(former Osteopathic Physician). My weight seems to be of no concern to him as long as my blood work looks okay. Can I dye my hair? If a person with a health thyroid intakes the I131, it will damage their . This can delay subsequent use of radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy because the iodine can compete for uptake. In the mean time, thanks to the WWW. Some people also feel flushed. All rights reserved. Ive certainly seen some patients reduce their total dose of thyroid medication by undergoing some natural therapies to help restore thyroid function after RAI (but the number of patients Ive seen in this category is somewhat limited). You might need contrast when you are having an X-ray, CT, MRI, or ultrasound exam. Its not vain at all! Some doctor told me to move to the mountains, which I did to avoid toxic chemicals. Five years later I was diagnosed with a severe case of Graves and the doctor said RAI was the best course of action and convinced me of that. Homocysteine down to 11.5, methlymalonic acid down to 257. I have since been on a roller coaster ride with the levels fluctuating up and down and not sure why. For more details, see our Privacy Policy. In the mean time, Im feeling worse about myself than with this original post. Radioactive iodine therapy is a systemic and targeted treatment. I had RAI treatment done 10 years ago. Its not just that I cant stand the heat I get overheated so fast that I have to get in the AC or I feel like Im gonna pass out. Memory loss. Since then, each year various GPs have looked at my thyroid function test results, focused solely on the low TSH reading and have now reduced my levothyroxine down to 100 despite my arguments to the contrary. Life has been very difficult as I basically go very few places now and live a life with little social contact. With a regime as this, its no wonder for depression, no sleep! Im hoping I still have some thyroid function based on the fact that he kept lowering my dose of levothyroxine and I can just take your supplements and see some weight loss and feel a bit better. Receiving intravenous iodinated contrast (iodine "dye") may also cause hyperthyroidism. What will you really expect after your RAI, side effects Until that time, you will give off radiation in your sweat, your saliva, your urine, and anything else that comes out of your body. This is an extension of what weve already discussed but its worth spending some time on this specific point. As so many of you, I too was very unaware of the many causes of having your thyroid removed can have on a person, or the underlying affects that can be caused by the I-131 RAI "therapeutic" radioactive iodine treatment. In this procedure, you are intentionally given Iodide, I-131, which emits radiation. Then, also there is the womens health portion of all this, and so I had my annual, and a polyp was found on my cervix, it was a rather large one, and thankfully no cancer cells on that, my PAP Im waiting for results. Many doctors recommend that women avoid becoming pregnant for 6 months to a year after treatment. If I take a snack is determined on what my glucose reading was. I have Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling with hypothyroidism now since treatment for their Graves' with radioactive iodine (RAI) or thyroidectomy. If contrast dye is used, you may feel some effects when the dye is injected into the IV line. meat. Prior to radioactive iodine treatment, doctors create a hypothyroid state in your body. If you dont have thyroid hormone at all then you risk the chance of coma and death. Not only can doctors NOT find a thyroid replacement that works for me due to side affects, Ive lost 70% of my hair and have to wear wig, Ive gained more weight than ever before in my life, Im constantly fatigued, in pain, moody, still have a very fast heart rate between 110-130, anxiety (like Im still hyperthyroid, but Im not.) They are basically useless here, Ive been to two, and I am actually SCARED for the first time in my life. 2. If below 100 I will consider a snack of some nuts or piece of fresh fruit. If you have any thoughts, I would appreciate those. Repeat the process if necessary. Whatever touches your skin will pick up a small amount of radiation. Theres a higher risk that the cancer comes back but its also a way to preserve some thyroid function. Be particularly careful around infants and children, who are especially at risk for exposure complications. Ultrasound can also be performed if . Since I was at the office a week ago complaining about what PTU was doing to my body I feel nervous about calling the endocrinologist again. 3 weeks after I was taken off of PTU. The other 20% may require additional testing and the use of other thyroid medications which contain T3 thyroid hormone. under the skin, like a vaccine) and the radioactive iodine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Thank you 5PM supper with VS and glucose readings. Consuming excess iodine: If you're at risk for hyperthyroidism and consume too much iodine (through your diet or medications), it can cause your thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone. The majority of radioactive iodine, therefore, will be absorbed by any remaining thyroid cells. I am going in for radioactive iodine treatment next week and wanted to ask what the best diet plan is that can stop me gaining more weight and help me to reduce my bmi. So, now my doctor told me a list of things to expect over the next while. I have spoken to my doctor about it but he doesnt care. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your body produces too much thyroid hormone so the treatment is to destroy your thyroid gland and stop that production. While we are on the topic of thyroid medication we should also spend a few minutes talking about other symptoms you may experience. The most common side effect of radioactive iodine treatment immediately after it's been administered is that you will feel very tired for the first few days after the treatment. Most thyroid patients who receive RAI treatment eventually end up hypothyroid and will need to take thyroid hormone replacement drugs indefinitely. To decrease the spread of radioactivity: If possible, use a separate bathroom. I welcome Barbara Lougheed, author of the book Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing - Breaking the TSH Rule. You can obviously survive after RAI (otherwise they wouldnt do the procedure) but I want to teach you how to thrive afterward. Radioactive iodine treatment is a therapy that your veterinary surgeon may recommend if your cat is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. One of the more surprising aspects of getting RAI done is the fact that you are quite literally radioactive after your procedure. and seriously lethargic?! The trip will be about 45 minutes each way. Lowered heart rate. I had my RAI 3weeks ago and they did not gave me a pros and con what to expect after. non dairy spreads such as Vitalite, Pure and non dairy