Thank you for taking the time to respond to everyones concern. I get the fact that lifting excessively can cause a spike in blood pressure, but only under certain conditions (i.e. I think you understand the guidelines correctly. The value of CT/MRI comes when a millimeter or two makes a difference in treatment, restrictions, surgery, etc. I cant imagine life without activity, but Im not fool to risk my life, not any more anyway :). Questions currently remain about how long such repairs will last and whether patients might require re-operation at some point in the future. Based on the information Ive provided, I would greatly appreciate your advice and opinion on the matter. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common form of congenital aortic valve disease, in which the valve has only two leaflets instead of the usual three; it affects up to 2% of the population. The notion is to reduce the number of cycles of heart beat x high blood pressure. I think its reasonable to think of things this way. At 4.0 cm, its important to be thoughtful about activities. For example, his spurt in enlargement happens to coincide with his spurt in growth. It was a shock to the system to Hear that we need to consider a repair considering we didntt think this was happened until hey was an adult. We go back in 3 months for another echo. Would this constitute as too much in your opinion ? Its probably not possible to have too much information as you think about your situation. 1 year ago I gave up smoking and started endurance running. Bobbie. enlarged LV = 350ml Thanks. triangle chokes, other blood chokes) could be putting pressure on my heart and cause my aorta diameter to increase? Unfortunately, I really cant point you to such studies. I have a few questions because I was instructed not to lift more than 10 lbs and that I could resume surfing in a year. I was training for 11th marathon at the time (over the past 13 years). From afar, its hard to know what might be responsible for your symptoms. Pop Medicine > Celebrity Diagnosis . After an MRI, Ive been diagnosed with BAV and mild aortic coarctation. Bicuspid Aortic Valve | Circulation This would be a major operation.and would certainly be invasive regardless of the particulars. Aside from the problems with aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation or with enlargement of the aorta, individuals with BAV can also suddenly develop the problem of aortic dissection. In your experience, can patients with BAV go a lifetime without having AVR? I am riding my 3 rd anual Belgian Waffle Ride today. My son is 15 and has grown about 4-6 inches in the last year. In addition to being patients, there are many celebrities who, like you, parent a child with CHD as well. I first wrote about BAV in a short post here at the blog back in 2009. I was hoping that if the ultrasound numbers dont change much, the endurance will not decrease significantly. The thing that keeps me sane is that I can jump on a treadmill or go play basketball for a few hours and feel relatively normal. I have recently found out that I have aortic regurgitation will soon be needing surgery. Cardiac outcomes in a contemporary population of adults with bicuspid aortic valve have not been systematically determined.Objective To determine the frequency and predictors of cardiac outcomes in a. The aortic valve lies between the heart and the aorta, the main artery . Catch up on the years best movies, whether in theaters or now streaming at home. Your email address will not be published. Almost 15 years ago skilled surgeons replaced my aorta valve with a new replacement valve. In the 2.5 years from surgery, I returned back to riding within the first 3 months and later back to longer, decent training pace rides and racing but feel like I have lost my top end mojo. Good to hear that youre making a good recovery from your second operation. Aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement - Mayo Clinic I was physically examined by a medical board at new Delhi for the post of a chemist in geological servey of India but they declared me unfit as I have BAV . Its weird because sometimes when Im resting I can feel a little weird fluttering.. Thank you for the follow-up! Ive done the Philly a Marathon a coup,e times and know that its a terrific event. Replacement is much, much more common. The mechanical valve conduit replaces the valve with a mechanical valve and the aorta with a Dacron fabric tube. 7373 Perkins Rd Nonetheless, I think theres considerable confusion about this condition, in terms of diagnosis, implications for the athlete, and its treatment. The surgeon I used told me that he had performed keyhole surgery once but wasnt sure if it would be of much benefit to me. When you start seeing changes with regurgitation does it progress quickly? I currently lift reasonably heavy weights in the 8-12 rep range, including body weight excercises such as pull ups and push ups. Although we still dont have very long term results tracked (15+ years), in the short term the results seem to be much superior to regular bentall de bono option (and its variations). "I am lucky to be here.". Do you have any info or recommendations about this? On March 30, 2018, we learned that Arnold Schwarzengger required a second heart surgery. Thanks! I see my cardiologist the end of May. Since Im very active in sports, Id like to have your opinion on it. Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Cleveland Clinic Celebrities with Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Diseasemaps Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiovascular anomaly, occurring in 1-2% of the population. My Dr. gave me the all clear to go back to my exercise routines. I dont believe there is any evidence that would help us know if some forms are safer than others. She learned she needed an aortic valve replacement in 2009 and underwent open heart surgery, receiving a mechanical valve to replace her damaged aortic valve. Schwarzenegger's Aortic Valve Replacement | MedPage Today Athletes should have detailed discussion with their doctors about any prudent limitations to exercise after operation and settle on a mutually agreeable plan. The recovery from heart surgery can be hard to predict for any given patient, but we know that young otherwise healthy patients tend to do well. The doctor said she would see if she could talk about his case with the surgical panel but she said even if he did have surgery he couldnt have a career in sports??? Bicuspid aortic valve: Basics and beyond | Cleveland Clinic Journal of Star Jones. His BAV is causing very little back flow. Over time, there will be some patients who develop problems with the prosthetic heart valve or enlargement of some portion of the aorta (that hasnt already been replaced) that requires operation. I have been doing as much research as possible on what are the advantages/disadvantages of each replacement. I guess my marathon training is officially over, but i hope that i still keep doing some sport and i dont mean bowling, no offense for who practice it ;). BAV was diagnosed in 196 newborns (prevalence, 0.77%), with a male-female ratio of 2.1:1. eventually was told everything was ok. My name became public 25 years ago this week. The use of a less invasive transcatheter therapy in this . He is football player and he has training 5 times per week (for about 1,5 hours each). To quickly review, individuals with BAV have an aortic valve with 2 unequalinstead of the usual 3 equal sizedleaflets. Be specific. Thank you for this blog! And I took him for check up every year and nothing change and he never had any symptoms. You can contact me on I dont know why this formed as I have had the problem valve replaced many years ago. In this case, would it be an overwhelming pain? The first pic showed the action and comedy legend in a supine position with a thumbs-up, while the next three featured a lovely autumn walk, taking in the sights. I mean, when competing, my average heart rate is close to 159 and my max HR is around 170. Since I started running, I lost about 8 kg, my blood pressure decreased from 140/90 to 120/80-70. Hey has been physically active with restrictions of no contact sports, and no isometric exercise. Considering the results of my stress test and TOE, do you think it could be my heart and should I seek 2nd opinion. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today. I have been checked by echo/CT every year for the last 7 years to monitor the progress of my valve regergitation and aortic aneurism. I eat relatively well, but sometimes having those pizzas and burgers late at night I had to change that.. Since he had to stop playing.. depression has set in. Young actor receives groundbreaking aortic valve repair She said not until it gets to 5cm. Most patients (like me), however, start to experience problems during their 30s, 40s, and 50s. I have repeatedly asked each follow up, if continued marathon training is OK. Im always told it is fine with the old adage of listening to your body. The false lumen extending into the abdominal aorta was left since the point of origin in the ascending aorta was repaired. no symptoms yet please help. It doesnt help that I am a nurse. However, I always performed poorly when it came to the top end fitness tests e.g. To continue to live this amazing life so full of challenges and friends, including so many of you in the audience, I have chosen to replace the valve with a new one. Yes, there are certainly patients with BAV who never need operation. Maybe thats not surprising, given that Im a heart surgeon and that many individuals with BAV need operation at some point. Today, echocardiography (ultrasound) for screening or diagnostic purposes for some other heart problem is the most common way that BAV is detected. Over the past 3 years, my endurance has declined significantly, and now I cannot run a lap on the treadmill without some walking; however, my numbers from the semi-annual utrasound have not changed much. The idea of somehow restricting the HR may be attractive as a means of curtailing strenuous activity. There was only a 0.2 cm increase in the previous 7 years (so from age 21 to 28). The video is just 1 min 42 sec long. This blog helped me a lot in my panic days, it put me at ease when I was worrying to much, just to see and to know your enemy and to realize that you are not alone is great help. Could you express your opinion on this issue? "Heart disease is the number one killer of all Americans, the number one killer of African-Americans and the number one killer of women, so I shouldve been put on notice since Im three-for-three. Also, again, no stenosis or regurgitation, 35 mm ascending aorta. What signs should I look out for? Glad to hear that youve found a surgeon and settled on a plan. I was also advised that it is really the static weight-lifting that could pose a problem. I took it up 7 years ago. Bicuspid valve stenosis treatment involves surgery to replace the valve. She partnered with the American Heart Association to encourage others to get CPR training that could potentially be life-saving. Thank you for what you do and for your responsiveness. I would very much appreciate your opinion weather he can continue his regular football training or should stop it. My Dr is almost certain that these symptoms are caused by issues that are not cardiac related, and that with at the stage my BAVD is at, it would not produce