate the age estimate of the event. Y-chromosomal diversity in Lebanon is structured by recent historical events. Croat Med J 2005; 46: 502513. Google Scholar. Kaniewski D, Van Campo E, Van Lerberghe K et al. Haplogroup LT (L298/P326) is also known as Haplogroup K1. BMC Evol Biol 2011; 11: 69. The non-clustering paraphyletic, hg G sub-group P303* residuals consist of samples from Near/Middle Eastern, Caucasian and European populations. Men who belong to this group but are negative for all G2 subclades represent a small number of haplogroup G men. Eur J Hum Genet 2010; 18: 463470. Haplogroup G2a (G-P15) has been identified in Neolithic human remains in Europe dating between 5000 and 3000 BC. RV thanks the European Union Regional Development Fund for support through the Centre of Excellence in Genomics, the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research for the Basic Research grant SF 0270177As08. Hammer MF, Behar DM, Karafet TM et al. The results were analyzed using the ABI PRISM program GeneMapper 4.0 (Applied Biosystems). His male-line descendants appear to remained rooted in the region for tens of thousands of years while the Ice Age was in full swing. The naming of sub-clades is according to YCC nomenclature principles. Origin. The identities of the specific 19 loci that define the STR haplotypes are reported in Supplementary Table S3 and Figure 4 legend. Article In the Greek island of Crete, approximately 7%[18] to 11%[19] of males belong to haplogroup G. Am J Hum Genet 2007; 80: 759768. A network of 61 G2c-M377 lineages from Europe, the Near/Middle East and Central and South Asia reveals founder lineages (one pronounced founder in Ashkenazi Jews and a far distant one among South Asian individuals) and diverged lineages (Supplementary Figure S1). G-M377, now also known as G2b1, has previously been designated G2b and G2c. This skeleton could not be dated by radiocarbon dating, but other skeletons there were dated to between 5,100 and 6,100 years old. Hg G also occurs at frequencies ranging from 5 to 15% in both the rest of Near/Middle East and southern European countries (especially Italy and Greece), with a decreasing frequency gradient towards the Balkans and northern Europe. Barac L, Pericic M, Klaric IM et al. Similarly, G-P16 and G-M377 networks were created using 104 P16-derived 19-locus haplotypes and 61G-M377-derived 9-locus haplotypes, with both groups representing European, Near/Middle Eastern and central/west Asian populations. The North Ossetians in the mid northern Caucasus area of Russia belong overwhelmingly to the G2a1 subclade based on available samples. Network of 248 samples P303 derived from Supplementary Table S3. G-L13/S13 (Y-DNA) - geni family tree Haplogroup G2a (Y-DNA) - Facebook Mol Biol Evol 2011; 28: 29052920. Y-DNA Haplogroup G-M201 - Marres The G2 clade consists of one widespread but relatively infrequent collection of P287*, M377, M286 and M287 chromosomes versus a more abundant assemblage consisting of G2a-related P15*, P16 and M485-related lineages. Evaluation of Y-chromosomal STRs: a multicenter study. Genomics 1999; 57: 433437. G-P16 has a high frequency in South and NW Caucasus, with the highest frequency among North Ossetians63.6%. King RJ, Ozcan SS, Carter T et al. Differential Y-chromosome Anatolian influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic. (2000) suggested 17,000 years ago. Whereas the presence of Mideastern mtDNA in Tuscany43 supports the model of early Iron Age migrants from Anatolia (putative Etruscans) colonizing Central Italy,44 the occurrence of the G2a3b1c-L497 lineage in Italy is most likely associated to migratory flows from the north. First, we calculated haplogroup diversity using data in Supplementary Table S1 for the 52 instances when total population sample size exceeded 50 individuals and 5hg G chromosomes were observed. Its members include "tzi",[citation needed] the so-called Iceman, who died at least 5,000 years BP in the European Alps. (2000) suggested 17,000 years ago. This group has been linked with the Crypto-Jewish population which fled to the island during the time of the Spanish Inquisition, of which a significant portion are identifiable as G-Z725 (DYS388=13). Hum Genet 2009; 126: 707717. The L141 mutation involves an insertion.[35]. Haplogroup_G_(Y-DNA) Interestingly, the L30 SNP, phylogenetically equivalent to M485, M547 and U8, was detected in an approximately 7000-year-old Neolithic specimen from Germany, although this ancient DNA sample was not resolved further to additional sub-clade levels.39. The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people. Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website, Rootsi, S., Myres, N., Lin, A. et al. Armenian DNA Project - News | FamilyTreeDNA This group was created for the folks who's paternal Y-DNA reflects they belong to haplogroup G2a (G-P15). The L141 mutation is found on the Y chromosome at 2948607. The P303 SNP defines the most frequent and widespread G sub-haplogroup. Geographic spread patterns of the P303-derived groups defined by L497, U1 and P15(xP303)-derived P16 and M406 lineages, all of which achieve a peak frequency of at least 10%, are presented in Figures 2bf, respectively. In the G2a3b-P303 network (Figure 4), there are several region-specific clusters, indicating a considerable history for this SNP. Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood. In descending order, G-P303 is additionally a branch of G2 (P287), G2a (P15), G2a2, G2a2b, G2a2b2, and finally G2a2b2a. Men from the Caucasus and men from eastern Europe also form distinctive STR clusters. Summary. The highest frequencies of haplogroup G appear in the Caucasus region; however it also shows significant frequencies in the Mediterranean areas and the Middle East [69,70]. However, its sub-clades have more localized distribution with the U1-defined branch largely restricted to Near/Middle Eastern and the Caucasus, whereas L497 lineages essentially occur in Europe where they likely originated. Haplogroup H dominates present-day Western European mitochondrial DNA variability (>40%), yet was less common (~19%) among Early Neolithic farmers (~5450 BC) and virtually absent in Mesolithic . PLoS One 2009; 4: e5792. Polarity and temporality of high-resolution y-chromosome distributions in India identify both indigenous and exogenous expansions and reveal minor genetic influence of Central Asian pastoralists. [39], Haplogroup G-M377 has been found at a frequency of 60% out of a sample of five Pashtuns in the Wardak region of Afghanistan. On the other hand, G2a3-M485-associated lineages, or more precisely its G2a3b-P303-derived branch, represent the most common assemblage, whereas the paraphyletic G2a3-M485* lineages display overall low occurrence in the Near/Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus. The Genetic Legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in Extant Europeans: A Y Chromosome Perspective.
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