Flora. Prior to discovering the bump, I had reversed my Diabetes and had consistent HA1C readings of 5 or lower. Just realize that you will always be in a sensitive category and you will be more likely to gain weight compared to people with their thyroid intact. TSH. They do this by either stopping your oral thyroid medication or giving you thyrogen. The radiation comes from a radioactive substance called iodine-131. But what if you only destroy 30 to 40% of your gland function? My question is what if I do radiation while my thyroid isnt hyperactive? Even at this age, I still want to feel and look pretty. So, when I get up at Midnight unless I stay up that late, I get a full set of VS plus my glucose readings, and take my Levothyroxine. The good news is that this particular side effect doesnt last very long (compared to some of the other issues we will be discussing next). By looking at markers such as your TSH, free t3, and free t4 you can get an idea as to what is actually going on. Its even more important to test free thyroid hormone levels if you no longer have a thyroid gland. Potassium iodide (KI) is a type of iodine that is not radioactive and can be used to help block one type of radioactive material, radioactive iodine (I-131), from being absorbed by the thyroid. and my being a nurse, Im researching and learning all I can. It turns out, which should come as no surprise, that medications are not a 100% complete substitute for the activity that your thyroid gland does on a day-to-day basis. Your thyroid gland absorbs nearly all of the iodine in your body. If so, what are you struggling with? A high uptake of radioactive iodine suggests Graves' disease. Also learn more about our which will minimize the contamination in your home's isolation room. Endocrine Today | A 25-year-old woman was referred for radioactive iodine remnant ablation for multifocal micropapillary thyroid carcinoma. Is this normal? The entire goal of the procedure is to put radioactive iodine molecules into your body with the sole purpose of destroying your thyroid gland. I expect to be back to probably about 60 to maybe 70% and that is pushing it. This is usually put into pill form for patients to ingest. I know, I know, I shouldnt be so vain. I would recommend touching base with your doctor to see if its related to your procedure or if its caused by something else. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism presented themselves very quickly and I was very sick when I had the ablation. Flush the toilet two times after each use. It can be an iodine-based material, barium-s ulfate, gadolinium, or saline and air mixture that can be swallowed or injected intravenously. Now that you are considered to be hypothyroid there is a world of potential therapies, supplements, regimens, and protocols that are available to you. Can You Get Everything Your Thyroid Needs From Food? Fortunately, most patients experience reduced symptoms about a month after treatment. Eat breakfast. They also found that nearly 1 third of all patients (31.2%) moved into the overweight or obese category from a lower weight category (based on BMI charts by the CDC). The thyroid gland is the only tissue in the body that takes up and holds onto iodine. can i color my hair after radioactive iodine. I am in the military, stationed in Fl. Iodine is a mineral that your thyroid uses to create thyroid hormone. I have tried everything and it is frustrating. I used to be bubbly, and interactive with people. However, all of these symptoms are also part of the menopause for which I now take HRT. Should you expect to live a normal life afterward? Many people undergo radioactive iodine treatment (RAI) without really understanding what is happening in their bodies. 5. I had RAI back in 2010 For Thyroid nodules And I have been on hormone replacement ever since I get my blood tested every 3 months And Im either too high or too low So I keep getting switched from a 112 To a dose of 125 This is been going on for several year several years so now my doctor has me switch every other day Between the 2 doses to see if this will stabilize my levels My problem is the weight gain That came after the RAI treatment treatment.. Its definitely possible it just takes more time and the weight loss is slower. The amount If you fit into this category then you may not need to use thyroid medication afterward. That may not be the best decision, but I was becoming very depressed. RAI is a form of radioactive nuclear medication that permanently destroys thyroid tissue. It was not and I have been searching for help ever since. This particular visit, my HA1C was up to 6 point something, and caused alarm as I am strict with my diet, admit though at that time I allowed myself a free day to eat as much and all the treats I wanted or craved. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism cause intolerance to heat and cold respectively, so that isnt uncommon but what is uncommon is to experience those symptoms after RAI. After reading all the comments I feel worried about the side effects.I saw in the report that they give me I-131 15mcl for hyperthyroidism. So I stopped going. Instead of working to actively reduce thyroid function in your body (which is what the treatment for hyperthyroidism is), you may want to start focusing on how to optimize what little thyroid function you have left. Use disposable dishes and place them in a specially marked plastic bag for disposal. Iodine is found naturally in some foods and is also added to salt that is labeled as "iodized". In your case, these would be best: https://www.restartmed.com/product/thyroidectomy-rai-bundle/. You may also experience nausea and vomiting, as well as a decrease in appetite. For this reason, its ideal to try and lose weight prior to the procedure as opposed to after. 240-760-6600. Its normal in the sense that ALL post RAI patients will become hypothyroid but abnormal in the sense that you should NOT feel poorly if you are treated properly. This comes in the form of a simple hormone medication that you can take each and every day to help normalize your thyroid hormone levels. Get my free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here. But my surgeon palpated three nodules and pathology report confirmed PTC, so a completion surgery was scheduled and performed this past April, and that lobe also showed cancer nodules on pathology report as well as some tissue purposely left because some cancer nodules had invaded my vocal chords. Restoring your metabolism will have more to do with your dose of thyroid medication than anything else. You are very welcome, I hope you find the information helpful! I ordered the dutch test so have those results but I cannot read it and I am not sure what it all means. depression, brain fog and other symptoms for years now. In regards to your question, its normal to feel terrible if your TSH is so high, but its not normal for your doctor to try and not optimize this level.
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