symptoms. When first diagnosed with BAV I just nodded and smiled it was only the following day that reality hit home and I thought of all of the questions that I would have liked to have asked the cardiologist! I am 51 and leaning towards a tissue valve because of my activities and that I am a firefighter. When Ive had patients in your situation, Ive usually recommended getting the screening when its CONVENIENT. This international evidence-based nomenclature and classification consensus document is intended for universal use by clinicians, imaging specialists . Many heart conditions can be controlled or repaired once theyre diagnosed. This have affected my son psychologically since he loves playing soccer what should I do. I had a David Tirone Operation a couple of weeks ago to repair a BAV with aortic dilatation (49mm), and a small leakage. I would like to know more about your recovery timeline since you are so much further out from surgery than I amfor instance; how long before you could do long rides again; when could you do tempo efforts; start high heart rate intervals; and finally race again? Look forward to your reply and thanks for your time. His favorite sports are football and baseball. Congenital heart issues affect approximately 40,000 people born each year in the U.S. and are one of the most common types of birth defects. The studies on Irbesartan for Marfans(I dont have Marfans) are showing some positive outcomes; and. These are the data I got in my last MTB race. A few hours after helping the woman, she began to experience chest aches, soreness in both arms, nausea and clammy skin. If the conflicting opinions both come from cardiologists, you should ask them to confer with each other and arrive at some sort of consensus. After that, most patients can gradually return to activities that put stress on the sternum and upper extremities. But for those WITH such problems, we do recommend curtailing either static or dynamic activities, or both. Without careful study, I dont know what the true risks will be. Thanks very much for this Dr, it is really helpful to get someone elses opinion on the subject and Ill definitely raise those points with my cardiologist next time we meet. I would defer to Dr. Dietz since youve already contacted him. Barb. No information provided by Baldwin Publishing, Inc. in any article is a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical condition. Routine endocarditis prophylaxis is . Thanks for sharing your experience, Randy. The guidelines do not address the frequency of surveillance for individuals with BAV and no enlargement of the aorta. PDF Bicuspid aortic valve: Basics and beyond - Cleveland Clinic Journal Of From the outside, these people look healthy, and some are, while others are not. To no surprise, people are worried about me running tomorrow. The actress, 44, found out she had a leaky valve in 2002. This is ridiculous. 2023 Cond Nast. Im not sure how you should best sort out the differing recommendations from your doctors. We have contacted the Cleveland Clinic to learn more and will report back soon. The cardiologist told us at that appointment that we needed to start considering surgery to repair his valve. Sadly, most school/sports physical exam programs dont include echocardiogram.and the absence of a heart murmur in a child wouldnt preclude the diagnosis. There, they detected I had a bicuspid aortic valve." This meant the valve which controls the flow of blood from the heart's left-ventricle chamber to the main artery had only two flaps instead . BAV is one of the most common congenital heart conditions, occurring in about 2% of individuals. Im 52 years old and had surgery 2.5 years ago to repair an ascending aortic aneurysm (5.8 cm) and aortic tissue valve replacement. Sounds like youre on the right track by getting things evaluated. Is the biggest risk (from numbness) a over-calcified valve which would cause lack of blood flow? Schwarzenegger visited USC on April 16, 2007 and saluted the new Cardiovascular Thoracic Institute (CVTI), according to a press release issued by The Keck School Of Medicine at USC. There are many causes of light-headedness and chest discomfort that are not related to the heart. Best to mention your participation in the marathon when you have the tests done. I am big for my age . I had a Medtronic Freestyle valve fitted in May 2002, did exactly as directed regarding exercise etc. My family is pressuring me to quit strenuous cycling but I am thinking that switching to longer rides at lower heart rates would not accelerate valve wear or otherwise be bad for me. Push for earlier date? Apparently I also have a mildly enlarged IVC as well as mildly enlarged left and right atria. He told me to carry on as normal and to take 300mg Irbesartan per day. I inderstand that my resistance training will likely be severely curtailed from this point forward, but severe restrictions on my endurance training will be a very difficult pill to swallow. The Jeopardy! From your reading, or even just here at the blog, youll know that its not an unusual story. No other issues. Just a short info for whomever may read, I searched for Tims name and I found this page: these conditions occur mostly during my exercises at the gym and Im left very lightheaded and shortness of breathe. When the aorta is enlarged in the setting of BAV, there are a couple possibilities: the valve needs to be replacedor it doesnt: Valve repair. Bicuspid aortic valve is associated with abnormalities in the coronary artery anatomy in about 2% of patients, including anomalous origins of the coronary arteries and upwardly displaced coronary ostia. Can BAV cause sudden death incidents in otherwise healthy 40 year old males? May 11, 2010 -- Barbara Walters said on Monday that her upcoming heart surgery, a procedure known as an aortic valve replacement, will hopefully correct a problem of which . Options for operation They may also disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. Because it was just a cardiologist, not a sports cardiologist or physiotherapist. No operation to replace/repair the aortic valve and yo replace the ascending aorta is minimally invasive. Thats just a marketing gimmick. Garth was already familiar with heart diease before her diagnosis because it runs in her family. My question is: is it okay for me to participate in weight lifting with BAV? I have been given no restriction to date in any physical exercise as my valve is in decent condition. Ive thought that the next visit to the pediatrician would be a good opportunity to discuss the issue. Ive heard from a fair number of endurance athletes after having aortic valve operations of one sort or another. Now Id like to know your opinion about physical performance, before and after. If he is a candidate for valve replacement are these sports he could ever return to In the best case scenario? I had a ventricle septum defect patched up shortly after birth with no further follow up and a full recovery. In fact, one young man died 5 years after operation (from other non related causes) and the study on his aorta tissue revealed that the device helped it to heal, presenting a healthy histology. Perhaps you could print out the diagram, take it with you to the cardiologist, and ask him/her to circle the forms of exercise that would be safe in your case. Thank you very much for the answer! I asked my surgeon and also the echocardiographist about my sports performance after full recovery, about 6 months after the surgery. Thanks for sharing an update. I say this based on the fact different exercises will allow for differrent weight tolerances than others, in addition, stronger people can handle more weight than others. His only complaint or change is shortness of breath with stairs. Normal great vessel size They ruled out Marfans syndrome because his aorta was dilating. Many endurance athletes are able to return to their sports after operation for BAV. Answers to your questions. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease does not usually cause symptoms. After a 6 month ramp up, will the Porcene valve take the stress of the 5 rep sets? Tetyana. In patients needing valve replacement because of stenosis or regurgitation, the aorta should be repaired or replaced if the aortic diameter exceeds 4.5 cm. Celebrities With Heart Disease - Celebrity Heart Health Survivors Next year I would like to finish my first marathon but now I dont know whether I should keep running. Dear Dr. Creswell, It is unclear however if there are cardio thoracic surgeons who perform minimally evasive repairs yet. A bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital heart defect, occurring in approximately 1%-2% of the general population. Also, due to a bout of DVT and elevated d-dimers Im on Warfarin for life. She said it could still be 6 months to a year just depending on if there are any more changes to this next echo. Bicuspid Aortic Valves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aneurysms, and Me Aortic root is 4cm and currently waiting for a 6month check up to see how it`s going. Periodic re-evaluation with echocardiogram and/or CT scanning is used for most patients in this circumstance. The issues of when, how, what sports are safe, etc. after surgery and was playing football again by September. Is there any research on this? And slow enlargement of the aorta is common for patients with BAV. Enlargement of the left ventricle can be an indication that the heart suffers from the aortic regurgitation, even if the regurgitation doesnt produce symptoms like shortness of breath. Unfortunatly that`s pretty much all the advice i`ve been given so far, so little out there on what i can actively do and what i can`t. Substitute valves. The data regarding the progression of disease in athlete patients with BAVare limited. Then, a Dacron fabric tube can be used to reconstruct the aorta, in a so-called valve-sparing aortic root replacement. The abnormal anatomy of the bicuspid aortic valve is complex, and a classification schema of 3 anatomical types has been proposed by Sievers and Schmidtke. Im really wondering at what point should I look into flying back to Thailand or Hong Kong to get re-checked. I just thought it was muscle strain., My body cleared the blockage itself, said the game show host, who credited the aspirin he was taking for what he thought was simple muscle pain. ), What do you think? It is very informative. In late March, Schwarzenegger was heavily involved in a chess tournament with his donkey Lulu. My son was also complaining of shortness of breath with stairs mild and feels tired more easily. And my doctor do not give me responsive and exact answer to my questions regarding sports. About a year ago a pulmonologist discovered a grade 2/6 heart murmur during a workup for a sleep study. Im 32 years old and didnt expect at all that my aorta would dilate. She says now it is stable and I dont have to see her for 2 years. Sometimes patients with mechanical aortic valves report that they lose a bit of their top-end athletic performance. These differences of opinion may be legitimate. My consultant informed me that, because of my age, I would have a mechanical valve fitted which meant that I would be on warfarin for life and therefor not be able to play football. (bicuspid aortic valve), singer Bret Michaels (atrial septal defect), and even 'Survivor' contestant Whitney Duncan (ASD).
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